Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Why Would I? We're Having Fun.

After we got home, Drake sat me down on the couch and asked me about everything. I explained the notes and what happened in English today. I cried the whole time. Drake was sympathetic though, and hugged me a lot. He asked me why I got so upset about Eli and I couldn’t even answer him. All I could do was shrug.

Drake told me that Eli did like me, but he was probably just trying to steer away from the idea. ‘He’s afraid of commitment’ and ‘He doesn’t want to get too involved with someone who’s younger than him since he’s leaving in May’ were his excuses for Eli. I just shook my head.

“Drake, I don’t even know why I’m crying over this. You must think I’m mental or something.” I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“No. I don’t think you’re mental, I just think you fell too hard for a guy that’s all.” He said giving me a hug. I hugged him back.

After about ten more minutes of talking about Eli and what happened today, I decided to call Dad and ask about going over to Akalia’s. He said yes, so I called Akalia; she said she’d pick me up at five. I ran upstairs and packed my duffle bag. I threw in random clothes and a whole bunch of makeup. I started looking through CD's when I heard the front door open. I figured it was either Autumn or Eli so I just went back to the CD's.

“Lets see… ‘Boys Like Girls’ and ‘Taylor Swift.’” I mumbled as I took them out of my CD rack and threw them into my bag. I didn’t notice someone was in my room until I stood up and nearly fell back down.

“Oh my gosh!” I shrieked jumping back.

“God, Kate didn’t mean to scare yah.” I rolled my eyes and picked up my duffle bag.

“Look, you made yourself very clear in your notes. Don’t try it here,” I stated walking towards my door. Eli stepped in front of me, making me halt, and grabbed my arms.

“Kate, listen…” he hesitated. “I only said that stuff because… well I’ve already fallen for you. And I think if I keep talking to you, I might do something to hurt you. But when Drake told me how much I hurt you, I… I just had to explain things. I’m sorry.” He leaned down and his lips were not far from mine. I tired to speak but I became speechless. Suddenly I felt my lips warm up. Eli was kissing me and I couldn’t help but kiss back. At first it was gentle, but got a little rough towards the end. I pulled away when I heard Drake coming up the stairs.

“Wow, now I know what I’ve been missing.” Eli mumbled to himself as he took his hands off my arms. He walked over to my door and winked back at me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I just stood there. ‘Did that just really happen?’ I thought to myself.

“Wow.” I mumbled.

“Hey Kaitie, Akalia’s here.” Drake called from his bedroom.

“Kay. Later!” I shouted as I dashed towards the stairs. Eli was at the bottom. I thought he was in Drake’s room? Maybe my mind's playing tricks on me. Yay, that's it. I made it down the stairs without falling, which was a miracle because I took them two at a time.

“By Kate, see you tomorrow.” Eli said as I reached the door.

“Bye Eli.” I ran out to Akalia’s jeep and hopped in the passenger side. She gave me a questionable look. I laughed and told her about what happened before she got there.

“OH MY GOURD!!!” she shrieked as we pulled into her driveway. I nodded my head, biting down on my lip to fight the smile.

“Holy Crap.” She breathed shaking her head to clear it. “Wow” she parked the jeep and we walked up to her room to drop my stuff off. She gave me the fifty cent tour. He house was big, four bedroom, two full bath, two living rooms, one freaking huge kitchen and she had a huge backyard. It had a pool and a jacuzzi, along with a basketball court.

After the tour she called over some friends, Nick, Wes, Brad, Patrick, Jess and Kahla. She said we were having a small get together. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at her. Soon they all showed up and we headed to her basement. I gave her a questioning look and she rolled her eyes at me. Her basement was big and divided into 3 rooms, a laundry room, another living room, and a spare bedroom. We went into the living room and I sat on the couch next to the arm, Nick sat next to me. We all talked for about ten or fifteen minutes before someone suggested me play a game I wasn’t too fond of.

Eli’s POV

I knew I had hurt her; I just didn’t want to admit it yet. She was my best friend’s little sister and I knew she’d be worth dating, but… something told me that I shouldn’t. It said no, not her.

I’d been confused for two or three days about my feelings for Kate. She was smart, shy, kind. Beautiful. I sighed as I thought about her. I was lying on my bed when Drake called.

