Where's My Happily Ever After?

Dancing In His Tiny Hands

“Good God, your son is a chip off the old block: a diabolical mastermind!”

“A chip off whose block?” Monique asked innocently, bouncing in her seat on the couch cushion.

I smiled before I glanced down at Avery and he met my gaze with cheery eyes and a grin as he pinched my nose. He reminded me of his daddy so much.

“Why, his father, of course.”

I looked to Edwin who only shrugged, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

“He gets his strange noises from his mother,” he commented, smirking. I smacked him, hoping that smile would slide off of his otherwise perfect face. I told him to hush up and I was more than surprised when he actually listened to me.

“How is he a mastermind?” I asked, looking down at the innocent-looking child.

“Oh, honey, didn’t Edwin do the exact same thing when he wanted attention?” Melinda thought out loud, smiling at her son. “I remember how long it took you to break the habit.”

“I was a whiner?” Eddie asked, not sounding so sure. “But you always said I was a gifted angel!”

“Oh, that’s a classic case of parents lying to spare your feelings,” I mumbled, absentmindedly kissing Avery’s nose. I ignored the glare I received in response.

“You were gifted, love,” his mother chuckled, rubbing his back softly. “You were so smart that you picked at our emotions and had us dancing in the palms of your tiny hands. You played us like puppets on strings! And it seems that Junior here picked that up somehow. Have fun with that!”

“What? Is it that bad?” I glared down at my baby, pouting.

“Oh, whenever you two are trying to have some alone time he’ll start bawling until you come in to check on him. The second you leave he’ll just cry again until he has you tied to his strings. Yes, the joys of parenthood!” Clarence sang, shaking his head playfully as he laughed. “That would be karma, Edwin. I’m only sorry Jade has to put up with it!”

“I’ll break him of that habit easily,” Edwin told them confidently. “I won’t run to him when he cries for attention!”

“Easier said than done,” Melinda muttered. “So have you picked a date?”

“For what?” I asked, glancing to Edwin. He didn’t once look at me and his gaze didn’t falter.

“Yes. In a month. We just need to discuss the location.”

“Hold up! Location of what?” I demanded, wriggling out of Edwin’s reach.

“The wedding, darling,” he told me, his voice demanding that I submit to his command. I wouldn’t be a sheep.

“I never said I was marrying you!” I hissed, jumping up from the couch and clutching Avery to my chest. “We never even got engaged!”

“Fine,” Edwin growled, grabbing my forearm roughly and tugging me closer. “Let me see your finger.”

“No way in holy Hell!”

“Jade! I said let me see it!” Edwin rose to his feet and straightened his back. I shrunk away, but forced myself to meet the challenge.

“And I said no!”

I could sense the eyes on us, but I didn’t care. The festering anger in me couldn’t be covered up with any other emotion as Edwin’s eyes became narrow slits. I knew he was mad, but surely he wouldn’t hit me in front of his parents, Monique, and his newborn baby...

Would he?