Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

I Always Hated Goodbyes.

I always hated goodbyes; I was never good at them. When my mom put me on the plane to Columbus, I just cried. It was my fault my mom couldn't travel, all because I refused to move in with my dad when she first got remarried.

My mom had remarried about seven months ago to her "soul mate" but he had to travel a lot for work. He wasn't home much. Mom missed him terribly and I felt bad because it's my fault she can’t be with him. Because I was selfish and wanted to stay with my friends in South Carolina instead of moving to Ohio.

My Dad lives in a small town called Malta where he's sheriff. Yay for me right? He and my mom were high school sweethearts and I was their product from a "drunken" party night. Long story short, my parents weren't smart in high school.

Mom wasn't big on the whole marriage thing, so mom and dad never got hitched. Yet she married Sean, which I have yet to figure out why. Anyway, they did live together, that is until she walked out on him when I was four.

Lynn (mom) and Colton have always shared me. I spent two months with him during the summer until I was 14; then I just quit going. That was only two years ago, so I didn't miss much. Or at least that's what I thought...

I considered this a new beginning in my book - a fresh start. I'd been known as a band geek and goodie-two-shoes back in Charleston. I'm not doing band here in Malta, because there is none. I’m going to try to give in to my reckless self, not that I really care anymore anyway.
Since my dad and mom are the only family I have left, it might have to stay a little on the good side - for now anyway.

I should probably say something about myself. I have brown hair, with a red tinge to it when I'm in the sun. I'm foot-foot seven-inches tall, I'm not really small, but I'm not big either. I prefer to wear straight legged jeans with band shirts and converse. I'm not emo if that's what you're thinking. I didn't cut myself, never haveand never will. I'm always happy... and I'm hardly ever pessimistic.

Back home in Charleston, I only had a couple of friends, maybe two or three. So saying goodbye to them wasn't too hard. But now I was saying goodbye to my mother for what would feel like forever. I just held on to her until I heard something about my flight boarding. I smiled, kissed her cheek and told her I'd call her when I made it to Columbus, and bye. I gave her one more hug and ran toward my gate. I stopped about half way there and looked back. She was crying and it wasn't until then that I felt the salty tears running down my own cheeks. I'd miss her.


I landed in Columbus around six o'clock that night. Dad was waiting for me at the metal detectors. I ran over and gave him a huge hug. After all I hadn't seen him for three years and I missed him a lot - even though he's a little unemotional. He gave me a big bear hug and lifted me off the ground.

"Welcome home, Kaitie Bug!" He exclaimed, with a smile that was wide; ear to ear. I smiled back and replied, "Thanks Dad!" We walked over and grabbed my bags, all five of them, before heading home.

It was a long drive back to Malta. Two and a half hours of nothing but small talk. I didn't mind it too much, but I really did get annoyed after about two hours. He kept asking me about how Lynn was doing, and how I was, and if I had a boyfriend. I reassured him that I still hadn't had a boyfriend, and that Lynn and I was good.

When we got to the house, I was so tired I didn't even think about unpacking. All I thought about was getting into bed and sleeping. But before I could do that, Dad took me on a tour of the house. He said he remodeled last summer so everything was different - except my room and the bathroom. Go figure. But dad finally led me to my room and I quickly noticed the bed spread. It was green and blue, my favorite colors - at least he remembered that. He came up and hugged me, told me good night and kissed my forehead.

"Hope you like Morgan County Kate! Night honey." he said before he shut my door.

"Night dad," I replied a little too late. I laid my head on my pillow and let a couple tears fall out. I missed mom and I missed my friends. But tomorrow is another day I told myself. I quickly changed, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and went to bed. "Another day" I mutter to myself, "Another day."
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Hope you liked it! <33

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