Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

He'll Tell You All About It.

So after we got to my house, I went upstairs to do my homework. Drake followed me.

“Hey, Kaitie?” He asked opening my door.

“Yeah Drake?”

“Can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Uh… sure,” I said scooting over the make room on my bed, not that I needed to.

“So… you know my friend Zek?”

“Yeah, I met him at lunch.”

“Well…” He hesitated. “He likes you a lot. I mean don’t get me wrong he’s a good guy and all, but he’s not worth it.”

“Drake, thanks for the concern, but I’m not going to tell him I’m free. I'm more interested in my school work than I am him.” I gave him a small smile and started on my homework again. Drake got up and headed towards my door. He stopped and turned back around when he reached the door.

“Kaitie, I know we don’t know each other very well or for very long, but I already think of you as my little sister. So if any guy tries messin’ with yah, tell me please. I promised Colton I’d take of yah at school.”

“Drake thanks, but I can take care of myself. I have for the past four years now, I think I can handle it.” He gave me a look.

“Just promise me you’ll tell me!” He pleaded.

“Fine, I promise I’ll tell you if any guy tries messin’ with me, Drakie-pooh!” I said sarcastically.

“Haha, thanks Kaitie.” And he left my room. I had to ponder our conversation for a couple of minutes before I realized how much Drake really did care. His intentions were good, but I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. I felt guilty for being mean to him and I got a knot in my stomach. I sighed and hopped off my bed. Drake was in the room across the hallway. It looked like he was already moved in because the walls were covered in band posters and had clothes all over the floor.

“Hey Drake?” I asked walking over to his desk.

“Oh, hey Kaitie,” He said looking up from his homework.

“Look, I’m sorry about earlier I guess I’m just so used to being on my own and not having anyone else to look after me that I just sorta felt weird and was mean to you.” I explained.

“It’s okay, you’re dad told me how much of a change it would be for you. So it’s cool. Apology accepted.” He beamed, giving me a smile. I told him I had to get back to my homework and left. I went back in my bedroom and laid down on my bed. After about five minutes, I sighed and decided to put my books away. Everything about that day was running through my head, my classes, my friends, Eli. Gosh he was really cute and seemed really nice, but I don’t think anything would happen between us.

Autumn came over around 4:30 and started making dinner, Chicken Alfredo, my favorite. Dad walked in the door as soon as Autumn was finishing up dinner. [ as if THAT'D really give her brownie points ] So we sat down together and started talking about our day. Nothing extra exciting happened to anyone. Dad only had about three calls all day, so that was a plus for him. Autumn started in on asking me questions about school and if I’d meet any cute boys. I just told her class was okay and no boys worth talking about yet.

Drake butted in telling her about me meeting his friends at lunch, and then proceeded to ask her if Eli could spend the night on Friday for something they had to do on Saturday. UGH, just what I need, Eli over here. At least I’d get to see him outside of school. I thought subconsciously. Anyway, Autumn asked me if I liked them, I told her that they seemed cool, but it was too soon to tell.

Friday was coming up soon, and everything was going good. I had everything done for my first projects that were due, and I was talking to Eli more. We were really good friends now and I knew a lot about him. Thursday I passed him the note.

me:What’s up?
eli:Not much you?
me:Not much
eli:You going to z-ville on sat?
me:idk. Drake never asked me to go…I figured it was a guy thing.
eli:Oh…well come along anyway. Please? It’ll be fun, promise.
me: Fine! Only because you asked! lol. =P

I gave him the note and as he read it, he smiled. I blushed and smiled back. I’d only known him for a couple of weeks, but I really did like him a lot. But the Friday he was to come over, he was acting strange, He gave me a note on the way to lunch.

You’re a really nice girl and all, but you’re just my
best friends little sister, you’re like a target for torment.
Sorry, I really do like you, but it won’t work out.

I crumbled up the note and noticed I had let a few tears spill over when Eli looked over at me. I wiped them away and walked over the Akalia. I couldn’t believe that note hurt me so much. I really had fallen for him, hard. Akalia quickly noticed I was crying.

