Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Halo, Rumors and Pizza.

Kaitie's POV

"DADDY!" I squealed as he came through the front door. I ran up to him and stopped a few feet short. He was 'sentenced' to three weeks bed rest and a full month off. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, baby girl." He cheered before walking to the couch and sitting down.

"Need anything?" i asked smiling like a six-year-old. He shook his head and told me not to worry, he'd be fine.

"Can't you help as I'm starting to burn? Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction." I sang along with Matt as I jammed out to my iPod. Macey had turned me to Avenged Sevenfold and I was HOOKED! I loved them, along with 'All Time Low' and 'Paramore.' Today Alex was spending the day with his aunt who came down from New York, so I invited Macey and Kaylin to come over. We were going to hang out, play some video games, watch a movie or two and probably bug the crap out of each other.

'DING, DONG' Macey and Kaylin must be here. I raced down the stairs and opened the door.

"Oh, hey Brendon, Macey." I exclaimed seeing Brendon with Macey.

"Hey!" They cheered in unison walking past me and into the house. They exchanged 'heys' and 'how-are-you's' with Dad before we went upstairs. Kaylin soon bounced up the stairs and kicked Brendon out of my room.

"Spill it!" Macey demanded as Kaylin locked the door.

"Spill what?" I was utterly confused about all of this.

"We know what happened with Alex." Kaylin said innocently. I raised my eyebrow and gave them a look of confusion.

"The whole 'blow' and 'job' thing." Macey whispered.

I'm pretty sure my face was turned into a grimace of pure horror.

"God, no! That didn't happen. I mean, it might of happened, but Alex and I quit making out before it got... too heated."

Macey raised her eyebrows and I just shook my head. "It. Didn't. Happen." I said slowly making sure to enunciate my words clearly. Kaylin make an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"New Subject," Macey cried, making us giggle.

"So, I hear All Time Low has a tour coming up soon." Macey non-coherently chatted.

"Sweet," Kaylin mumbled as she laid back and put her hands behind her head.

"Yeah. WAIT!" I screeched, "Where did you hear that stuff about me?" I asked curious as to where the 'rumor' started. Macey popped her gum and raised her eyebrows.

"Brendon said Alex was talking about it to Bradley."


"He didn't hear much, just bits and pieces."

"NEW SUBJECT!" Kaylin shouted.

"Channing Tatum is DELICIOUS looking." I said shrugging. We all giggled and agreed.

After we talked about how hot Channing Tatum, Alex Gaskarth, and Matt Sander and Zacky Baker were we went to Drake's room and started playing Halo 3.I sat out the first few rounds and debating texting Alex. I decided against it and just watched.

'@* 5 hours, 4 boxes of pizza, 3 liters of Pepsi, 2 boxes of Reese's Pieces, and 1 phone call later...*@'

"Can we watch a movie?" Macey and Kaylin whined after we finished another round of Halo. Drake and I nodded before they jumped up and ran to my room to roam my DVDs.

"How's you and Alex?" Brendon asked.

"We're good, just been busy lately." Brendon nodded as I went back to fidgeting with he seam of the pillow I was holding.

"So... I saw you signed up for soccer," Drake beamed. I smiled and nodded my head as I looked at him.

"Yeah, I figured I'd do it and marching band." Brendon looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Good luck... ALL soccer practices are mandatory and all band practices are mandatory. How are you going to do both?" He asked skeptically.

I just shrugged. "I think I can handle the extra laps." I said confidently. Brendon laughed and shook his head.

"Someone must love running." Drake commented.

"KAITLYNN JAE!" Macey yelled as she came into the room.

"Damn, we're right under your nose, there's no need to yell." I scolded. "What?"

"Look who we found at the front door." Kaylin chirped as she and Macey moved apart. No one stepped between them and i looked back to Drake. He grinned and shrugged. I sighed and turned back to the door.

"Seriously, no one was there." I said. As soon as I said that, someone's fingers dug into my sides. I jumped and a familiar laugh filled my ears.

"Alex, you ass!" I accused as I faced him and glared. He just laughed and sat beside me.

"Awe, you know I love you." He whispered in my ear. I shrugged and leaned into his side.

"Prom's next weekend." Macey jestered as Brendon gave her a lovey-dovey look.

"Yep," I said excitedly.

"Did you get your dress?" Kaylin asked and I nodded, smiling. "What color?"

"It's blue."

"Oh, pretty!" Macey and Kaylin smiled and turned back to the TV. Alex kissed my forehead and squeezed me gently.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear.

I turned my head and kissed him right below his ear. "I love you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
:) I hope you guys dont' hate me tooo much.
Sorry it took so long. I had no motivation to update, and I got busy with Drama.

Thanks for reading, subscribing and sticking with me!
I noticed I had one more subscriber the other day! :)
You made me happy.

Tell me what you think!


Innocent Beyond Belief That is my new joint story! Check it out!