When Your Own Have Died, When There's No More Pride, When Your Soul Is Frozen, Is That Enough?


I sat on the examination table, knees pressed up to my face as I held my legs up. Raze and Lucian looked as if they were going to cry. They weren't the only ones. Singe had already begun to sob into his hands Raze walked over to him, tears already glistening against his cheeks. He made Singe stand and they exited the room, Raze giving Lucian a nod before they disappeared. The second the left, Lucian's arms wrapped around my tiny frame. "Esmeralda...I don't want to loose you." He whispered, kissing me lightly. I tasted the salt of his tears.

"Who's Sonja?" I asked, wiping the tears from his face. He didn't answer. "Lucian, who is she?" He looked into my eyes and I realized. "Your lover."