Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Fisher's Daughter, eh?

I woke up the next morning at about 5:30. A little early but it gave me more time to get ready. I quickly got up and rummaged through my suitcases. I found a cute pair of jeans, light blue with cute designs on the back pockets, a cute tee-shirt, black with music notes and skulls on it and my black high-top converses.

I quickly got dressed and found my straightener and make up. I plugged my straightener in and started on my make up, eye-liner, mascara, and blush. The light on my straightener flashed red, meaning it was done warming up and I started on my hair. I looked myself over three or four times before I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Not even half way down the hallway to the kitchen, I heard three or four people talking, which is odd because Dad never said anything about having people over. I shrugged it off and walked into the kitchen. There were two people sitting at the table with Dad, a woman and a boy who looked about my age. I walked over and put my hand on Dad’s shoulder.

“Morning, Kaitie Bug!” He exclaimed putting his hand on mine.

“Morning, Dad.” I said looking around at the faces of the visitors. I guess Dad realized how rude he was being, because he introduced the strangers.

“Oh… uh this is Drake,” he said pointing to the boy sitting across from him. He was tall-ish looking, green eyes, and dark brown hair, kind of -er- cute.

“And this is Autumn, my fiancé.” He said taking hold of her hand. I looked over at her. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was slender. I looked back at Dad and gave him the why-didn’t-you-tell-me look.

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you both.” I mumbled taking the seat next to Dad.

“Wow! You’re prettier than your dad said you were.” Autumn said eying me.

“Thanks. Dad when are you taking me to school?” I asked changing the subject.

“I'm sorry, but Drake is. I have to go in a little earlier than usual so is that okay?” He asked looking back at me.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” I say looking over at Drake. I figured he was Autumn’s son, since he looked a lot like her.

On the way to school, Drake gave me the details on how my dad and his mom met, etc, etc. I just nodded my head. Dad was happy, so I didn’t mind. He asked me about how old I was and all that good stuff. I told him and then I asked the same and found out that he’s 17, a junior and on the football team. Not super interesting, but at least he was boring like me.

We finally got to school and he showed me to the office. I told him thanks and walked in to the front desk. The lady behind the desk gave me my schedule and walked me to my classes before the bell rang. I had French 2, then Biology, Algebra II, American History, Adviser, lunch, Advanced English and then gym. I didn’t really need to take gym, but it was all that was open. Oh Well.

I was glad to make it through French and Biology without being told to stand up in front of the class and introduce myself. But I did meet a really nice, hyperactive, girl in my French class. (She’s also in my bio class) Her name was Akalia Claude. She was short, about 5 2, light brown hair, blue eyes and was bigger built. She had lunch with me at least I’d have someone to sit with.

I knew my good luck streak would end sometime, oh boy was I right. When I got to Algebra II, I had to introduce myself in front of the class. But I had that class with Drake, so I figured it wouldn’t be too bad. I got up and almost tripped – causing me to blush – and made my way to the podium and introduced myself.

“Uh… Hi, I’m Kate and I just moved here from Charleston, South Carolina to live with my dad.” I gave Drake a worried look, but of course he wasn’t paying attention. I looked over to my seat and headed back to it.

“Who’s your dad?” someone asked. I sighed.

“Colton Fisher.” I mumbled. Everybody stopped talking. Obviously someone had told the kids I was coming. I quickly took my seat and started taking notes. Everyone started whispering, things like 'Oh my gosh! She looks just like him!' and 'I feel bad, she can't get away with anything'. I didn’t pay too much attention to them.

“So you’re Fisher’s daughter, eh?” someone asked as I got up to go to history.

“Yeah, his one and only.” I said trying not to mind the attention.

“So uh… what’s your next class?”

“American History with… Rex.”

“Cool, so do I!” he exclaimed. On the way to history I figured out his name was Nick Williams, he was a sophomore like me, and he was on the soccer team.

By the time history was over, I got the feeling that Nick liked me. But I’m in no need of a boyfriend. I went to advisory, which was stupid. We had to read a paper about abstinence, which I’m already well aware of. (BORING!) Lunch was so much better. I sat with Akalia and Nick. We talked about that morning’s classes, that is until Drake and his friends walk in. He smiled at me and waved. I smiled back.

“You know Drake?” Akalia asked sounding astonished.

“Yeah… kind of, his mom is sorta my dad’s fiancé.” I told them about that morning’s discoveries. Akalia and Nick just looked at me like I’d killed someone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked looking at their faces.

“Drake is captain of the Football team, not to mention he NEVER associates with under-class men.” Nick exclaimed.

“He’s also like the HOTTEST guy in school. Plus he’s an amazing guy on quiz team.” Akalia added looking as red as a rose.

“Um… okay. He’s going to be my step-brother so liking him is out of the question. Not to mention we’re going to be family…so talking to him is mandatory.” I replied smiling.

“Hey him and his friends are staring at you,” Akalia whispered. I looked over my shoulder and to my surprise, they were. I saw Drake motion for me to come over.

“Hey, I’ll be right back.” I said getting up to talk to Drake. I walked over and stopped in front of him.

“Hi Drake, whatcha need?”

“Everybody this is my soon to be step-sister Kaitie.” He looked around and introduced his friends.

“Kaitie, this is Zek, Martin and Eli.” He gave me an encouraging smile. I smiled back.

“Hey!” I said to them all.

“Hey, you free Saturday?” Zek said giving me a smirk.

“Zek, knock it off! She’s not interested!” Drake snapped sharply, winking at me.

“Nice to meet you, Kaitie.” I was shocked, a high school junior with manners. It was Martin. He extended his hand I shook it. “You too.” Eli just looked at me and smiled. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I smiled and looked away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Drake give Eli the 'don’t-even-think-about-it' look. Eli just rolled his eyes and looked back at me. I giggled and looked back at Drake.

“Uh… yeah I’ve got to get back to my friends, so later Drake.” I said starting to walk away from the awkward situatuion.

“Hey!” Drake called after me. “Colton told me I had to take you home, so meet me near the office.”

“Okay, later.” I called over my shoulder.

After lunch I went to my English class, and found out I had it with Eli. And of course the only open seat was next to him. So most of the class he would mouth words like ‘hey’ and ‘how are you.’ All in all, I had an interesting English class. Gym was boring. We played basketball. I fell quite often, considering I’m no good at sports like that. But as soon as gym was over I ran up to the locker room and changed quickly to meet Drake. I met Drake and he took me home, only he stayed instead of going back to his house. But I guess that’s what happens when your dad is engaged to his mom, he’s over all the time.
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thanks for reading!
I promise it gets better.
message please! <33