Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Music Telling Me Something?

*Kaitie's POV

It was New Year’s Eve, PARTY TIME! Dad and Autumn were in Columbus for the night, so Drake, Eli and I decided to go to Zek’s party.

I had just put my new white shirt on when Eli came barging into my room.

“You do know that there is a thing called knocking?” I asked as I turned to face him.

“You look hot, gotta date tonight?” He smirked, and I blushed lightly.

“Thanks for changing the subject...” I rolled my eyes. “…though I totally have a hot date. He’s about six three, brown hair, blue eyes…absolutely handsome. Have you seen him?” I asked as I stalked towards him. Eli grabbed the belt loop on either side of my jeans and pulled me into him.

“Pretty sure he’s standing in front of you.” He kissed my nose and let go of my jeans. I pushed him aside.

“DRAKE!!!! MY DATE!” I giggled as I ran over to my step-brother and hugged him.

“Haha Kaitie, very funny. I’m your brother, not your date.” He pried my arms off his waist and headed towards his room again.

“Awe…Drakey-Pooh, don’t be like that.” I exclaimed through laughter. I turned back towards my room and saw Eli, whose face was slightly red. “Baby…” I cooed as I walked back towards him. “I was only joking. You know you’re the only guy I’d have as my date.” Eli nodded and then busted out laughing, pointing towards Drake’s room. I spun around and saw a horrified look on Drake’s face. I covered my mouth to hide the laughter.

“You’re DEAD chica!” He yelled at me. I placed my hands on my hips.

“And why the hell am I dead?”

“You stuck my mother’s THONG in my dresser!” Drake held up a black lacey thong.

My jaw dropped. “No… that’s mine! And NO I didn’t put it in your room!” I yelled as I ran to grab them from him.

“AH!” Drake threw then at me and Eli laughed even harder, tears were coming from his eyes. I turned to face him, glaring as I did.

“Why were my thongs in his dresser?” I asked threw clenched teeth.

“It-it-it was j-just too funny.” He blurted. I rolled my eyes, shoved my way past him and went into my room. Boys are SO immature.

After everyone was calmed down and my underwear was in the right place, we all piled into my truck. [Ford F-250 Super Duty Extended Cab]

“Kaitie, why didn’t you tell me your stereo sucked?” Drake asked as Eli turned the knob to find a good station.

“First of all…”I hung a left, “…its Colton’s stereo, not mine. Second, it suites me just fine…well as long as I have a CD in or 102 isn’t playing something sucky.” I drove the rest of the way up the long dirt road that led to Zek’s fairly large house. I kept fighting back the feeling in my gut that was telling me something was going to go wrong tonight.

“Ready to party, babe?” Eli asked as I parked. I looked over at him and smiled half heartedly.

“Sure.” I cut the engine and took the keys out of the ignition. I stared out the windshield and just zoned out.

“Kaitie,” I felt Eli’s lips on my ear. I snapped out of my daze and turned my head towards him.

“Huh?” Eli grabbed my hands from the steering wheel and held them.

“Babe, are you okay? What’s wrong?” I looked down at our hands and watched how the light gleamed off my ring. “Babe?”

“Yeah…” I looked back at his face, “…just peachy.” Eli let go of one of my hands and placed his on my cheek.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked again, only softer than before.

“I just…” I sighed, “I just have a bad feeling about tonight. Like something will happen to, well US.” I saw the look of horror and disbelief cross his face. Eli straightened his facial expression to a small smile.

“Kate, nothing will happen to us. We’ll both walk out of there the same way we walked in, in love and TOGETHER.” He pulled my head towards his and kissed my forehead. “I promise.”

“Okay, let’s go and ‘party’ then.” Eli dropped his hands and hopped out of the truck. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I couldn’t shake the feeling of him or I doing something horrible go. Eli grabbed my hand as I reached where he was standing, and drug me into Zek’s house.

The speaker’s were blaring Panic At The Disco’s ‘I Write Sins, Not Tragedies.’ All of Drake and Eli’s friends were in the living room and dinning room, along with the basketball teams, wrestlers and cheerleaders. Yay me. [Note the sarcasm.]

Eli tugged me towards all the wrestlers and all eyes were on…me. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at a glowing Eli. HE was glad that I was finally meeting the rest of his pervy friends. I looked over and saw some of them were whispering and snickering. Did I mention them eying me?! This just made me even more self-conscious to meet them.

Eli stopped and pulled me in front of him. He put his hands on my hips and some of them looked envious. Honestly, do these guys not get enough action from the damn cheerleaders that they need to practically undress me with their eyes?! Stupid boys.

