Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Shopping and A Movie

Eli's POV..

"Damn! Can we find something else to talk about?" I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the back of the couch. Jake and Zek were talking about prom. I wasn't going, I was working again.

"Dude, chill. We're just talking about tuxes." Jake said in his defense.

"yeah, at least we're not -" Zek abruptly stopped talking. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head. "Never mind."

"Just tell me." I interjected. Zek huffed.

"I was going to say, 'at least we're not talking about who Kahne's taking to Prom." He grabbed the pillow that was behind him and threw it under his head.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"SOOOO....." Jake said making the moment awkward.

"Senior Night's tomorrow." Zek pointed out.

"Yep." Jake and I said in unison with more dread then enjoyment. I was graduating early so I could get out of this place. I'd probably stay another year, but after everything with Kaitie, I couldn't.

"You two sound thrilled. Am I the only senior excited to graduate?" Jake and I nodded our heads. "Whatever." Zek looked back at the TV along with Jake. I didn't want to graduate, I didn't want to leave my mom all alone while I was at OSU in the fall. I didn't want to leave HER.

Normal POV..

"What about this one?"

Autumn and I were in the mall looking for a prom dress and a dress for the wedding. The dress I'd just tried on was short, to my knees, black with a soft pink sash, strapless and had lace on the top.

"It's perfect! The pink matches the color of your dad's vest." Autumn said proudly. I smiled widely and nodded.

"Great. Now we can leave." Autumn ginned warmly and I went back into dressing room. I heard Autumn's phone go off and I rolled my eyes. Dad could never leave her alone. Not even five seconds later, my cell rang.

You lift my feet off the ground,
you spin me around.
You make me crazier, crazier.

Taylor Swift’s 'Crazier' than through the dressing room along with a couple, 'I love this song's'. I giggled and smiled as I answered my phone.

"Hey you!" I cheered happily.

"Hey, babe!" Alex replied, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Whatcha need?" I asked, placing the dress I just had on, on the hanger.

"Am I not allowed to call you, and see what's up or just to talk?" He asked innocently.

"Alex, you called me right after school. We talked for an hour. I know you need or want something." I implied sweetly.

"Smart ass."

"But I'm yours." Alex and I both laughed.

"God, I love you." Alex breathed after a few minutes of laughing. I zipped up my jeans and buttoned them.

"Awe, I love you too. Now what do you want?" Drake thought it was hilarious how bipolar i could be.

Alex sighed, "can you come home?"

"Alex, I'm shopping for a dress for prom AND don't forget my dad's wedding." I interjected.

"Pleeeease?" He begged. I could just imagine the puppy dog look that was probably plastered in his face.

"Kaitie? Are you ready, sweetie?" Autumn asked.

"Uh. yeah, I have both dresses." I replied

"Ooh.. what color?" Alex asked.

"ALEXANDER JAMES!" I yelled. "Can you please quit asking me questions? I'm about to go home." That boy has no patience.

"Sorry. I LOVE YOU!" Alex yelled through the phone.

I chuckled, that kid was so weird. "I love you, too. See you when I get home."

"Later, babe." I hit the 'off' button and placed my phone back into my jeans pocket. I pulled my tee shirt and hoodie on before grabbing the dress and walking out and over to Autumn.

"Let's pay for this and go." Dang, someone's in a hurry now.


Back at the home....

I took my stuff p to my room and placed it in my closet.

"Hey babe." Alex snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"Hey, Lex." I turned my head and kissed his cheek softly.

"Let me see the dresses, please?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and went to get the bag out of the closet. I pulled the plastic covering up and showed Alex the 'fabulous' pieces of fabric.

"They're pretty, Guppy. You'll look beautiful in them." Alex smiled warmly.

"Only in them?” I asked curious to his answer.

"Guppy, you always look beautiful." I grinned and stood on my tip toes to kiss him. Alex leaned down to help me kiss him. He placed a soft peck on my lips and told me to put the dresses away. I sighed and placed the plastic back down over the dresses and placed them back in the closet.

When I turned to face Alex, he was laying on my bed, remote in hand and a grin from ear to ear, plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes playfully as I smiled at him.

"Guppy, come watch a movie with me?" He patted the spot next to him with his free hand. I pulled my hoodie off and kicked off my shoes before I slid onto the bed. Alex wrapped his arm around my waist as I laid my head on his chest.

"What are we gonna watch?" I asked as I looked up at him.

Alex smiled down at me, "The Notebook." He answered sweetly.

"Since when were you a hopeless romantic?" I joked. Alex only shrugged adn hit the play button. The movie started and Alex hugged me closer. We hadn't done this in well, almost forever. The last time, was when Alex insisted I watch some comedy with him back in February.

Alex randomly ran his fingers through my hair, which made me sleepy. I tried my best to stay awake, but I just couldn't.

"Tired?" Alex whispered in my ear. I merely nodded. "GO to sleep. I love you, Guppy." He kissed my temple adn hugged me.

"Love you." I mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.

Alex's POV..

