Another Hospital Stay

Chapter 39

"Hey, Alex, how'd it go with your mom," Ana asks me later that day when Ray and I met up with the rest of the crew later that day.

"Great! I can't believe I actually saw her again," I reply excitedly, holding onto Ray.

"Dude, she looks exactly like her mom," Ray says randomly. "And I mean exactly alike. I'm talking about, if they weren't mother and daughter, they'd be like twins or something."

"Dude, we get the point," Gerard says, rolling his eyes. "So, are we ready for the show tonight? Remember that this'll be our last one before we hit Europe for a month."

"Damn, I can't believe how quickly this year has gone for us," Frank says from where he was lying down on a couch in the tour bus.

"I know. Seems like just yesterday we were at the record release party," Mikey agreed, pulling out his iPod.

"Well, seems like this group is going to be getting a show," Gerard comments after he checked a message on his phone.

"What are you talking about, Way?" Bob asks, finally starting to talk more.

"Seems like our friends, McCracken and crew, are in town and are going to be coming to the show tonight," Gerard explains.

"McCracken? As in, Bert McCracken?" Ana asks, suddenly looking more alert.

"Yes, as in Bert McCracken," Gerard replies, smiling. "Why?"

"I thought you guys had a fall out or something of the sort," Ana says, starting to turn a light shade of pink.

"We did? I never heard of it," Gerard replies. "Where'd you hear that from?"

"It was all over the place for awhile. Magazines, music web sites, and some news that come on TV," Ana explained.

"Well, everything you hear on TV isn't real, you know that, right?"

"It's not my fault I'm gullible."

"Don't worry. But, no, we're as cool as ever. Now, who's hungry?" he asks, looking around the room, as if trying to change the subject.

"I am," Mikey answered, sitting down on the couch.

"Mikey, you're always hungry," Frank remarked, earning him a glare from Mikey.

"I have a high metabolism," Mikey retorted, sticking his tongue out.

"Uh huh, sure you do. Hey, Frank, what happened with Leena," Ray asks, leaning against me.

"Umm…I don't even know anymore. Girls confuse me," Frank replies, waving a hand.

"Not all girls. You know, if you actually pay attention to the body language, you get to know a lot about a girl," I reply, grinning.

"Oh, really? And how am I supposed to do that? Ignore what she's saying just to see all the movements she makes? Don't you think she'll get weirded out by my doing that?" he asks.

"Not if you learn how to double task," I reply, raising an eyebrow.

"Asking that in a guy is asking the impossible, especially if you're asking Frank to do it," Bob says, laughing.

"Shut up, little drummer boy," Frank says, throwing something at him.

"Hey, I was wondering what happened to my drumstick. I've been looking everywhere for this," Bob says, holding up the stick Frank had just thrown at him. "I should have known it was you who took it, you little thief."

"Shut up! I'm not a thief. And I was just borrowing it."

"You were borrowing it?"

"Yeah, borrowing it, but with every intention of bringing it back."

"Uh huh, sure you were. Now, don't get near my stuff again, got it, Frodo Baggins?"

"Okay, one: Frank, you've watched Pirates of the Caribbean too many times. And two: Bob, I think we need to separate you from your Lord of the Rings," Ray says, stepping in between the two of them.

"I agree with Ray on that one," Gerard says.

"Ditto," Mikey adds.