Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Promise Me You'll Always Be Mine.

“Wake up, Kaitie! Come on, wake up… it’s CHRISTMAS!” I groaned and threw the covers over my head.

“Five more minutes, PLEASE!” I begged.

“Nope.” Drake flopped on my bed and I cursed under my breath.

“Drake you have five-”

“Eli’s here!” He interrupted. The covers flew off faster than ever and I shot up straightly.

“Really?” Drake nodded his head. “If you’re lying, you better hope and PRAY I don’t get a hold of my father’s tazzer.” I heard Drake gulp I held back a snicker. He punched my arm. “OW!”

“HA! Hurry up, Colton’s already up.” Drake picked my throw pillow and got up. “Later, loser.” He threw me the pillow. Hurriedly, I jumped out of bed, hopped in the shower and ran to my room. I ran to my closet, picking out my NYPD long sleeve shirt and blue jeans.

I walked downstairs into the living room to see the smiling faces of Autumn, Dad, Drake… “ELI!” Eli was standing next to drake, he spun around and held his arms out as I ran towards him. I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. Autumn laughed at my childish antics.

“Hey baby! Merry Christmas.” Eli kissed me gently and set me down.

“Merry Christmas.”

We all sat down and decided to open presents. After about a half an hour, all the presents were open. Dad and Autumn got me some new jeans, nice dress shirts, green converses, iTunes gift card and a couple tank tops. Drake got me some All-American Rejects posters and a new CD. I thanked them and hauled my stuff upstairs, Eli followed. When we reached my room, I placed my stuff on the foot of the bed and turned to face Eli. He was smiling; I smiled back, [as if I had a choice, I can’t NOT smile when he does. It’s just addictive.] And stood on my tiptoes. Eli kissed my nose and snaked an arm around my waist while his other hand went into his pocket. He pulled out a black box.

“Eli, what’s-” I was cut off by his finger on my lips. I fell onto my heels and huffed. Eli chuckled and took his finger off my lips.

“Kaitie, I love you, so much more than you realize. I have to make sure I’ll always have you.” I raised an eyebrow. ‘He’s not purposing is he?’ Was the only thought going threw my mind. Eli opened the box, relieving a heart shaped ring. My mouth dropped open.

“Oh my god.” I breathed, looking into his eyes.

“Promise me you’ll always be mine? Even when I’m at school?” Eli pulled the ring out of the box and pointed at the inside. It was inscribed with the words, ‘I love you.’ Tears filled my eyes and I nodded my head.

“I promise.” He slid the ring onto my left ring finger and kissed my forehead.

“Eli, I have something for you. It’s not like the ring… but remember, I don’t have a job and you wouldn’t specify on what you wanted.” I laughed slightly as I reached under my bed for the bag. I headed it to him.


“No Problem.” He grabbed the tissue paper from on the top and threw it at me. I stuck my tongue out at him as I folded it back up. Next he pulled out a frame. The frame was rectangular, silver with the words ‘I love you’ carved out. A picture of Eli and I from Thanksgiving was in the frame. Eli looked at me and smiled.

“There’s more.” Eli raised an eyebrow and reached into the bag, pulling out two single CD cases. Eli eyed them suspiciously.

“iTunes loves me at the minute.” Eli was still dumbfounded. “The first one is a mixed CD. And the other one is a DVD.” I stated, slightly annoyed. A small smile grew across his face. I smiled back and sat down.

Admiring the ring, I laid back on my bed. It was amazing how he’d got me a ring, and all I did was make him a mixed CD and the DVD was a special surprise. I felt the bed shift to my left and felt an arm on my stomach. Eli laid his head next to mine.

“Like the ring?” He asked.

“Like it? More like love it!” I breathed. “But why a promise ring?” I turned my head to look at him. Eli took a slow deep breath. He turned and faced me.

“Because I love you, and I don’t ever wanna lose you.” I searched his eyes, there were just a swirl of ocean blue and white with some black to me. There seemed to be nothing in them. Blank. I nodded my head.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I promised. Eli grinned and kissed my forehead. We laid like that for awhile, just being close to him made me feel better, and it’s not like we had anything to do. Eli’s mom left him here while she went to visit his dad and then her sister in Cleveland. So Eli was at my house until we went back to school in two weeks.

I thought everything was going to be great this break… but I never dreamed of how off I’d be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter sucks. =( It's sorta a filler... but it's definitely important.


Comment, subscribe if you haven't and then criticism is DEFINITELY welcome..
unless you're telling me that my story is too much like Twilight... I already know that.


peace love. <3
