Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Good Becasue You're MY Dork!

Drake didn’t talk to me all weekend and it worried me. Dad got curious and asked me why Drake wouldn’t talk to me; I just told me Drake was upset about something that happened at basketball. He just rolled his eyes and went back to whatever he was doing.
Eli spent all weekend with Drake, trying to convince him to lighten up on me. Saturday around midnight, Eli gave up and came into my room.

“Hey babe,” he said as he opened my door.

“Hey,” I replied as I sat up and turned my light on. Eli sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. “He won’t talk to me will he?” I asked pulling my knees to my chest. I leaned my head into his chest as he sighed.


“Great, now I feel even worse. Will he at least listen to me?”

“No, sorry. The only thing he told me was that he’s not into forgiving you yet.”
“Why is he so mad at me? I mean I know I didn’t listen to him, but he’s not my dad. And I told him I was sorry. What more do I have to do to show him I’m sorry?” I tried to hide the hurt in my voice, but Eli detected it. He pulled me onto his lap and caressed my cheeks with his hands.

“Kaitie, honey, I don’t know what to tell you. Drake’s Drake and he’ll forgive you… soon. But right now, let’s just forget everything besides you and me. We haven’t had much us time.” He moved his hands from my cheeks to my waist. I had my hands on his shoulders and moved them to the back of his neck. I pulled his head to mine and my lips crashed onto his. He pulled my body closer to his and we laid on our sides.

We started kissing in sync and my heart was accelerating. I pulled away to breathe for awhile. Eli had a huge smile on his face, and he started messing with my hair. He leaned over and we started kissing again. He licked my bottom lip and I refused to let him in.
“Playing hard to get?” He whispered between kisses.

“Maybe.” I teased. He smirked and pulled me closer. I giggled and pulled at his shirt. He licked my lip again and I refused, but it didn’t take him long to find a way in. Eli took his hand from my waist and grabbed my butt, making me gasp. He took the opportunity and slid his tongue into my mouth and explored. Eli started massaging my tongue, and I started a tongue war, only to fail miserably. After about a half hour of making out, Eli and I gave up and quit.

“That was… fun.” I exclaimed giggling. Eli rolled onto his back and pulled me onto his chest.
“Yeah… dork.” Eli poked my ribs.

“I’m not a dork, you are!” I started tickling him, only to be tickled back. “Ye-yeah. Okay I’m a dork!” I admitted giggling.

“Good because you’re MY dork.” He leaned his head down and gave me a sweet kiss. I sighed and nodded my head. “Yep, I sure am.” I started drawing hearts with my index finger on his chest and slowly started drifting off to sleep. Eli took notice and started tickling me.
“Okay, I’m up, I’m up!” I exclaimed through laughter.

“Good because I have to tell you something.” I gave him a questionable look.
“Kaitie, I know we’ve only known each other for a month or so, but I think I love you.” He sat up and pulled me with him.

“Eli, I love you too.” He looked shocked. I nodded my head and pulled him into a hug.
“Kaitie, there’s more.” He hesitated and pushed me away from him a bit. “The reason why I’m always allowed over here is because, well –” he sighed. “Because, my dad is abusive.” A tear fell down his cheek.

“Eli, hon it’s okay.” I’d never seen a guy cry and well, it being the guy I loved, made me cry too. I wiped away the tear and took his face in my hands. “So that’s why you’re always over on the weekends? It’s okay –” I was cut off by Eli’s lips on mine. He pulled away and started talking again.

“Kaitie, that’s why I told you at first we couldn’t be together, but your dad, is an understanding man – thank god – and Drake told him what was going on. So Colton filed charges, well I did, and now my dad’s on trial.” More tears fell and I noticed more fell from my eyes too. I didn’t know what to tell him, so I just hugged him and told him everything would be okay. This went on for about fifteen minutes and Eli finally quit crying. He hugged me and held on for dear life.

“Kaitie, I love you so much, thanks for putting up with me.”

“Eli, I love you too, and I told you I’d always be here.” I kissed him lightly on the lips and took his hands in mine. I lightly rubbed my thumbs against his hands. I look at his face, his eyes were red and blue, the area around them slightly puffy, and he had a meek smile on his face. I pulled Eli over to me and put a hand on his shoulders and looked him deep into the eyes.

Eli’s POV

I couldn’t believe I’d just told Kaitie about my dad. The only people who knew were Colton, Autumn, and mom, but Kaitie didn’t seem as… well surprised. She cried, which I thought was odd, but she hugged me and told me everything would be okay. It felt nice, being in her arms.

Kaitie was holding my hands and pulled me forward, so I was a lot closer. She was looking into my eyes, as if she was searching for something. I just looked right back. She had the most amazing green eyes I’d ever seen. They were so full of compassion, concern, love. I couldn’t help but pull her onto my lap and kiss her. She kissed back, but pulled away quickly.

“Don’t get too frisky, Tony.” She exclaimed giggling of course. I didn’t know what it was, but she always giggled. It wasn’t annoying because I love her giggle, she just did.

“Sorry.” I whispered into her cheek before I kissed it.

“It’s okay.” Kaitie was sitting on my lap, and boy did she look gorgeous. I mean it’s not like she had on just a bra and underwear, she had on a black top and grey sweats. I mean the girl looked good in anything. Hell, I think she looks her best without makeup on and her glasses.

Kaitie finally laid down after about ten minutes of sitting on my lap. She put her head on my chest. Absentmindedly, I started playing with her hair. It was soft, a rich blondish-brown color, adorable. I leaned down next to her ear, “I love you,” was all I whispered. She looked up, blushing, and smiled. “I love you, too, Eli.” And she closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep in my arms.

After Kaitie fell asleep, I gently took her glasses off of her, so I wouldn’t wake her. I sighed and laid my head back on her pillow. I was exhausted from the long weekend and quickly fell asleep. That night, I dreamt of Kaitie and how we’d make it through her high school years. I really did love her, so much more than she knew.
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OH MY GOSH!!! I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been busy and when I wasn't busy I was basicly procrastinating majorly. But yeahh, hope you like the story!!!

I promise there will be weekly updates after the 28th, becasue that's when I get done with school and will be at my mother's.