Kaitie's head was on my chest, and my arms were around her waist, holding her close. These were the moments I loved the most, where I just got to hold her in my arms. She looked so peaceful and at ease in her sleep, like she had never had any worries. I smiled and kissed her head gently.

"Hey Alex, I -" Drake came through the open door and immediately stopped when he noticed Kaitie was asleep. "Sorry," he whispered.


"So, uh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to Jake's party tomorrow." Drake rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He knew Eli would be there, and that something would happen.

"Probably not. I think Kaitie and I are going out." I whispered back, "she wouldn't want to go anyway." Kaitie snuggled closer to my side, Drake and I chuckled.

"Kay. Just... take care of her Kahne." I nodded and Drake walked out of the room. I looked back to the screen and noticed Kaitie's favorite part was on.

"It wasn't over for me!" Allie yelled at Noah.

"It still ain't over." Noah grabbed Allie and started kissing her in the rain.

I couldn't really get why it was her favorite part. I had an idea, but I prayed it wasn't true.

I let the thought go and pulled Kate towards me again. I kissed her temple and whispered, "I love you, and I don't ever want to lose you." I settled into the bed and closed my eyes. Just a few minutes of shut eye should be okay.

Normal's POV..

I awoke the next morning to the sun in my eyes and a pair of arms around my waist. I turned to face who was behind me and came face to face with Alex. He kissed my forehead and squeezed me lightly.

"Morning, Sunshine." He whispered smiling.

"Morning." I whispered back. A sudden chill went up my spine and I buried my face into teh crook of his neck. Alex chuckled and pulled the blanket up over my back. "Thanks." I mumbled into his neck.

"No problem." Alex and I laid there for what felt like hours. We didn't talk, we didn't need to. I couldn't help but compare Alex to Eli at that moment. Alex was sweeter, cared about my feelings, kissed me more gently, held me like I was the only thing in the world.... but Eli just... I couldn't think about it. I shouldn't compare them to one another, I shouldn’t' ask myself is Alex measures up to Eli. Alex is better, healthier... safer. He's everything I want, but I keep doubting him.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked as He pushed my bangs out of my face. I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said quietly. Alex cupped my cheek and leaned down giving me a soft peck.

"I know something's wrong. You're too quiet and you have that look on your face." He said softly. I smiled slightly and pecked his lips.

"Just thinking, no biggie" Alex raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to talk. I quickly kissed his lips and he shut up. "It's nothing, I promise." He nodded and I smiled again. "Good, now let's... well I'll change, you go to Drake's room. Alex sighed.

"Fine." He fake pouted. We both let go of each other and got out of bed. Alec kissed my forehead and then went to Drake's room. I ran into my closet and grabbed a clean outfit to wear. I hurriedly changed, went to the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth, then went to Drake's room.

When I opened the door, Alex was standing there without a shirt on. DAMN! That boy had abs, very nice ones at that. ;D I looked at Alex's face and he smirked a little. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I looked away.

"Like the view?" He asked smugly. I there was one thing I hate about Alex, it was that he had gotten quite conceded since we met.

"Sure." I lied. "I'll meet you downstairs." I hurried out of Drake's room and down to the kitchen. Autumn was there, making waffles and bacon. :) yummy.

"Hey girly, girl." She sang as I leaned against the countertop.

"Hey Autumn." I said happily. Autumn smiled warmly and handed me a plate.

"YUMMY! Thank you!" I cheered before going to the table to eat.

"Morning, Autumn." Alex emerged into the kitchen with one of Drake's 'All-American Rejects' t-shirt and a pair of his jeans. Wow.. did he look hot in that style. He walked over to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head before grabbing a plate of food and sitting next to me.

As we ate, Dad came home and grabbed his extra clips and extra ammo. Autumn's face went pale and she excused herself from the kitchen. I'm sure I looked the same, I always did when he did something like that. Alex pushed our empty plates towards the center of the table and pulled me from my chair and to my bedroom. He sat me on my bed and sat to face me.

"Baby, you need to quit worrying about everything. You're dad'll be fine." I took a deep breath and kept my gaze on our hands.

"I can't help it. This county's gone to shit since I was thirteen." I defended. Alec knew why I got so worked up when Dad did that, and he knew every fear I had. He also knew... hot to calm me down.

"Kate, look at me." Alec let go of one of my hands and lifted my chin, averting my from our hands to his face. "I love you, and nothing will happen to Colton. Come here." Alex opened his arms and I hugged him, practically for dear life.

"I hope you're right." I mumbled into the crook of his neck. I felt Alex kiss my hair. "I love you, too." I gently kissed his neck, right below his ear.

We stayed in my room the rest of the morning. We watched some cartoons and we cuddled. Cheesy? yes. Adorable? Yes. Everything I wanted?no Yes. I had Alex and right now I was content.
♠ ♠ ♠
Love me yet? lol
Kaitie Shopping
Kaitie Hanging Out

This is for the few who have commented. I have 15 subscriners and only THREE who have commented! WTF!? I still love you guys, but dang. I'd love to know your opinion.
I lvoe you guys! :)