Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Betcha Didn't See That One.

*As I came to a stop, I saw the most horrifying scene a teenage girl could see…

My breath seized, my hand flew over my mouth and a wave of emotions came over me. I was sad, shocked, horrified, and finally, saying I was pissed would have been an understatement.

Eli was standing there, hands all over some chick, freaking playing tonsil hockey half naked.

“How could you!” I yelled, tears flying down my cheeks. “WHY!?” Eli looked up at me and I saw the person he was kissing…Mindy. He took a step towards me as I walked into the bathroom. I pushed Eli into the wall and turned towards Mindy, seeing red.

“Think this was the first time to happen?” I hadn’t noticed that I drew my arm back until I heard the ‘crunch’ of Mindy’s nose bone under my knuckles.

“STUPID BITCH!” I yelled as she fell to the floor.

“Babe,” Eli took a step towards me again and I shook my head.

“Don’t.” I whispered. “I don’t wanna hear it, I HATE YOU! WE’RE THROUGH!” I yelled the last words, anger overbearing me, at Eli and spun around. I ran right into the chest of someone…Alex. I looked up at his face, vision blurred from tears and he put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me to the dining room. I was sobbing, practically in hysterics, and Alex just let me stand there and cry into his chest while he held me close. I barely heard Drake ask me if I was okay over my crying. I calmed down enough to stop sobbing just as quickly as I had started.

“You stupid fucker! I can’t believe you!” I heard Drake yell from the hallway. My head shot up off of Alex’s chest and I looked towards the huge doorway that led from the dining room to the hallway. Tears were falling from my eyes, so all I could manage was everyone huddling into the little space. The sound of pleas and gasps filled my ears.

“DRAKE GET THE HELL OFF HIM!” I heard someone yell. The music had stopped and everything seemed to stop, even time. I turned to face Alex and all I could manage to see was a half smile.

“T-than –” I started but Alex interrupted.

“Don’t thank me, it’s the least I can do, Kate.” I nodded my head and Alex pulled me into his chest even more, if that was even possible. He rubbed my back soothingly until Drake came back over to us.

“Come on, let’s go.” I heard Drake growl after what seemed like forever of waiting.

“Dr-drake, I can’t drive.” I stammered as Alex let go of me and I faced Drake.

“I’ll drive.” Alex stated, making Drake calm down a little. “Gimme the keys, Kaitie.” He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and fished them out of my pocket. Alex slowly took them from my hand and grabbed a hold of my other one, intertwining our fingers. He led me out to the truck and helped me in. I sat in the middle, and just zoned out. I stopped crying, I stopped thinking. All I wanted to do was erase the image of myboyfriend ex-boyfriend out of my mind.

I barely remember Alex helping me into the house, let alone my room and bed. All I really remember is him and Drake talking.

“Thanks again Alex, really. I’m glad you helped. I seriously doubt I’d of been able to do what you did without pissing her off even more.”

“Drake, it was nothing. After dad caught mom, it wasn’t like that, but almost as bad. I helped him, so no biggie. Just tell me how she is tomorrow kay?”

“Mkay, but it might just do her good if someone can come and talk to her. She needs a friend Alex, and you’re the only person I know who she’d might feel comfortable with… I’m not saying go after her, I’m saying she needs friends Alex. You’re the only person I can think of who’d be a good friend. You’re already a great listener; she really needs someone besides me and Colt. Please?” Drake pleaded.

“Okay.” After that, I feel into a dreamless sleep.

I awoke to the faint orange and pink glow of the sun in my window. Laying there felt like the only thing I could do without crying. I didn’t want to remember last night, I didn’t want to remember what great times we had…I wanted to act like we’d never happened. But you don’t always get what you wish for.

I was pulled from my inner discussion by a light knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said sitting up and clearing my throat. The door swung open lightly and Drake and Colton came into my room.

“Hey baby girl.” Dad said lightly as he sat on the edge of my bed.

“Hi daddy.” I said softly. Dad looked at me with understanding eyes and that was all it took. The tears started falling and daddy held out his arms. I practically lunged into him. He wrapped his arms around me and petted my hair.

“Shh…it’s okay baby.” He cooed as I sobbed into his shoulder.

“H-he che-cheated o-on me, daddy.” I sobbed and dad’s hold on me tightened.

“I know baby, I know.”

Drake’s POV

The party was in full swing by nine and everything was going somewhat good. Eli’s buddies on the wrestling team were here and he was hanging out with them. Kaitie didn’t like them one bit, so she hung out with Alex, Brendon, Bradley and I. The guys really seemed to like her. I hate that I didn’t let them met sooner. Honestly I think Alex is a better match for Kaitie than Eli…but that’s not my place to talk.

Bradley and Brendon were making Kaitie laugh more than I’d heard from her in…well I think she laughed more tonight than she has since she moved here. Alex really took a liking to her; he smiled every time she did and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Damn me for introducing her to Eli.

I sighed and asked Kate to get me another beer. She said sure and walked out to the back porch.

“How many have you had?” Bren asked.

“Three…and a half.”

“And a half?” Brad questioned.

I nodded. “Kate chugged half of my first one.” Brad’s mouth made an ‘O’ and Bren rolled his eyes. Alex chuckled softly and shook his head. I raised an eyebrow, but was cut off.

“Well, Eli’s trashed.” Kaitie said in a monotone voice as she handed me my beer. Great, I’m not taking him home. He’s not trying ANYTHING with my baby sister. Yes, I think of her as my baby sister, even if she’s just my step-sister…that’s how I feel. Very overprotective if you will.

