Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

...I Couldn't Stay Away

The rest of the weekend consisted of me staying locked up in my room, thinking and crying. I didn’t listen to music, nor did I really come out of my room. My eyes were sore and bloodshot when I woke up on Monday morning. I’m guessing I cried in my sleep too because my pillow was wet. I hadn’t figured out how to feel either, so I decided to try and tune everything unnecessary out and just focus on school and whatever was going on at home. I wouldn’t be happy, but I wouldn’t be numb or sad… just neutral.

I quickly took a shower and threw my bathrobe on before going back to my room. I walked over to my closet and grabbed out my favorite boyfriend style jeans, my black tanktop, a back ‘All Time Low’ tee, socks and a hot pink bra and boy shorts, along with my glasses. I quickly threw those on then went and dried my hair. I left it as it was, down and slightly wavy. I went back to my room and grabbed my hot pink converses and jacket.

“Knock, Knock.” Drake said as he opened my door and stepped in.

“HI.” I mumbled.

“Hey, you about ready for school?” He asked as he leaned against the door frame.

I nodded, “Have to be.” I muttered as I grabbed my messenger bag and followed Drake down stairs.

I was dreading going back to school. I was sure that word got around about what happened last week. Drake reassured me, along with Brad and Bren that they’d kick anyone’s ass who was on Eli’s side. I chuckled at that, they only knew me for a couple days and they already knew how to cheer me up.

Alex, well he was a different story. He came back over yesterday and he ended up staying with me for awhile. He held me while I cried and comforted me. Being with Alex was different, but a good different. I felt like we didn’t have to explain every little detail, like we just knew what was going on with one another. I felt better with him, but what scared me, was that I felt just like this when I met Eli.

I was pulled from my train of thought when Drake’s truck engine was cut off. I looked over at him and he smiled weakly.


“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I chirped before opening the truck door and hopping out. When I looked around the parking lot, everyone’s eyes were on me. ‘Great.’ I thought, ‘People really do know.’ I shook my head and walked over to Drake. He draped his arm over my shoulders in a protective way and gave me a side hug.

“You’ll be fine, Kate.” He said in a reassured voice.

“Let’s hope you’re right.” I sighed. As we walked through the main door, people were looking, whispering, you name it, and they were doing it. Drake let go of me and walked to the Junior Hall while I left to go to my locker by myself. The first person to come up to me was Akalia. She said she was sorry and I shrugged it off. But after she left, every person who was sober at the party, or just a part of this stupid ass grape vine muttered “sorry’s” and “oh my gosh I can’t believe him’s” Just pointless shit. Honestly, it was between me and Eli, no one but us, Mindy and Drake.

I finally made it through the small mob that ambushed me and started walking to class. As I was walking, I noticed Jake running down the hall. I was going to ignore him, but he looked right at me and stopped running. ‘Great, the giant baboon wants to talk.’ I thought as he walked up to me.

“What Jake?” I asked annoyed.

“He should of dumped your pretty little ass a long time ago.” He said as he leaned down to look me in the eyes.

“Well he didn’t.” I spat, venom dripping from every word. “So why say it?”

Jake leaned closer, “because he deserves so much more than you… or what you could’ve given him.” He countered back at me, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

“Jake, I don’t have time for this. Just leave me a-alone.” I as good at preventing the tears until then, my voice had started cracking and tears filled my eyes to the brim.

“Awe, is Fisher gonna cry?” He badgered in a childish voice as he leaned back, the cockiest smirk I had ever seen plastered on is face. I looked away and started to walk away. “You’re so pathetic, Fisher!” Jake yelled. I stopped and turned to face him.

“Jake, I am NOT pathetic!” I said, anger building.

Jake nodded, “Yeah, you are. YOU gave him the ring back and broke it off with him, yet someone brings him up and you cry. It’s quite pathetic if you ask me.” He stated. All eyes were officially on us. Jake smirked and took a step towards me. “What? Cat got your tongue?” I shook my head. Why is he doing this? What have I ever done to him?

“Awe, Kate’s atta lose for words. You weren’t the other day at the mall, or the party for that matter.” Jake said so sure of himself.

“Leave her alone, Jake!” The familiar voice called from behind me.

“Oh, what are you? Her new boyfriend?” Jake asked sarcastically. Alex stepped in front of me and I silently thanked God.

“What’s it to you?” Alex spat back. I grabbed a hold of Alex’s hand and he looked back at me.

“Alex don’t.” I pleaded. He looked into my eyes for a second or two before he nodded his head. He turned towards Jake again, who had the same grin plastered on his face as before.

“She got you whipped too?” Alex shook his head and let go of my hand before taking a couple steps towards Jake.

“If you ever go near her again, don’t hesitate to think Drake or I won’t kick your ass. Because we will and you wouldn’t want to end up like Eli.” Alex hissed though clenched teeth. He turned back to me and grabbed my hand before pulling me through the hallway towards his first class.

“Alex…Alex!” I said trying to get his attention. He stopped and pulled me into a hug. “Alex, what are you doing?” I asked, my voice cracking slightly.

“Keeping you away from Jake.” He murmured into my hair. I took a deep breath, taking in the smell of Alex’s cologne and calming myself down. Lex squeezed lightly and I smiled half heartedly.

“Why Lex?” I whispered, not sure if he heard me at first. Lex just kissed my hair.

“Because Jake could eat you alive and well…I couldn’t stay away.” He admitted sheepishly. Lex was just full of surprises today, but I nodded, knowing how he felt.


The rest of the day went by very, very slowly. I was surprised Eli wasn’t at school, so I at least had one more day without him. Alex and Drake walked me to my classes. I didn’t mind much, but it wasn’t necessary. Jake didn’t brother me, Akalia helped me through the classes I didn’t have with Drake, and well Alex was there for me when I needed him too.

Now, I was sitting on my bed, listening to my iPod and doing my AP Language homework. Not my idea of fun, but it’s better than talking to Drake about today. Writing an essay on why ‘Romeo & Juliet’ is a great play isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world. Yeah, it’s freshman material, but when you really hate lovey-dovey stuff… you tend to hold things off. I shut my iPod off, wrapped the ear bud chord around it, and shut my notebook. Not even two seconds later, my cell phone rang.

‘I don’t belong here,
We gotta move on here
Escape from this Afterlife…’

Great, this can’t be good. Only one person had ‘Afterlife’ by Avenged Sevenfold as their ring tone.

I picked up my cell phone hesitantly and slid up the top part.

“Hello?” I put the phone up to my ear.

“Kaitie?” The deep voice asked softly.

“Yeah.” I breathed.

“Can you meet me at the park?” He asked hesitantly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breathe.


“Kay, see you in a few.” The voice said glumly.

“Kay, bye.” I hit the end button and ran a hand through my short messy hair. What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
AHH!!! Oh my gosh, sorry I haven't updated in forever. This would of been up on Sunday, but my internet was being dumb at my; moms. So Yeahh,... here it is! Chapter 15. :)


Thanks to everyone who has commented and/or subscribed. :D I love you guys!

Just to let you know... comments might get a faster update.. and more chapters.
And if I'm up to it... a sequeal. But dont' get that notion that this story is almost over, cause it's FAR from over. lol.
