Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

All I Want for Christmas Is Y O U.

An hour had gone by since Eli left and I was completely bored out of my mind.

Pick it up. It’s mommy on the phone.
Pick it up, you can’t hide..

The annoying voice on my cell reminded me of my mother’s constant ranting. I slid my phone up.

“Hey mom… sorry I haven’t called lately –”

She interrupted me. “Kaitlynn Jae, sometimes I think you’re just too lazy to pick up the phone, but its okay. I still love you. So how’s life?” I bit my lower lip.

“It’s… peachy.” I lied through my teeth.

“Kaitie, I know you’re lying. What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” I felt tears reach my eyes, and my voice became weak. “Just stuff.”

“Awe, baby, don’t cry. Explain it to mommy, that’s why I’m here.” She exclaimed.

“No, it’s nothing, life’s great… really.”

“Oh okay. Well guess what?” Mom sounded sooo enthusiastic.

“What?” I asked in a monotone voice.

“Sean got an offer for a better job in Los Angeles. You’ll love the weather out there, baby. It’s warm, sunny all the time, not as much rain as South Carolina or Ohio.” The offer sounded tempting… but I couldn’t leave.

“Uhh… that’s great, but I-I want to stay here in Malta." I hesitated and waited for my mother to talk.

“Why? Does this involve a boy?” She questioned, the curiosity seeping into her voice.

“I like it here… it’s grown on me. And just a little.”


“Eli, Drake’s friend.” I muttered.

Her voice was full of glee as she exclaimed how wonderful it is to find first love and blah, blah, blah. We ended up talking about everything but Eli for a couple of hours. It was interesting, but well needed.

“Okay… love you too. Bye.” CLICK. I laid my head back on my pillow and looked over to my alarm clock. It was 7:30, I really needed a shower. I went to my closet and pulled out a tank top and shorts. Then went over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of boy shorts. I glanced at my calendar, December seventeenth. Jeez… why did Christmas have to be so far away?

I raced towards mine and Drake’s bathroom and quickly shut the door. I stripped and got under the stream of hot water. It felt good, like all my worries were going down the drain. Quickly I shampooed my hair and washed my body so I wouldn’t use all the hot water. I finished up, dried off, and got dressed before heading back into my room.

After I was back in my room, I remembered something about Drake going over to Eli’s after the game and then coming home. Maybe Eli will come with him. I laughed at myself softly. I was such a stalker. I was dead on my feet and decided I would go to bed. It was eight, already dark and I really needed it. I pulled down the covers, slipped my shorts off, shut the lights off and went to bed.

I was maybe half asleep when I heard something hit my window. I glanced at my alarm clock, it read 9:30. Had I really been laying there that long? I figured it was just a branch and rolled over to go back to sleep. The same noise came again… only louder. I groaned and rolled out of bed.

I walked towards my window, only to find Eli sitting on the thick oak branch.

“Open the window.” He said loud enough for only me to hear him. I slowly opened up the window and lifted up the screen enough for him to come in.

“Wait,” I ran over and locked my door, as Eli swung one leg over the windowsill. “Are you crazy!? Dad will hear you!” I yelled in a whisper. Eli managed to get his six foot three stature in and was soaking wet. “And why are you wet?” Eli shook his head and water flew all over the room.

“Sorry, but it’s raining… and I walked here.” He whispered as he walked towards me.

“You don’t have extra clothes here and I don’t have any sweats you can fit in. Plus…” I trailed off as my eyes wondered onto Eli, who was stripping, in the middle of my room. “What the heck are you doing!?” I exclaimed louder than necessary, shock written all over my face.

“SHH! You don’t want to wake your dad.” Eli said in a mocking tone. “I’m taking off my wet clothes.” Eli took off his t-shirt and wife beater, leaving him in just jeans. “Besides… I DO have extra clothes; they’re under your bed.” He whispered as I flopped back on my bed.

“Wait… when did they get there?” I raised an eyebrow and was taken aback when I noticed Eli was now only in his boxer. (O.O) I felt my breath catch in my throat and heart speed up as I stared at Eli in awe. I knew he had muscles but DAMN! He had such an amazing six-pack and oh my gosh his arms… don’t get me started. I finally got my gaze to his face, and he was smirking and from the looks of it, blushing. I blushed a deep crimson and bit my lip.

“Did you hear a word I just said?”

“Uh… sorry, I kinda zoned out.” Eli rolled his eyes and came closer to the bed. His didn’t stop until he was in front of me.

“I said…” he bent down and grabbed a pair of sweats, “like what you see?” I couldn’t really say anything, so I just nodded my head. Eli laughed and I laid back, wanting this moment to end… ASAP!

“Wow Kaitie, umm… nice uh, nice boy shorts.” Eli held back a laugh, making me look down at myself. ‘CRAP!’ All I had on was the boy shorts and tank top… Wonderful! If I hadn’t looked like a tomato already… I was surely one now.

