Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Damn It, Answer Me!

After I got to my room, I pulled off Drake’s hoodie and examined myself in the mirror. My wrists were purple and blue along with about twelve different spots on my neck. I sighed and put my hoodie back on. Eli came up behind me and took my hand. I turned around to face him.

”Eli, do you think I was over reacting when I called Drake?” I asked looking up into his gorgeous blue eyes. They reminded me of the ocean.

“No Kaitie Bug, I think you did the right thing calling Drake.” He said giving me a serious look. I laughed when he called me ‘Kaitie Bug.’ My dad was the only person who still called me that. He smiled and tucked the hair that was in my face behind my ear.

“Thanks.” I mumbled as I leaned into his chest.

“No problem.” Eli pushed me back a little bit so we were just inches from each other. He lifted up my chin so I was closer to him. He kissed me lightly on the lips and put his other hand on my cheek. I really did love him and I think he felt the same. Eli lifted the hand he was holding, and put it on his chest, but didn’t let go of it.

“Kaitie,” he whispered, “Maybe you should go downstairs and explain things to Colton.” I gave him a worried look.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be right there beside you the whole time, Promise.” He whispered into my ear. I felt my heart accelerate when I felt his breath on my neck. I looked up at him and nodded.

“Okay…thanks.” I said pulling my hand off his chest. We walked downstairs hand in hand and I guess Drake explained Eli and I to dad or something of that nature because he didn’t say anything about it.

I explained everything that happened through sobs and showed dad my neck and wrists. When he saw my wrists, his face was the same was Drake’s when he saw them at Akalia’s. Dad asked me if I wanted to press charges, I shook my head no and explained about Drake hitting him. Dad was beyond pissed; he broke the remote and a couple of vases sitting near him. I apologized for going over to Akalia’s in the first place and he calmed down a little. I decided I’d had enough of drama for one night, told Dad night and walked up to my room by myself. I changed into my pajamas quickly and let Eli in. He sat down on my bed as I turned my CD player on.

Eli and I sat there for about two hours and talked about why I decided to move here and what I liked about it. It was pretty random. My room wasn’t the warmest place in the house, so I ended up crawling under the covers. Eli stayed on top of them and let me rest my head on his chest, with my arm around his waist.

“Kaitie, I’m sorry I gave you those notes. I really do like you… and I don’t think I could have kept away for very long. Just remember if we only end up as friends, I’ll always be here.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“Eli, it’s okay. I was stupid and overreacted to them. Besides I know you couldn’t keep away from me.” Eli raised an eyebrow and a confused expression came across his face. “I’m just that cute! Everyone has to look.” A smug smirk slid across my face. Eli rolled his eyes and chuckled. “You’re just too adorable.” He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me waist.

“Hey Kaitie…will you…uh… be my girlfriend?” I was taken by surprise and my head shot up.

“Yes!” I exclaimed putting my head back down. It grew silent…but it wasn’t an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence. More of an, I’m glad I have you silence. Slowly I drifted off to sleep. Everything felt right in Eli’s arms. I was thankful it was him that came over with Drake instead of my dad. The way he held me, made me feel safe and protected. ‘We really had fallen for each other a bit fast, but I really think it’s all worth it.

Saturday and Sunday pasted in a blur, Drake, Eli and I went to Zanesville Saturday to watch a movie. Not much fun since it was a scary one. I ended up sticking my head in between Eli’s chest and arm I was so scared. He just kissed my head every so often and whisper stuff like ‘It’s okay to look’ and ‘don’t look yet.’ I thought it was cute. Sunday wasn’t exciting, we went to church and then came back home. Nothing exciting.

During the week, Nick kept trying to talk to me and apologize for Friday whenever I was walking by myself. He kept his distance when I was with Drake or Eli. He’d pass my notes during class and he called the house about six times at night, only to be told off by Colton each time. After about four days I gave in and wrote him back.


Look what you did was awful. I don’t think I can forgive you. I know you didn’t mean too… but I’m not up for excuses. So just leave me alone. I’m dating Eli and there’s nothing you can do to make me forgive you. Sorry.