“Kate, what’s wrong?” I just shook my head and handed her the note. She read it and Nick took the note from her. He read it and crumbled it up.

“Kaitie you don’t need him.” He stated trying to make me feel better.

“Nick, I don’t even know why I’m crying anyway. He’s just another guy who proved to me he’s not worth it, and proved he didn’t care.” I shot back trying to stop the crying. Akalia sat me down and gave me a hug.

“Hun, it’s okay. We all gotta have a crush sometime.” She gave me a sympathetic look.

“What!? I don’t have a crush on Eli! He’s just a friend.” I said sourly.

“Right.” She said looking back at Eli. She rubbed my back for comfort. I quit crying after about five minutes. Nick had finally calmed down and sat down on my other side. He took my hand in his and lightly stroked it with his thumb. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

“Nick…” I said looking up at him.

“Yeah, Kate?” he said into my hair.


“For what?”

“For being there.” I took my head off his shoulder and smiled.

“Kate, I’ll always be here, promise.” He said giving me a hug, and he kissed my forehead. Everything seemed fine in Nick’s arms, like nothing would happen. But I’d only known him for five days, how could I have such strong feelings already?UGH! I'm so damn confused. I should really quit reading all those damn romance novels.

I heard Akalia clear her throat. Nick let go of me and leaned back on the table. Akalia looked at me smiled. I gave her a weak smile and mouthed ‘Nick really does care doesn’t he?’ She nodded. I nodded my head slowly and folded my arms on the table, placing my chin on them. I sighed and leaned my head toward Nick. He scooted closer to me and put a hand on my back.

“Hey, Akalia… what are you doing tonight?” I asked.

“Nothing, wait… why?” she asked giving me a suspicious look.

“Can I come over? Drake and Autumn are spending the night and so’s Eli. I don’t want to be there with him. PLEASE!?” I begged.

“DUH! My parents are going out for their anniversary. So… they won’t be home until Sunday.” He said looking at Nick and winking. I rolled my eyes.

“Great! I’ll call dad as soon as I go home.” I said giving her a huge grin. The bell rang we all got up to leave. Nick grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. I looked up at him and blushed. His cheeks turned a slight pink and he pulled me towards English.

“All of English I thought about Nick’s promise. ‘I’ll always be here, promise.’ The words kept running through my head. I was pulled from my train of thought when a piece of paper hit my desk. My name was written on the outside.

Look I’m sorry. It’s just you’re… you’re too good
for me. But I do like you, it’s just we have to be
friends. Remember, you’ll always be a good friend.
p.s. when did you and Williams start dating?

I looked up at Eli. He was staring straight ahead. I slipped the note into my pocket and blinked back the tears. The bell rang and I rushed to gym, trying to hide the pain from him. Nick was in gym with me so I felt better already. After I got changed and made my way to the gym, Drake walked in. he made his way over to me. He looked really pissed off. I started walking towards him. He stopped and gave Coach Gable a note and then grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the gym.

“What the hell!? Why were you crying at lunch? I thought you promised you’d tell me if someone messed with you?” He whispered angrily.

“What? It was nothing. I was just... overreacting to something I read. Sorry I worried you.” I whispered starting to feel the tears whelp up in my eyes just thinking about Eli.

“Kate, what did you read?” I couldn’t control it anymore.

“Ask Eli, he’ll tell you all about it!” I spat trying to hold back the tears, but I was unsuccessful. They started falling and Drake just looked at me. My knees felt weak, I started trembling. Drake quickly grabbed a hold of me. He held me close, like any brother would their sister.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” Was all he said. I nodded and ran up to the locker room, grabbed my stuff and met up with Drake. He had his arm around my shoulders the whole way to his truck. I felt safe as Drake held me protectively. I think having him as a brother would be the best thing ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is a little better than the last.
Promise it'll get better. <33