“Guys, this is Kaitie. Kaitie, this is Seth, Matt, Aaron, Adam Jake and Luke.”

“Hi.” Was all I could manage? Jeez… I really hate these guys already.

“She doesn’t talk much does she?” The one I thought to be Matt said.

“Jeez E, we thought you’d get a girl who’s out going… not all freaking shy.” Jake, I’m guessing Jake, scuffed and looked me over. I bit my lip again and looked down at my hands.

“Jake, leave her alone. She’s just not used to being around that many guys, or being at parties. Better yet, she’s shy around assholes.” Eli retorted.

“She’s not shy around YOU!” Jake snapped.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Eli spat. Jake leaned forward, his hands in fists.

“Save it for later! Jesus Christ you guys act my freaking mother.” I pulled Eli’s hands off me and stormed over to where Drake was standing with Zek.

“Jeez Kate, who pissed you off this time?” Zek asked as I took Drake’s Bud and chugged about half of it.

“Give you two guesses.” Drake laughed.

“Eli and Jake are acting like a bunch of pissed off ten-year-olds.” I handed Drake back his Bud. “Zek?”


“Got any Smirnoff?”

“Jeez Kate… why don’t I just give you a friggin bottle of Jack and let you drive”

“Haha! I’m not drinking that much. I still have to drive home later. One Smirnoff won’t harm anyone.” Zek rolled his eyes.

“On the back porch, Kate”


I made my way to the back porch and walked straight to the bucket of ice that held my favorite alcoholic beverage. I grabbed the Smirnoff and took the cap off. The ice cold liquid felt good as it ran down my throat. I walked back over to Drake and laid my head on his shoulder.

“You okay, Kate?” He asked as He put his arm around my shoulders.

“Yeah, I guess… I just don’t know. I just have this feeling that something bad is going to happen.” I confessed.

“Kate, I don’t think anything bad will happen. Quit worrying and go talk to Eli. Looks like one of the cheerleaders is getting friendlier than usual.” I rolled my eyes and walked over to Eli and Mindy. She was wearing an all too short mini skirt with a very reviling tank top that had a half jacket over it.

“You know Eli, we should uh go upstairs later.” She said in a seductive voice. Oh that Bish don’t know what she just got herself into.

“Mindy, I’m dating Kaitie.”

“So –”

“MINDY! How are you?” I said with a huge fake smile and with as much fake enthusiasm as I could muster.

“OH! Hey, Kaitie!” She said just as fake as I had.

“Yeah, be a doll and back the hell off my boyfriend. If I EVER hear what you just said come outta your mouth and it’s directed towards him again… don’t hesitate to think I won’t kick your ass, because I will.” Her jaw dropped and every eye in a five foot radius was looking at us.

“Whatever Kaitie, I’d be careful not to drink too many of those. Never know what’ll happen.” Mindy spun on her heel and walked off.

“DAYYYYUMM Kate!” Seth said as I turned to Eli.

“Kaitie, I was taking care of it.” Eli snapped.

“UGH! Well excuse me for being defensive when it comes to my boyfriend!” I shot back rolling my eyes.

“Do you honestly not think I can yield off Mindy?” He asked raising his voice.

“Yes, I think you can! But I don’t trust that FUCKING SLUT!” I yelled. “Yah know what? Have fun, because I’m leaving.” I threshed my almost full Smirnoff bottle into his chest and stormed out to my truck. I stuck the key in the ignition and started her up.

As I waited for the truck to warm up enough to drive, stupid ass diesel, Eli came out and knocked on my window. I rolled it down and just waited for him to talk.

“Kaitie, what the hell is your problem!?”

I huffed. “I don’t know, my boyfriend is getting asked if he wants to have sex with a slut and his defense SUCKS!” I was pissed as it was and he wasn’t making it any better.

“Are you kidding me?” He yelled throwing his hands in the air. “Do you seriously think I’d do anything with her!? Kaitie, I LOVE YOU! I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you!” I closed my eyes and faced my steering wheel again.

“I hate it when you’re right.” I muttered turning the truck off. I heard Eli open the door.

“Baby, come here.” I opened my eyes and turned to get out of the truck. Eli stood there with his arms open for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stepped out. Eli held me around my waist and held me off the ground.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered against the back of my neck. “I love you.”

Eli softly kissed my neck, “I love you, too.” We loosened our grip on each other and I slowly dropped to the gravel.

“Come on; let’s get back in there before they think we’re up to something.” I nodded my head and pushed Eli back enough to shut my truck door.

We walked back into the house and over to his friends. Seth was smiling like an idiot. Obviously he was impressed with my actions towards Mindy.

