Bushels of Bad Habits

Chapter One; Jon's point of view.

It was a normal day, practice with Spencer, Brendon and Ryan. Followed by a shared dinner at some random place that Brendon picked out. We all departed from the group at around nine or so. And, since I live in Chicago, I was staying at Spence's place for the next few months of writing, practice, and recording.

It was the night that was anything but normal.

Once we got to Spencer's, I went to my room to mess around with the bass line I was currently working on. I tuned my wood-finished Fender P and pulled out my tabliture. After a few minutes of practicing though, I stopped. For some reason, Spencer was yelling. And not at me.

"Are you serious?!"

"No, please don't say that!"

"Amy, don't say that!"

"When? How!?"

The yells were accompanied by sobs.

"No...no, Amy, no. It didn't happen."

"Shut up!"

"I'm not in denial!"


The last outburst surprised me. Spencer's mom was fine the last I saw her about a month ago.

"Amy, why?"

"What, no!"

"It didn't happen!"

"She was?!"

"I didn't know why?!"

"You didn't want to worry me!?"

"Well, now look! I didn't even get to say a good-bye, thanks a lot! It's always like you to do that, keep it to yourself and hog it up!"

Spencer must of hung up the phone because it was then I heard it crash into something and then his door slam.

Timidly, I put my bass back onto it's stand and opened my door. It was quiet in the hall-way, the house must of been just as shocked as I was. I swear, even the clocks stopped ticking. My mind decided it would be funny to lapse me as I tried which door opened to Spencer's room. I decided to give a rapping knock on a door across the hall and off to the right.

"Spencer?" I asked in a gentle whisper.

Of course, I got no reply. So, I open the door and it creaked, the first noise the house made, masking any sound from the inside. I was right. Spencer lay on his bed, his face buried in a pillow and the rest of him hidden under his green sheets.

"Spin?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hmm?" Was all I got.

"You okay?"

"Sort of." He rolled over.

I didn't believe him though. His eyes were red and his cheeks were tear-stained. It was Spencer at the worst I've ever seen him. I laid down next to him after a minute of silence and played with his hair, hoping to sooth the sobs that shook him.

"I'm here if you wanna talk." I whispered, not wanting to scare him.

"She did it."


"Apparently M-mom was in a car crash....and the girls, they, they didn't tell me. She d-di-ed-ed an hour ago." His voice cracked as he choked out the dooming words.

"Spence, I'm so sorry." I embraced him.

"Jon, I-I don't believe it. How could the girls not tell me? She even asked for me, she wanted to see me. I swear, they're so selfish, all they think about is themselves. Mom's dying and they hog her, don't even tell me!" The last bit was more of a yell from the whimper he had been speaking in. "What gives them the right to have her and not me?! I never even had a father, and they took mom away from me!"

"Shh, Spin, relax...it's okay." I desperately tried to comfort the sobbing mass that was in my arms.

"She's gone, Jon. She's gone."

"Relax, Spence..." I was at a loss for words, it was the first time I ever had dealt with something of the kind.

"Jon..." He sobbed into my chest. "It's not possible. This has to be a dream."

"It's life Spin. It's cruel, it's cold. I know." I decided to use my right hand to play with his hair as I tried to keep him in a two armed embrace.

The room fell silent, aside from Spencer sobs. And the air grew thick with it as the clocks decided to tick again. I had no clue what to do or say. I had no experience with this before. I just tried to do what my dad did for my mom when we found out my grandmother had died. I was there for him, but didn't know how to play the roll. I even found myself shedding a tear or two for him.

As the night grew old and the sobs grew quiet, I covered both of us up in the green sheets. Spencer's breathing was heavy and deep, through his mouth. I wrapped my arms back around Spin and tried to sleep myself, but the night decided to be restless.
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Chapter two soon....