“Hey man look – " I tried, but was cut off by him telling me about her crying and that she was going over to a friend’s house so I could come over early.

“Uh… okay. When’s she leaving?” I asked him.

“Five I think.”

“Kay, I’ll be over in ten minutes.” I closed my cell and jumped out of bed. I grabbed necessities out of the bathroom – toothbrush, deodorant, etc. – and threw them into my duffle bag. Then I grabbed a couple shirts and jeans. I hopped into my truck and rushed over to Colton’s. Drake spent so much time there; I thought he’d already moved in.

When I got there, Drake answered the door and I told him I was taking my stuff up to his room. I remembered him telling me about Kate’s room being across the hall from his. The door was open and I heard her mumbling to herself.

“Boys Like Girls and Taylor Swift” she said shoving them into her duffle bag. I guess I scared the crap outta her because when she got up and turned around; she jumped like three feet in the air. I told her my reasons for the notes and took her shoulders in my hands. I don’t know what came over e because I leaned my head down so my lips were barely touching hers.

“I… uh…” she tried talking but she couldn’t. Next thing I know, I’m kissing her. She seemed shocked. I kissed her ever so gently and she kissed back, making it a little more rough. She pulled away and I let go of her.

“Wow, now I know what I’ve been missing,” was all I could say before I walked to Drake’s room. Drake was lying on his bed.

“Hey Kaitie, Akalia’s here.” He yelled as he heard her jeep pull up.

“Drake, I’m gonna get a drink. Be right back.” I dashed out of his room before he could answer. I took the stairs two at a time and waited by the end of the banister for Kate. She took the stairs two at a time, almost fell once but managed not to.

“Bye Kate, see you tomorrow.” I said as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Bye Eli,” She said as she dashed out the front door. I sighed and sluggishly went back to Drake’s room. She was now sitting at his desk playing solitaire and listening to The All-American Rejects ‘Damn Girl.’ I flopped down on his bed and laid down. My arms were over my face, making me look like a ‘criminal’ according to Colton. Drake spun around in his chair and sighed.

“What’s wrong dude?” he asked.

“You’d kill me if I told you.”

“No I won’t, just tell me.” He promised.

“Fine…- "I hesitated" – I kissed Kaitie.” I took my arms off my face and looked over at Drake. He didn’t look mad…but he did turn slightly pink and green.

“Uh huh… and she didn’t stop you?” he questioned.


“Well I guess that’s good news for you then.” He said smirking.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked giving him a questioning look. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

“She likes you… a lot, but you did hurt her. Seriously, she bawled for like twenty minutes straight, and she still kissed you?”

“I know. I wasn’t trying to hurt her. I just thought that if I kept talking to her I’d do something stupid or fall too far, but I guess I’ve already done both. No sense in hiding from the truth.” Drake’s jaw clenched. I could tell he was already being a little overprotective.

“Fine. You can date her, but IF she ever gets hurt, I’ll kick your ass! Don’t tempt me either cause you know I will!” Drake said through his teeth. I gulped, knowing Drake would too.

“I promise I won’t hurt her.” Drake just looked at me. He sighed and finally nodded. “GOOD!” we started laughing. After about five minutes of laughing, we started playing video games and all I could think about was that kiss. Her lips were so soft and she kissed so sweetly. I really did like her more than expected. I was pulled from my train of thought when Drake’s cell started ringing. It was Kaitie and she was crying. Something was wrong.

Kaitie’s POV

“How about we play twenty minutes in heaven?” Jess suggested. Everyone but me was like ‘Yeah’ and ‘Hell yeah.’ I just rolled my eyes. Akalia threw me a look.

“Have you ever played?” Kahla asked giving me questionable looks. I hesitated but managed to shake my head no. The girls gasped and all but Nick laughed.

“Why is it funny?” I asked worryingly.

“It’s okay Kate they just play it too much.” Nick whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck; it sent a shiver down my spine and it wasn't a good feeling. He must have felt me shiver, because he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. It felt weird being close to Nick now, like he was just bad news. He chuckled and put his other arm around my waist; I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d never done much besides… well what I did with Eli was all I’d ever done.

“Okay… Kate and Nick, you’re going first.” Wes said pulling me off the couch. I shot Akalia a glance, but she was too busy finding beer in the fridge. They shoved us in the bedroom, and locked the door.