“So Kaitie…” Seth started, “…that’s quite a mouth you got. How old are you anyway?” Seth raised an eyebrow.

“Old enough.” I replied coldly.

“Kaitie should put her mouth to better use.” Jake laughed along with Eli and Aaron. I backhanded Eli’s chest and walked over to Drake. He had an apologetic look on his face and an arm open for me. I smiled a little and went to his side.

“Kaitie, you should just hang out with me.” Drake said before taking another swig of his beer. Three guys I’d never seen before came up to Drake and I and looked at us funny.

“Drake…who’s his?” A tall, lankier version of Eli asked.

“Alex, this is Kaitie Fisher, my step sister.” Alex was a tall guy, a little taller than Eli. He had light brown hair that was cut into a skater’s shag, emerald green eyes that put Eli’s to shame and the bottom left corner of his lip pierced.

“Hey, nice to meet you.” I replied shaking his hand. Something about this guy made me feel comfortable.

“Like wise.” He smiled and dropped my hand. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw him do so, he had a great smile.

“Kaitie, this is Alex Kahne, and Brendon and Bradley Parsons.”

“Hey.” Brendon and Bradley said at the same time. They were twins. Both had short, messy dirty blond hair, blue eyes and very tall. Brendon was pudgier than Bradley and wore glasses.

“Nice to meet you guys too.” I said as I shook their hands. “Drake, why haven’t I met these guys before?” I looked up at his face and it was a little hard to read.

“Kaitie,” He took another sip of his beer. “Eli doesn’t like them and it’s not like you have a minute without him anymore.” Drake sighed and I rolled my eyes. Alex, Brendon and Bradley looked from me to the living room where Eli was and back to me.

“So you’re Eli’s girlfriend?” Brendon asked as I looked back at him and Alex.

“Yep.” I popped the p and nodded my head, my smile fading.

“You don’t act so happy about that.” Bradley pointed out, smug look on his and Brendon’s faces.

“If you were a girl and had been through the things we have, you’d understand.” I commented, my voice softer than intended. Alex looked at me and looked as if he were studying me. As if he were trying to figure something out.

The five of us stood there and talked for about two hours, mostly about how creepy it was for twins to talk at the same time. Finally Drake decided to get another beer and sent me after it.

It was colder than usual that day and as the sun had gone down, it got a hell of a lot colder. I crossed my arms over my chest and grabbed the Bud quickly.

As I was walking back into the house, I ran into Eli and Jake, trashed nonetheless.

“Oh hey baby!” Eli slurred trying to hug me. I slid out of his grasp and crinkled my nose as I smelled the alcohol pour off him.

“How much have you had?” I asked, freaking pissed that he had done this.

“About three…plus ten.” He laughed. Eli managed to grab a hold of me and he placed his lips on mine. I pushed him off me as Jake laughed.

‘UGH! Don’t talk to me!” I yelled before pushing past him. I handed the beer to Drake as I reached him in the dinning room.

“Well, Eli’s trashed.” I said in a monotone voice. Bradley snorted and Brendon raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not going to keep an eye on him?” Brendon asked and I shook my head no.

“He’ll probably pass out before anything else. He won’t last past twelve at this rate.” He nodded once and dropped the subject. Alex sent me an apologetic smile, even though he didn’t do anything and I smiled half heartedly back.

“Kaitie, don’t let him be a kill-joy.” Drake said as I took another drink of my water. I slowly nodded and focused on the music.

I found a note with another name.
You blow a kiss but it just don't feel the same.
Cause I can feel that you're gone

Simple Plan’s ‘Love is a Lie’ rang through the house and I inwardly groaned. Was the music trying to tell me something?! I hate parties sometimes.

I shifted my weight to my left foot to face Drake, and instantly had to use the restroom. But that’s the price you pay for drinking almost five bottles of water in the matter of two hours.

“I’ll be back.” I stated getting up. Alex, Bradley and Brendon nodded and Drake waved his beer. I walked out into the hallway and was stopped halfway by Seth.

“Kaitie!” He said with a huge smile. “Let me take you upstairs to the other one.” HE offered spinning me around. I ducked under his arm.

“Uh no. The doors open and I doubt anyone is in there.” I spun around and ran to the bathroom door. As I came to a stop, I saw the most horrifying scene a teenage girl could see…
♠ ♠ ♠

I said that I had to start writing again.. and well really early this morning I had one of my brainstorming sessions with my bestie who is just like OH MY GAWD awesome when it comes to like helping me think. lol.

Well by the end of the next chapter you'll hate me I'm sure. =]

Kate's Outfit

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Kate =]