Status: Finished.

An Untold Love


Well today was pretty much a normal day, and now Lauren was dragging me to the mall for a 'much needed shopping trip'.
"I don't understand why we had to run to the mall..."
"Ever since you started dating Matt you haven't been acting the same, and I want my best friend back."
Truth be told, I hadn't told Lauren about the Jonas Brothers or winning the contest, or about Nick. I didn't think it would be a good idea.
"Why can't you just accept the fact that we're together?"
"Because Jam, he treats you like shit!"
"NO HE DOESN'T! Alright look, I don't want to fight with you, so let's just forget about it and have fun OK?"
"OK, uh Jam, let's skip Abercrombie, OK?"
"You're kidding right? Why in the world would we do that?"
"Let's just go there later OK?"
"OK sure?" I had no idea what she was up to, but I went with her anyway.

Laurens POV

"So what do you think of this?" I was holding up a sweater in J. Crew for Jamie to see.
"It looks like the sewing machine blew up... ha-ha."
Finally, Jamie was starting to be her normal self again. Ever since her and the demon (Matt) started dating, she's changed so much. I can't really blame her, he treats her horribley. Everything she does is wrong in his eyes, and I've tried to explain this to her, but you know Jamie, she's too stubborn to notice.
"Can we please go to Abercrombie now? I'm going through relapses without the loud music, too much cologne smell and hot guys!"
"Ha-ha, alright let's go." We left the store and we ran into something I had hoped we wouldn't run into. The very reason why I pulled Jamie away from Abercrombie before...

Jamie's POV

So Lauren finally let us go to Abercrombie and when we left J. Crew I saw something that almost made me puke. Matt and his "ex girlfriend" sitting on the bench outside the store. I throat went dry and suddenly The Jonas Brothers' 7:05 ran through my head.
The night after your phone call me and friends were hanging at the mall, I was not believing what I saw.
I looked over at Lauren and she bit her lower lip. This was why she didn't want us going to Abercrombie before!
Holding hands with him and sitting closer then six inches, hope that she's not gunna kiss him now.
I shook my head, maybe I was seeing things. Unfortunately I wasn't. In front of me sat my boyfriend and his ex girlfriend kissing. "MATT?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Jamie, this isn't what it looks like..."
"Oh so you weren't just making out with your so called ex girlfriend in front of me? Um yeah I think you were. If you haven't figured it out by now, we're done. Oh yeah, and you have to watch out for hot chocolate..."
"You never know when it's gonna turn on you." I ripped the cap off my cup and dumped it on his head. I didn't care that it was scalding hot, he deserved it anyways. I grabbed Lauren's hand and pulled her out of the mall.
"OH MY GOD, YOU JUST DUMPED HOT CHOCOLATE ON HIM!" She screamed when we were outside waiting for my mom.
"Yeah I know, he deserved it. Lauren, I can't believe how stupid I am. I always let him hurt me. I thought he changed. I guess Nick was right."
"Nick who?"
"Um, about that, uh, Nick, well uh, Jonas."
"SHH! But yes I do. He got my screen-name in a music chat room and IMed me, then I entered a Jonas Brothers contest and I won so I got to meet him. But like Matt asked me out when I was with him and I told Nick he had hurt me before and Nick told me not to go out with him but I wouldn't listen." At this point I had broken down into tears. It wasn't fair anymore, why did I let Nick go?

still Jamie's POV, back at her house

As soon as I got home from the mall, I ran straight up to my room and locked the door. Right now was going to be a huge cry fest for me and I didn't want anyone interrupting me unless that someone was Nick. I pulled out my cell phone and clicked around until I saw Nick's number. I let out a long sigh and brought my finger to the call button. I clicked call and waited for the ringing. Just my luck, it went straight to voice mail...
"Hey guys, Nick here. If you're a fan, please don't make me change my number again... so yeah, uh leave a message."
"H-hey N-Nick.. it's Jamie. Uhm, I don't know what to say, except, well you were right. About everything... Matt especially. So, uh, if you would call me back I'd really appreciate it. Thanks."
I laid my head back down on my pillow. Just when I closed my eyes, something hit my window...
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