Where's My Happily Ever After?

Sloppy Seconds

Jade’s P.O.V.

“Quinn? Quinn, please wake up! Please! I’m begging you! I can’t lose you! Quinn...just wake up...” I sobbed, collapsed in the chair that I had put beside her bed.

We had been there for an hour now, and my friend still refused to wake up. Nathaniel was sitting in the chair in the corner, keeping his gaze on the hospital floor. Edwin was sitting on the floor with his back to his wall as he held our baby. Monique was sitting quietly beside him.

The nurse came in and did whatever her job entailed her to do before leaving quietly, offering all of us a sympathetic smile. I ignored her as I watched over my best friend, begging her to wake up.

“How is she doing?”

I jumped in my skin and turned my attention to the doorway. A young man stood there, smiling softly. I saw Monique staring curiously at him, while Edwin was tense. Nathaniel kept his gaze on Quinn, a sad look on his face.

“Jade, please. How is Quinn?” he asked again, stepping forward. It had been so long since I’d seen him.

“Oh, blimey,” I murmured, staring in disbelief. He smiled sheepishly, stepping up to me and glancing over at Quinn.

“You haven’t changed one bit, I see.”

“No, and I never will.”

“I’m starting to believe that.”

He still had the same short, spiky blond hair and hazel eyes that shone with a light I would never understand. He had a certain charm about him that I had noticed the instant Quinn had introduced us at Emma’s seventeenth birthday party. He hadn’t grown much, but he was still much taller than I as he stood at six-foot-eight and still managed to fill out his sexy skinny jeans perfectly. As far as skin tone went, he still held his typical pale complexion. I wondered if he had darted into the hospital, hissing at the rays of sunlight beating down on him. I laughed a little.

“You haven’t changed since high school either, Jasper.” A small smile formed on my lips as I took in the sight. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“You still look as lovely as ever,” he commented, taking my hand gingerly and kissing it. I blushed and opened my mouth to tell him he looked nice, too, but I was suddenly pushed back by a hormonal vampire.

“That’s enough!” Edwin hissed, glowering at our company.

“Edwin! Calm down!” I demanded, pushing past him to get in between the two.

“Jade, who’s the ass?” Jasper asked apathetically, a smirk plastered to his flawless face.

“I’m her fiancé, dickhead,” Edwin growled, shoving me out of the way. I sighed and glanced to Monique. She was holding on to her baby brother tightly as she watched us, confused.

“Oh? Well I was her first choice, Eddie.” There was a sneer is his silky voice.

“Wait, how do you know Edwin?” I asked Jasper, looking up at him with a baffled look scrawled on my face. The way he had nicknamed Edwin made it seem like the two were close friends. He smiled, throwing his arm casually around my shoulder.

“Oh, I don’t. All I know is that he got my sloppy seconds,” he smirked, hugging me quickly.

“Jay...” I sighed, muttering mindless thoughts that meant absolutely nothing.

“Get your filthy hands off of my Jade.” Edwin stepped forward and wrenched me to his side. Jasper reached out and seized my wrist.

“If I don’t?”

Edwin’s face was suddenly twisted up in cruel amusement as a sadistic grin made its way onto his face.

“Then I hope you’ll find a hole in the ground a comfortable place to spend your afterlife.”