Where's My Happily Ever After?

A Little Less Shrimp Coctail

"Where's Quinn?" I demanded as I fumbled down the steps, ignoring the many times I nearly fell flat on my face. I stumbled up to Nathan, who rose to his feet and caught me in his arms just in time. He helped stabilize me.

"That's why I'm here." Nathan looked even paler than usual and his usually vibrant golden eyes had darkened to a sickly ash color. "She's in the hospital. I--"

"What?" I interrupted, shoving him away from me. He tripped and fell onto the couch. "What happened? Nathaniel, just tell me already!"

"You're not exactly giving him the chance to speak, Juliette." Edwin sounded a bit cold, yet sassy.

"Don't you start getting formal with me, kind sir," I snapped, returning my focus to Nathaniel. He looked very shaken up and his hands were trembling as he clasped them in his lap. His gaze remained on his fidgeting fingers. "What happened to Quinn?"

"Well, we were rearranging the house, so I was working on the lower floor. Quinn said she wanted to work on the baby's room. Like I said, I was working downstairs. I had just finished moving the couch when I heard a loud crash, like the shatter of glass. Then she screamed. I ran up to go see what was wrong, and there was this man in a black trench coat in there. I thought he was just some insane human, but he was holding Quinn up by the arm, and she was limp. Her eyes were closed, and the back of her head... It was covered in blood. I ran to go deck the motherfucker, but he jumped out the window. Quinn just kept muttering incoherent thoughts to me. She even started asking me what kind of appetizers I wanted at our wedding, and that she can't have shrimp because it makes her break out in hives."

"How is she doing?" I begged, terrified. I did remember once in high school when she had eaten her first shrimp...

Never have I seen such a sight! I remember her pushing past me and darting to the bathroom shrieking, "My face! My glorious face!" Those days seemed so long ago, and yet it had only been a few years. So much had changed.

I almost missed my horrible human life. All of the twists and turns of those years seemed almost harmless compared to my vampire trifles.

"She's in a coma right now, Jade. The doctors are sugarcoating the answers to all of my questions. I was just about to head back there, but I figured Quinn would want her best friend by her side right now. I'm sure it would mean the world to her."

"Edwin," I started, sending him a pleading glance. I could still see a trace of the festering anger he held in my honor, but he nodded minutely before darting up to the bedroom. He returned seconds later with Avery and my coat. He slipped it on me gingerly before handing me the baby. Monique grasped my free hand after I had settled the baby on my hip. Edwin slung his arm affectionately around Nathaniel's shoulders and we all headed to our cars.

Edwin actually let me drive as he kept Nathaniel company. I only hoped Quinn would be okay.

If not, three lives would be lost that day...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, readers: I hope you're all ready for a new look at things! In the next chapter or so (I'm not sure how many chapters this will be) we'll be going into Jade's old life a bit more. Back in high school, things were so normal and routine, but Jade and Quinn managed to have fun any way! As I said before, these next few chapters will focus on this and it will be from Quinn's point of view as she is the one dreaming these things in her coma. I hope you enjoy it!