After talking for a couple more minutes, Kaitie said she’d be right back and headed towards the bathroom. Every thing was fine until we heard Kaitie yelling. Alex immediately took off towards the bathroom.

“STUPID BITCH!” Damn, who pissed her off? “I HATE YOU! WE’RE THROUGH!” What the hell is going on? Not even a minute later, Alex walked back into the dining room, holding a hysterical Kaitie.

“She okay?” I asked Alex and all he did was shake his head no and point towards the bathroom. I sat my beer down on the table and ran to where I was directed. My jaw dropped and my anger flared. Eli and Mindy were standing there half naked; Eli looking dazed and Mindy covered in blood.

“YOU STUPID FUCKER! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!” Eli looked at me, and I could tell he wasn’t wasted nor was he trashed. He was buzzed; he knew exactly what he was doing. I couldn’t take it. I drew my arm back and ‘BAM!’ Hit Eli in the jaw with a good right hook. He stumbled backwards and managed to come at me, but I ended up throwing him on the floor and pretty much beating the shit outta him.

“I warned you not the hurt her! How many times have you done this to her?” I asked outraged.

“I didn’t mean too. It just sorta happened.” Eli said panting. I sapped him across the face.

“How. Many. Times?” I raised my voice and he swallowed hard.

“The past month, so like 5 times.” He admitted. Another wave of anger flew over me and I hit him over and over again. Colton was gonna kill me when he heard about his.

“DRAKE GET OFF OF HIM!” Zek yelled, pulling me to my feet and senses.

“Piece of shit.” I spat as I walked back over to Kate and Alex. Now I really regret introducing those two.

“Come on, let’s go.” I growled at Alex and Kate while grabbing my coat. Alex agreed to drive since Kate was a little out of it. We were quiet the entire ride home. My knuckles were sore and some were bleeding. I’m going be grounded for awhile.

Alex helped Kaitie into the house and upstairs to her room, I followed. She seemed zombie-ish, like nothing mattered. Alex managed to get her shoes off her and then got her under the covers.

After he was done, we talked quietly in the doorway. I told him he should come back the next day and talk to her. He agreed and I was thankful. Alex is a good guy, the kind of guy I can count on NOT to hurt my sister.

Anyway, Colton and Mom came home around two or so. Mom saw my knuckles and practically threw a fit. Colton just looked at me and asked who I beat the shit outta this time.


“WHAT!?” They shrieked at the same time.

“SHH! Kaitie’s sleeping. Now let me explain before you kill me.” I took a deep breath.” We went to Zek’s party –”

“Were you drinking?” Mom interrupted.

“Do you want me to explain myself or not?” I asked a little irritated.

“Sorry.” She mumbled.

“Anyway,” I took another deep breath. “Eli’s wrestler buddies were there, so Kaitie hung out with Alex, Brendon, Bradley and I. Well, low and behold…Eli’s been cheating on Kaitie for the past month.” I stopped to see their reactions. Mom’s eyes got big and she shook her head. Colton’s face got bright red and one of his hands were in a ball.

“Well, he drank a couple beers and when Kate saw him, he acted like he was trashed and well, Kaitie walked in onto a half naked Eli and Mindy in the bathroom. I think she broke Mindy’s nose, and Eli looked well shocked. And well, let’s just say when I saw that, my brotherly instincts were overdrive. He got everything he deserves, well almost.” Colton gritted his teeth.

“I can’t believe he did that to my baby.”

“Colton, honey, calm down.” Mom cooed placing her hands on his.

“Colton,” He looked up at me. “You told me three moths ago that I was finally meeting my almost step-sister, and I was excited. I loved the idea of having a little sister. Then two months ago, you told me to help take care of her and make sure no guys hurts her. Colton I failed. I let her meet Eli and I let him date her. But mostly, I was the one who didn’t see this sooner. He hurt her. I beat the shit outta him though, so I’ll take whatever punishment you want to give me willingly. It’s worth it.” Colton took my mom’s hands off of his and walked over to me, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Drake, you didn’t fail. None of us saw that one coming. I don’t think we could have prevented this from happening. And don’t think you failed because someone got in there under our noses and did that. She’d learn about heartbreak sooner or later, but I just wish it wasn’t now.” Colton licked lips and smiled. “I’m glad you’re taking responsibility for your actions. But mostly, I’m proud of you stood up for my baby girl when she couldn’t. I love you buddy and I know she does too.” I smiled a little.

“Thank you, Drake, for bringing my baby back home.” Colton pulled me into a hug. “Thank you son.” I hugged Colt back and after a minute, he let go and walked back over to the counter.

“How long am I grounded for?” I asked, curious as to how long I’d be on house arrest.

“Two weeks.” Mom said.

“Kay.” Pretty damn good if you ask me.

After that I went to bed and set my alarm for six-ish. Colton and I agreed to talk to Kaitie in the morning, and figure stuff out.

“Ready?” I asked Colton before knocking on the door.

“Yep.” I knocked and Kaitie told us to come in. We did and all Colton and her got out was ‘Hi’ before she was crying. She stuttered ‘He cheated on me, daddy.’ I could tell Colton was on the verge of tears, too.

“I know baby, I know.” He muttered into her hair. I’d never seen a more heart breaking view in my seventeen years, and I prayed to god that I didn’t have to see it again. Especially if it was my sister…again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Didn't see that one coming did yah? lol
Major turn I know, but it was nessecary.

If you'd like to know what is going on in that big head of mine... message me and ask what I might have planned. =]

Thanks to everyone that has commented so far. I noticed I haven't thanked you guys. I'm awful I know. AND a HUGE thanks to everyone that has subscribe. =] I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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*p.s. i want to rename this story... give me some ideas please