I gave him the note in History and I didn’t get one back, so I figured he got the picture.

Friday rolled around quickly. Eli was coming over again to spend the night. Thursday Autumn and Drake officially moved in. Thank God we have two bathrooms because four people sharing one is NOT necessary. I was shocked Colton was letting Eli spend the night, considering the fact that we’re dating. But Colton trusts us not to do anything.

After school, Eli and Drake had basketball tryouts so I decided I’d stay in the library until they were done. Algebra II and Biology should have been enough to keep me busy for two hours. The first hour was okay. I finished my Biology homework and finished my Algebra project.

“Ugh… I have nothing to do now.” I muttered to myself looking at the clock. It was only 3:45, I still had to wait for another forty-five minutes. I sighed and put my books back into my bag and pulled out my sketch pad. Doodling only occupied about twenty of my forty-five minutes, leaving me to be helplessly bored for ten minutes before deciding to put my books back in my locker.

Randomly I decided to take the long way to my locker, taking about five minutes off my waiting time. My locker was near the gym so after I put my books away I decided to wait in the gym lobby… BIG MISTAKE. As soon as I reached the gym lobby, Nick and his goons, Wes and Brad, walked out of the gym. They looked at me and started snickering. Nick started walking towards me and smirked.

“What do you want Fisher?” He spat out giving me a look that made me uneasy.

“Not you, Williams!” I said sourly.

“Awwe… don’t be that way babe. Remember what fun we had last week?” he kept getting closer to me.

“Ha. First of all, WE didn’t have fun, YOU did. Second of all, don’t call me babe. Third, I don’t think Drake or Eli would mind giving you another fat lip… or a broken jaw for that matter. NICK.” I looked towards the clock over the gym door, seven more minutes before Drake and Eli were done. CRAP. Nick was about two feet away from me now, his goons about a foot behind him.

“Now Kaitie, if you don’t mind me calling you that, Drakie pooh wouldn’t do that. If he did he’d be kicked off the team and well… we wouldn’t want our star player getting kicked off. Now would we?” He moved closer and I could feel his breath on my face.

“Get away from her Nick!” The all too familiar voice made my heart accelerate…if it wasn’t already. I pushed past Nick and ran into Eli’s arms. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed me head. “It’s okay… I’m here.” He whispered into my hair.

“Oh please Eli! What are you going to about it if I don’t?” Nick spat walking towards us. Eli pushed me aside and stepped in front of me.

“Nick you know I’m not afraid of getting kicked off the team. And I’ll gladly do the honors of breaking your jaw.” Eli seemed pissed off now and it kind of scared me.

“Eli STOP IT!” Drake had overheard the last of Eli’s speech and decided to butt in now. “Nick I told you to stay the hell away from her! I wasn’t joking either!” Drake was now face to face with Nick. And Eli was walking back to me.

“I’m sorry baby, I should have taken you home instead of letting you stay here.” I embraced him in a hug.

“No. I’m sorry, I should of stayed in the library. Sorry.” I said into his chest. I felt the tears start to rise but I blinked them back. He pulled me away from him a little and lifted my chin up slightly.

“It’s okay, I’m just glad I got here when I did.” He kissed my cheek and looked up at Drake. He was furious. Uh oh...

“Damn it Kaitie! I thought I told you to stay in the library! HUH?” Drake snapped and it kind of scared me. “Huh? Kaitie! Damn it ANSWER ME!” He yelled and I let the tears fall showing that I was upset.

“YES! I’m sorry. I just got so bored and I was finished with everything… and I’m sorry.” I hung my head and waited for him to yell some more. He just sighed and walked away. I looked up and Drake was gone. Eli pulled me closer to him and he placed his cheek on the top of my head.

“It’s okay. Drake’s just worried about you and he doesn’t want to end up off the team because of it. Honey he’s just worried Nick’ll do something stupid and he won’t be able to make things better.” He kissed my head again and leaned up. I quit hugging him and took his hand. We walked out to his truck and he drove me home.

I leaned against his side and let the tears escape my eyes for the majority of the ride home. Drake made me feel horrible and I don’t think he was in any mood to forgive me.
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hope you like it.
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