Where's My Happily Ever After?

Sinners From Hell

I hadn't gone to church ever since Edwin had wriggled his way into my otherwise dull life. To tell the truth, it was because I felt tainted and impure. I was lingering with a permanent sinner—a vampire. But now that I'd become one, it got me thinking. God has a plan for all of us, so did He want me to become a demon and be loved, or did His plan for me burn away into the night as my shrieks of pain dissipated and my heart ceased to beat? I didn't know, but surely He couldn't condemn a little girl as sweet as Monique.

I squeezed Edwin's hand reassuringly and smiled up at him as he watched Manny run up to everyone in the main lobby. She tugged on anyone's hand that she could reach and stared up at them through her wide, curious eyes, smiling as she ran her mouth a mile a minute. Suddenly the pastor was pulling her over to me. He had caught her contagious smile and was now wearing a grin that could hardly compare to hers.

"Jade, we haven't seen you in forever," he observed, a hint of his inner struggle shining through. Surely he could tell her was near a family of sinners from Hell. "Is this little bundle of energy yours?"

"Yeah." I smiled sheepishly, my free hand fluttering to my stomach. "And our second is on the way." Edwin's grip on my hand tightened to a deathly deprivation of my circulation when Pastor Todd's eyes glanced down to my form. I sent a pleading glance to my fiancé, but his focus was glued to the Holy man before us. Honestly, how ridiculous could one man be?

"I see that. Well, congratulations. And who is this young man who stole you from us?" Todd joked, glancing uneasily to Edwin. I had no doubt that he was receiving the patented Edwin death stare.

"Kaiser," he said sternly, glancing down disconcertingly at Todd's extended hand and then back up to Todd. Todd cleared his throat, awkwardly dropping his hand to his side. I sighed inwardly. Monique glanced from me to Edwin, a confused look plastered to her face.

"I'm sorry, Todd. Edwin's not much of a talker," I told him apologetically, rolling my eyes.

"It's quite alright, Juliette." He was smiling until his eyes fell to my tummy as I held it with my left hand. "Jade, you don't have—You are married, right?" I bit my lip.

"You know as good as I do that I'm a strong Christian, but... It's a dreadfully long story," I mumbled. Edwin was giving him a shut-the-Hell-up-and-mind-your-own-business look. Pastor Todd furrowed his brow.

"Oh. I do hope you will get around to fixing that soon. Well, I must be getting along. You should, too, and I'll see you at the sermon. It was nice meeting you all."

With that, he departed. Edwin relaxed and lightened up on the death grip he'd had on my poor right hand. I opened my mouth to lecture him, but decided against it as I saw everyone heading for the main chapel. I took Monique's small hand and led her and her father to where everyone was going. As soon as we entered the large double door and walked up the row, all eyes were on us. Monique skipped ahead of us and sat where she pleased. I pulled Eddie to the bench and sat beside Manny. Glancing up, I saw all of the church officials starting at us. Edwin gripped the living daylights out of my hand yet again as he stared each and every one of them down.

"Babe, calm down. Please," I murmured, resting my head on his shoulder. He shook his head, viciously narrowing his eyes at everyone.

We'd probably sat through about half of the service when I suddenly had to stifle a gasp when I felt Edwin's ice-cold hand on my hip, slipping slightly under my blouse. He had somehow slid his hand from my grasp without my noticing and pulled me closer. Monique was watching the pastor speak.

"Edwin!" I hissed. "We are in church!"

"So?" he mumbled against my skin, kissing the bend between my and shoulder. I bit my lip, trying to keep my breaths steady as he nipped my neck. Surely Edwin could feel the eyes boring into us.

The House of the Lord is not the place for foreplay!

"Eddie, please," I begged. "Not now. Don't do this."

I knew what he was trying to do, and it was completely uncalled for. He was trying to show everything that I was his, but the possessive side of his was not something I wanted everyone to see. I knew everyone in that church and he wasn't making a good impression on them.

"I'll do as I'm damn well to," he muttered, crushing his lips to mine. I'd never been so embarrassed in my life. I brought my eyes hands up to his chest, pushing him away and praying he'd get the hint. I was giving up. "Want to leave?" I nodded.

"Manny, Mommy and Daddy are going to step outside. Come get us after the service," I whispered to my baby girl. She nodded inattentively for the preacher had her full concentration.

As we left, I heard Preacher Johnston say, "And love, my friends, is the most sacred thing we have in this world. Love is acceptance and forgiveness. Jesus surely loved us all even as he hung on the cross for us."

Edwin muttered something unintelligible as he yanked me out the door, forcefully slamming it shut behind us.

"What is your problem?" I demanded, voice a soft whisper, scowling at him.

"Jade, that's my kid in there. And you will not speak to me as though you are better than me!" he hissed, lashing out and grabbing my forearm roughly.

"Edwin, what is wrong?" I begged, wincing.

He suddenly had the softest look in his eyes as he placed his hands on my hips and glanced down to my bloated belly.

"I love you so much," he whispered in my ear, holding me tight. Chills went up my spine. I felt something cold and wet on my cheek.

"Oh my God. Eddy, you're crying."