Where's My Happily Ever After?

Throw My Heart In The Flames Why Don’t You?

Monique was sitting in front of Quinn’s lit fireplace, tediously poking at it to keep the flames going. We hadn’t spoken ever since she had defended my pompous priest. I could feel silent sadness filling the air around her as it spread to me and Avery. Avery began crying, but I just stared at him blankly. I honestly didn’t care if he ever stopped because my thoughts were elsewhere. Besides, he was always crying for attention.

Monique had surely seen Jasper and I. I couldn’t tell how she was feeling, but I could see that a lot was on her mind. I knew that feeling all too well.

Jasper had been the most meaningful relationship I had ever had. He didn’t pressure me to do anything I wasn’t ready for—aside from the kid thing—and whenever I screwed up he was too busy holding me to even think about rubbing it in my face. He and Edwin were certainly polar opposites.

So why was it getting hard to choose between them?

Because I knew my Eddie was somewhere. I knew that my loving, sweet, adorable Edwin was still alive. And even though he was acting up now, I couldn’t help but wonder if the real Ed was struggling to break away from his cold shell. I didn’t like his tough guy front at all, but there wasn’t much I could do about that was there?

As for Jasper, maybe I’m just romanticizing the past; maybe it wasn’t as wonderful as I remembered. Then again, he certainly had grown up a bit since high school. He still seemed to have some feelings for me, and I wouldn’t deny that I had feelings for him.

When he had dumped me I’d gone into a depression, starving myself and begging to just never wake up again. I’d gotten into my dead-end job eventually, walking blindly through life. Edwin had shown up when I still didn’t care about the world, and he made it worse at first.

But then he made life great. And I dumped him. Everything went downhill for him from there. Yeah, he got me back eventually, but at what cost? He threw me out and I thought we were even, but then Avery came along. Maybe he was being so controlling because he was afraid I’d leave again. But I hadn’t turned cold because he left me.

Had I?

I certainly didn’t think so, but we aren’t good judges of ourselves. Maybe I was really being a wicked harpy: after all, I had kissed Jasper. Surely Edwin would murder me if he found out. But at least then all of my uncertainties would disappear...

“All is good in the world, my Jaded Jewel!” Quinn cried, dropping down beside me on the couch. I could have groaned.

But where was everyone? Only Jasper walked in with her and he was soon sitting on my other side.

“Where’s Nathan and Ed?” I asked her, searching. I caught Monique’s gaze, but she immediately averted her eyes to Jasper. He glanced at her and she looked away quickly, staring at her fire as she prodded it once more.

“Jade, Edwin ran off. He mumbled something about you, then that he needed to get drunk, and finally just took off. Nathan ran after him, surely to knock some sense into that thick skull of his.” Quinn offered a small smile, giggling.

“Why didn’t you go with Nathan, Jay?” I asked Jasper, not entirely buying this story.

“I did, but...” He bit his lip. He looked absolutely tortured. “I thought I should tell you before they tell you and change it up.”

“What happened? What did they do?”

“It’s what Edwin did... Jade...”

“Just spit it out. Did he kiss a man? He went gay on me didn’t he?” I started laughing. “Figures! My worst fantasy coming true!”

“Jade, he...”

The look in his eyes said it all. The laughter immediately left me. I would have dropped Avery to the floor, but Quinn caught him. Monique was gaping. I felt tears streaming quietly down my cheeks. My voice was merely squeaks, but I’m sure he understood every word.

“He cheated on me?”