Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Baseball Drama... oh snap.


For the past four months, everything’s been good. Our basketball team made it to State Finals, but we lost in round four. At least we were division champs.

What’s to say about Kate? Well, she quit crying herself to sleep after almost three weeks. She seems happier than before, but I owe that to Alex, Bradley and Brendon. Not to mention Kaylin and Macey, Kate’s new best friends. They met through band. (Our school brought the program back at the beginning of the new semester, so she signed up.)

Brendon’s in band with them and actually started dating Macey. Kaylin’s cute. She has long dirty brown hair, about five foot four inches tall, a year younger than Kate, a saxophone player, a shorter version of Kate.

Macey’s… she’s crazy, and I mean that in a good way. She has dark brown hair with bright red high-lights; she’s about five foot three inches tall, like a foot shorter than me. She’s very outspoken, has blue eyes and tends to beat people up… literally. But that’s beside the point.

Anyway... Kaitie and Alex are close, like dating close. Surprisingly, they aren’t though. I know they like each other, but I think they’re hesitating because of what happened with Eli and I respect that. But the look on Alex’s face when he’s looking at her… it’s nothing like Eli’s. Eli seemed to always have lust and awe in his. Alex, his is nothing but love. Alex, I swear, sees her for who she really is every which way. He doesn’t care about the physical stuff, like sex etc. He just cares about how she feels, and how she is.

I remember this one time Alex was over, and this was like a week after everything started. He was in Kate’s room, holding her in his arms. She had another run in with Jake and Eli and she couldn’t stop crying. I was standing in the door frame, watching her cry her heart out again and just listening to Alex talk, made me realize that he was what she needed.

“Sh… calm down. Every thing’s fine.” I heard him say softly. Kate has started taking deep breathes to calm herself down. When she finally stopped sobbing, she pulled back to look at Alex. He smiled and wiped the tears from her face.

“Kaitie, you’re too beautiful to cry this much.” And she did the last thing I expected her to do; she blushed, smiled and actually giggled. That’s when I knew he was what she needed.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering about Eli, but I can’t say much. We quit talking, and we’re not friends. I mean, yeah I forgave him, but he, he just… I don’t’ know. When I see him in the hallway, or even when he’s at practice with me, his eyes just look like he’s dead. He could smile and be laughing about stuff, but you can just tell he’s not happy.

I really don’t know how he’s taking everything, I mean he acts like he used too, yet he seems more harsh towards people. For example, whenever someone brings up things about themselves and their girl or Alex says something too loudly to me about Kate at baseball, just either ignores them or gets defensive and kind of violent. (A great example of that is from the beginning of baseball.) Alex was late because he was hanging out with Kate… again.

“Kahne, you’re late!” Coach Gable addressed as Alex walking into the gym for warm ups.

“Won’t happen again,” Alex said, with the same grin he almost always had after he and Kate hung out. I grinned, shaking my head and laughing at him. After Alex did his warm ups, along with his extra ones for being late, we all headed outside to throw the ball around and B.S.

“So, Kahne…” Jake started as he and Eli tossed a ball around, “…where the hell were you?”

Alex smiled and threw the ball at me. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” he commented. I rolled my eyes and smirked slightly as I wet to throw the ball.

“Yeah, com’mon Kahne, we deserve to know!” Brad yelled from down the field, even though he already knew. A chorus of “yeahs” and “com’mon, Kahne’s” erupted.

“Fine!” Alex yelled to shut them up. “I was with a friend.”

“What friend?” Eli muttered.

“You broke her heart, so you tell me.” Whoa… did that just come out of Alex’s mouth?

“Excuse me?!” Eli threw his glove on the ground and headed towards Alex. I immediately ran in between them and kept them apart.

“What’s wrong, Eli? Afraid she’s already moved on?” Alex taunted.

“Stay the hell away from her!” Eli growled.

“Guys STOP!” I yelled. It did no good.

“You have no say over what she does! All you’ve managed to do is break her heart.” Alex said through clenched teeth.

“You don’t think I know that!?” Eli yelled.

“God, you don’t’ even know how much she cries over you! I…” Alex pointed to his chest, “… I do. I’m her shoulder to cry on. All she did for almost a month was cry, because you did that to her… because YOU seemed so happy after the first week. While her and her world fell apart. I’VE been helping her pick up the pieces… not YOU! ” Eli clenched his teeth, his face became beat red and his hands were in fists.

“You know EXACTLY how I feel! I hate myself for doing that to her, but I can’t take it back, and I won’t.” With that, Eli shrugged Jake’s hand off his shoulder and headed back to the gym. I looked back at Alex and his face was just as red as Eli’s had been.

“Get back to Practice!” Gable yelled at us. We did and I just have to say, that was as close as those two got to a fight. That doesn’t mean they haven’t argued but that’s another story entirely.

What else is there to day? Mom and Colton are getting married as soon as school lets out, and then they’re taking a honeymoon for a week. Usually I’d tell everyone ‘Party at my house’ but Kate’s not very fond of them anymore. So we’re having Alex, Kaylin, Brendon and Macey spend the week with us. There’s not much else to say, because nothing besides that has happened. OH.. uh… yeah that’s it. (:
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Sorry it took so long to get this out. ): I was really busy with marching band and school work. We had the day off and I didn't have anyting to do after the parade, so I updated. (: I also edited the layout a little, and I made a new banner.

Thanks to those of you who commented and subscribed after I last updated. :)
IF you want another update sooner... COMMENT! :) and tell your friends about this story.

Thanks again! (:

love you guys!