“TWENTY MINUTES!” Patrick shouted. I sighed. The lights were off so I couldn’t see anything.

“Nick?” I asked looking around trying to find the bed. I felt his breath on my neck. He snaked his arms around my waist and out his hands on my stomach. I swallowed and turned around. Nick was now facing me.

“Kate, you’re so beautiful, and smart. I like you a lot,” he whispered before he started kissing my forehead. HE kissed from my forehead down to my cheekbone and then right on the lips. I didn’t know what to do, so I kissed him back. Obviously he thought I liked him as much as he liked me because the next thing I know I’m being pushed down on the bed and Nick was on top of me. By then we were making out, our shirts were on the floor. I still had on my tank top and jeans. He had on his wife beater and jeans. We had ten minutes left and Nick’s hands got curious. He started feeling me up and tired unbuttoning my pants.

“Whoa! Nick stop.” I said nearly out of breath. He stopped for a whole five seconds before he started kissing me again. He kept biting my lip and he started undoing my pants again. I tried pushing him off, but he was too strong. He started biting my neck and putting his hands up my shirt. I tired pushing him off again but it didn’t work.

“Feisty much?” he asked in the hollow of my neck. I felt him messing with my bra hooks. He was going too far and I couldn’t really stop him. Nick’s moth made it to the top of my tank top before I realized how far he wanted to go.

“Nick, stop it! I’m serious!” I managed to say.

“Why would I? We’re having fun.” HE whispered into my chest.

“No, YOU are!” I said angrily. He grabbed my wrists, which hurt bad enough that I cried. “OUCH! Nick stop you’re hurting me!” I said loud enough that SOMEONE should have heard me outside the room. He was holding too tightly on my wrists, I could feel the bruises forming. Akalia barged in screaming. “Nick! Get the hell off her!” And she ripped him off of me. I slid out from under him and grabbed my t-shirt. I ran upstairs and called Drake.

“Hey Drake, can you come get me?” I managed to say through sobs. He said sure and was here in about five minutes. Eli was with him. Drake just barged in yelling for me. Akalia tired explaining to him nothing happened, but when he saw my neck and wrists he begged to differ.

“Kaitie, what happened?” Drake asked grasping my face in his hands.

“N-N-Nick.” Was all I could say. Drake’s face turned red and green all in one second and he let go of me. Eli rushed over to me and pulled me close to his chest. He didn’t care that I was ruining his shirt with my tears. He just stood there telling me it would be okay while he stroking my hair. I pushed myself closer to Eli. He chuckled and told me Drake would take care of it. I managed to get my head up and give him a questioning look. He looked over to his left and I followed his gaze. Nick was coming up the stairs. I saw Drake walk calmly over to him and Nick abruptly stopped.

“Hey man, she wanted it!” Nick spat as his excuse. Drake looked over at me and I shook my head. Drake looked back at Nick and BAM!!!” He threw a right hook into Nick’s jaw. Nick fell to the ground and Drake walked towards the front door. Eli let go of me and took my hand. I looked up at his face, it was as red as Drake’s but he was smiling. That made me smile and I squeezed his hand for comfort. He looked down at me and winked. I blushed and giggled. Akalia gave me my stuff and told me sorry. I told her it was okay and not her fault.

Eli led me out to Drake’s truck, holding my hand the whole time. When we got to Drake’s truck, Eli took my stuff from me and put it in the back while I got in. He quickly hopped in and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. It reminded me of how Nick did it and I stiffened a bit.

“Are you okay?” Eli asked looking down at me.

“Uh… yeah, I’m just shook up a little.” I replied putting my head on his chest, loosening up. He leaned down and kissed the top of my hair. You know, for someone who didn’t want to get too involved earlier, he sure was being loving now. Oh well, he was being sweet and comforting. So I’ll drop it for now.

We got back to the house at about seven, so Colton and Autumn were there. Drake knew they’d ask questions so he gave me his hoodie to wear up to my room first, hiding the hickies and my wrists. I thanked him and put it on. Eli opened the truck door and helped me out, again taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. He grabbed my stuff and walked me to my room. I realized that night that I more than liked Eli, I loved him.
♠ ♠ ♠
DRAmA!!! haha...
hope you enjoyed!
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