Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Feels Like Letting Go.

I woke up the next morning with Eli’s arms wrapped around me. My head was on this chest and I was practically on top of him. He looked so cute and at peace when he was sleeping. I laid my head back down and closed my eyes. I was guessing I woke him up because I felt one of his hands move to my hair. Slowly, I looked up at a smiling Eli.

“Morning, babe.” Eli said a bit groggily. I smiled.

“Morning.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead, before sitting up. Eli kissed my cheek and brushed a strand of hair away from my eye. “Thanks.”

“No problem babe.” Eli said winking at me. I rolled off my bed slowly, making sure I didn’t fall off, went to my closet and grabbed my baby blue ‘Smithsonian’ hoodie. As I was putting it over my head, someone came up behind me and put their arms around my waist. It was Eli. I pulled my hoodie down around my neck.

“I love you.” He whispered into my ear and pecked my cheek. I turned around to face him.

“I love you, too, and I’ll always be here for you… no matter what.” And I kissed him passionately. He seemed… well not like himself today. He only kissed me back for a few seconds. When he pushed me away from him, I knew something was wrong. I took his hand, pulled him over to my bed, and made him sit down. I pulled my hoodie on the rest of the way and sat down next to him.

“Eli, what’s wrong?”

“It’s… it’s nothing.” He looked over to the other side of my room.

“It doesn’t seem like nothing.” I put my hand on his cheek and his gaze came back to me. “Eli, please tell me what’s wrong.” He sighed.

“My dad’s trial is tomorrow and… well never mind.”

“And… what?” He hesitated.

“Do you think you could go with me? Please?” His face was twisted into a look I’d never seen before. “Please?”

“Eli, Of course I will, because as I said before, I’ll always be here no matter what.” I gave him a huge hug and kissed his cheek.

“I love you so much, thank you.” He whispered barely audible.

“I love you, too.” I said into his shoulder. We stayed like that for about five minutes, until there was a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said letting go of Eli. Drake opened my door and stepped in.

“Hey Kate, can I talk to you… alone?” He said the last word towards Eli and Eli looked at me. I nodded my head and he pecked my cheek. Eli walked out and I looked over to Drake. He had a weird look on his face. It was hard, yet soft. He seemed sad, happy and mad at the same time, along with confused and understanding. (If all that’s possible)

“Kaitie, look –” He hesitated. “I’m sorry for blowing up on you, but you shouldn’t of came back to the gym.” He began.

“And I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t of, but I did. And you, you’re a little TOO overprotective.” I stated interrupting him. His face turned red. “Drake, I’ve been here for over a month and you’re acting like my dad! Colton acts like more a brother than you do! Drake, I’m not up for this right now. Eli and I have some things to discuss. Now LEAVE MY ROOM!” Drake was dumbfounded. He huffed and stormed out of my room. Eli walking back in as a tear of frustration rolled down my cheek.

“Baby, it’s okay. Drake’s just looking out for you.” He wiped away the tear and caressed my cheek. I gave him a weak smile. He pecked my lips and rested his forehead on mine.

“I love you, never forget that.” Eli whispered as he tucked hair behind my ear.

“I love you too.” Eli and I ended up spending the rest of the day together. We just stayed in my room and talked, not once did we bring up the trial or Drake. We talked about the basketball team and how well they would do and how much we loved each other. I ended up falling asleep in his arms.

The next morning, Dad came in around six or so for Eli to go home and get clothes. Eli gave me a peck on the cheek and left.

“Kate?” Dad said as he reentered my room.


“Are you going today? To court I mean.” He stated/asked as he leaned against my door frame. I nodded my head slowly. “Well… that’s pretty big. I mean you have only known each other for like what… a month and a half?”

“And your point is?”

“Just be careful sweetheart. I don’t want you to get hurt if something goes wrong.” With that he left. I sighed and walked over to my closet. I pulled out a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt, and then went into the bathroom. I hurriedly took a shower and got ready. I dried my hair, straightened it and did my makeup. I brushed my teeth, then threw my clothes on and went back into my room.

After ten minutes of searching through my closet, I found my black ballet flats. I put them on then my glasses. I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys.

“Bye Dad. Love you!” I yelled as I ran out the door and drove over to the court house. Eli was waiting outside for me. I walked up to him and took his hand, squeezing it for comfort.

“Ready?” I asked looking up at him. He had a nervous look on his face.

“I think so.” Eli said nervously. We walked into the courthouse and into the court room… not knowing what to expect.

>>>>6hours Later<<<<

Eli’s dad was found guilty and his sentencing was in two months. I felt bad for Eli and his mom because they’d have to go so long without seeing Charles and Marie would have to get another job. Eli and Marie were both called to the stand, and it kinda scared me when I heard all the things Charles did. I didn’t want to ask Eli if he was okay because he looked upset and angry and I knew it’d probably make him feel worse to ask anymore. He walked me to my truck. I couldn’t help but blurt it out.

“Eli, are you okay?” I asked as I opened my truck door.

“Just peachy.” He retorted harshly.

I cringed a little. “Sorry… just trying to be nice.” I said kind of hurt. I hopped up into the cab and reached for my door, only to have Eli grab my hand.

“Kaitie, I’m sorry. I – I just –” I cut him off.

“I get it. See you tomorrow.” I went to let go of his hand, but Eli pulled me out of the truck. He kept a hold of my hand and wrapped the other arm around my waist.

“I’m sorry. I’m just… out of it a little, I guess.” Eli admitted letting go of my hand. He tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

“It’s okay, go home and be with your mom. Looks like she could use all the company she can get from you.” I started playing with my keys, looking down at the ground. Eli lifted up my chin and looked at my eyes. Slowly I shifted my gaze to his. His eyes were full of tears. Eli slowly kissed me, making my heart beat faster. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He pulled back aburptly, causing me to open my eyes.

“I love you.” Eli whispered into my ear.

“I love you too.” I said before pecking his cheek. He let me go and walked away. I knew Eli was upset, but he’s never acted that strange before. It kind of scared me because I felt like he was distancing himself. I hopped back into my truck and drove home. This was going to be and interesting week, not only at home, but with Eli and school.
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY!!! sorry this is kind of short. =)
Hope you like it!
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tell me what you want to happen next.

kaylynn. <33