“Scoot over.”


“Kaitlynn. Jae. Fisher. Scoot over, NOW!” Eli threatened.

“What are you gonna do if I don’t? Elliott. Anthony. Harper!?” Eli smirked. ‘Oh shit’ was all I could think. Eli had thrown his sweats on and was sitting on my bed. He got up on his knees and swung one leg over to my other side, making him straddle me. My eyes widened slightly as Eli leaned down over me.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He whispered in a seductive voice, next to my ear. I giggled a little as he nibbled on my ear. I moved my hands up his abs and chest, to around his neck and pulled his head back over in front of mine. I leaned up and softly kissed his lips, and slowly pulled his head down. It was full of passion, and the kind of kiss that takes your breath away in an instant. Eli slowly pulled away and just looked me in the eyes. Slightly panting, I took my hands from around Eli’s neck and pushed him into a sitting position. I sat up and scooted back a little, giving him some space to breathe. I took deeper breathes to steady my breathing, as did Eli.

“What – exactly – did you – say you were - gonna do?” I asked trying not to laugh. Every vein in my body was pulsing and my heart was accelerating so fast, I thought it’d fly out of my chest. It’s been too long since we’d kissed like that.

“I didn’t,” Eli said after catching his breath. “But… I did want to say, kiss you like there’s no tomorrow, not that that hasn’t already happened.” I giggled a little and leaned forward, pecking Eli’s nose.

“Well maybe that should happen more often.” I teased. Eli stuck his tongue out at me. “But, Christmas is in like a week, what do you want?” I asked changing the subject. Eli leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “you.” IF I wasn’t red from the lack of breathing and my pulse, I was surely scarlet now. I bit my lip and smiled. Eli kissed from my ear, down my cheekbone and finally my lips, placing one small soft kiss on them. He leaned back again and finally sat next to me.

“I love you.” I admitted looking up at him, searching his face for a hint of something. He smiled, but not the smile I was used too. He was silent for the longest time, and it bugged me. Eli took my small hands in his, pulled me onto his lap and kissed my forehead.

“I love you, too, baby. I couldn’t imagine life without you.” I smiled and looked into his eyes. From what little moonlight that was visible threw the clouds and my window, I saw that there was no hint of a lie in them.

“Me neither.” I mumbled slightly over a whisper. Absentmindedly I started twiddling my fingers and laid my head on Eli’s shoulder, my forehead on his neck. I could hear his heart beating. A slow and steady rhythm, soon I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him. Eli let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my hips. I felt him kiss my cheek.

“I love you.” He whispered in my ear, his breath slightly tickling my neck.

“I love you, too.” I mumbled and kissed the hollow of his neck, before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Eli’s POV

I’m sure everyone is wondering about what’s been happening with my mom and I. We’ve been fighting and she’s been going to the bars every night and getting drunk. So I’ve been holding down the house, taking care of her and trying to keep everything together. I’m dealing with basketball and trying to get stuff done for college plus on top of that I have to work so much. Not to mention I’m messing everything up with the woman I love. I mean I have barely talked to her in the past two weeks and she doesn’t exactly have anyone but ME to turn to. She and Akalia are friends, but she always comes to me… not her.

I missed Kaitie, her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her voice, the way she bit her lip when she was nervous… hell I missed every little thing about her. But what I missed the most was holding her in my arms, knowing she was safe from harm. And now, I’m in her room, with her asleep in my arms, on my lap. Every word that I had said in the past twenty-four hours to her was true, I loved her more than she knew and I can’t see myself going a day without her.

Now that she was asleep, I could go to sleep, or watch her. She always looked so peaceful sleeping. If I stayed, I was sure Colton would get even more suspicious than before and ground Kaitie. I’m sure he won’t mind… too much. UGH!! I THINK TOO MUCH!!!!!!!

“Humph” I shook my head lightly and pulled Kaitie into my chest more. I thought it was funny because all she had on was a tank top and boy shorts, which is hot I might add. She had killer legs and well, let’s just say I’m being a perv. ;) I just wish I didn’t have to go to college in August.

“Why does life have to be so complicated?” I thought out loud. Kaitie moved a little and nuzzled her face into my neck. I don’t want to miss her, I don’t want to miss THIS. I just want to hold her close and never let go. Why’d I have to get so attached?!

“Just forget about that and go to sleep.” I muttered to myself as I placed Kaitie on her bed and crawled in next to her. She instantly rolled over and placed her head on my chest, along with one of her hands on my chest. I was glad I was only going an hour and a half away. But I’d still miss her too much. WHY!?
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's chapter 9!
I'm going to my sister's house in Cleveland tomorrow until Thursday... and then I'm in Columbus until Sunday. =) yay for family events. lol.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. i have like four and a half pages to type... then I'm on the whole type as I go. lol. BUT... i have the plot line. =)

comment, message me, subscribe if you haven't. =)
