Status: Hiatus; sorry guys. :(

Next Time You Point a Finger, I'll Point You to the Mirror

Loosen My Grip

It’d been two weeks since Eli’s dad’s trial. He’d been distancing himself from Drake and I, and it worried me. Since Eli started skipping lunch, I haven’t been able to talk to him much. So I decided to write him a note and give it to him in English.

Hey. Just thought I’d write you a note to see how you
are doing since you haven’t been returning my calls or
texts. Eli, I miss you. You’re always busy now and you
never have time for us. I feel like we’re drifting apart…

I crumbled up the note and threw it away. I’d rather talk to him than write a note. The bell rang and Eli bolted towards the door.

“Eli!” I called after him, but he kept on walking. I ran and caught up to him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him aside. A group of freshmen started staring at us, I glared and they abruptly stopped and walked away.

“What?” Eli asked harshly. That took me back. I dropped his hand and looked up at his face. He had purple bags under his bloodshot eyes.

“What’s wrong with you? Why won’t you talk to me?” I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Eli looked away.

“Damn it TALK TO ME!” I yelled. Eli pulled his attention back to me. Another tear fell down my cheek. Eli noticed and took a step towards me. He wiped away the tears and placed his palm on my cheek.

“Kaitie… I’m sorry. I’ve just been helping mom out and she’s always crying an’ getting drunk. I have to pull doubles to help her. Baby, I am so sorry.” He kissed my forehead wrapping an arm around my waist. “I’ll come over tonight.” He whispered in my ear. Eli pulled his head from the side of mine and gently kissed my lips… causing my heart to melt. “I love you.” He let go of me and walked to class. The bell rang and I was late for gym.

Gym class was interesting. Coach Gable gave me detention for being late. [La-de-freaking-dah] Dad wasn’t too happy when I told him I had detention the next day. Autumn laughed. ‘haha’ Drake, well he knew all about it. He just nodded his head and told Dad he’d explain things later before I ran up to my room.

I really didn’t want to listen to them complain and bicker. After ten minutes of absolutely nothing, there was a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said sitting up on my bed. I looked over at my door; Eli was standing here with a rose in hand and a big smile across his face.

“Hey,” Eli said softly as he walked into my room. I jumped off my bed and stood up.

“Hey.” I smiled sweetly. He handed me the rose and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Kaitie, I’m really sorry about the past two weeks and missing our anniversary last week. Especially for being distant… Kaitie, I miss you and I miss us.” He leaned his head down a little so I could look him in the eye.

“Thanks.” I said softly, barely over a whisper. “I know you’re going through a rough time, but I told you I’d always be here for you. And-And you just kept it all to yourself. Eli…” I sighed, “… we promised each other we’d always be there. Y-you just –” Eli pressed a finger against my lips.

“I know and I’m sorry.” I hadn’t noticed I was crying until Eli wiped away some tears with his thumb. “Baby, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry, I was embarrassed and ashamed. I love you, and I HATED being away from you.” He pulled me close and held me in a tight embrace. “Kaitie, you don’t know how much it practically killed me on the inside… because truthfully, I don’t think I can live without you. I need you here.” Eli kissed the top of my head and laid his chin on it.

“I love you, too.” I whispered against his chest. Eli loosened his grip on me and I looked up into his icy blue eyes. He leaned his head down and his lips crashed onto mine. My heart practically melted and it took my breath away. Eli pushed on the small of my back, pushing me closer to him… if that was humanly possible at this point. I moved my hands up his muscular chest to around his neck, pulling his head down into mine.

We were pulled from our little make out session by someone clearing their throat. Quickly Eli and I loosened our holds on each other and looked towards the door.

“Uh… yeah okay, THAT wasn’t gross.” Drake stated shaking his head. “Anyway… Colton wants you downstairs, like NOW.” Drake is so pushy. I rolled my eyes and let go of Eli. I wiped the tears that were still on my cheeks away with my hoodie sleeve.

“Be right back.” Eli nodded and I kissed his cheek. I descended down the hallway and as I reached the stairs, I heard Autumn and Dad arguing.

“Colton, she’s sixteen, leave the girl alone. It’s not like she and Eli are having sex.”

“Autumn, she wouldn’t tell me even if I asked her. I just don’t want her to end up like her mother and I did; a kid just out of high school, or even worse in high school.” Autumn cleared her throat as I entered the living room.

“You needed me?” I asked dryly.

“Uh… yeah,” My dad started. “Are you and Eli having sex?” I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight to my right foot.

“Uh no! Dad, we haven’t even talked about it.” He eased up. “I seriously don’t know what runs through that head of yours... but honestly we’re not as stupid as you and mom were. End of conversation.” I turned on my heel, not wanting to hear my dad’s reaction to that and walked back to my room. I was surprised he nor Autumn yelled up the stairs for me to come back. When I got to my room, I quickly opened the door, slid in and slammed the door shut.

“UGH!” I stomped my foot then flopped on the bed next to Eli.

“Did you seriously just stomp your foot?” I propped myself up on my elbows and raised an eyebrow.

“Point is?” I asked, a little harsher than necessary.

“I just thought girls only did that in the movies.” Eli laughed as I groaned and sat up.

“Awe, come on babe… I was just joking.” He grabbed my arms and pulled me into his lap.

“My dad is just too straight forward for his own good.” I stated as I placed my folded hands in my lap. Eli raised an eyebrow and lifted my chin with a finger.

“How is that? You know he is a cop.” Eli held back a snicker, causing me to backhand his chest. Then he just busted out laughing. I rolled my eyes and scooted off his lap.

“I’m serious! He asked if we were having –err, sex.” Eli immediately quit laughing and looked me in the eyes.

“Wow, that’s wow. Your dad asked you about us having sex.” He chuckled then took my hand. “At least he’s not asking if we’re getting married.” I raised an eyebrow. “I’m joking, he’s just looking out for you babe. That’s how most dads are with their daughters.” I laced our fingers together and leaned into his side, my head on his chest. Eli wrapped me in a one arm hug.

“I love you.” He whispered into my ear. “I really am sorry for the past two weeks.” He kissed my forehead and laid his head on the top of mine.

“I love you, too.” I whispered into his chest. We sat for a couple minutes, until Eli’s phone went off.

Surely not the best,
Colors that you shine-
Surely not the –

“Hello?” There was a long pause. “Oh… okay, be there shortly. Later.” Eli shut his phone and stuffed it back in to his pocket. “That was Zek, I have to get going. I forgot all about the game. I –” I cut him off.

“I get it, go.” I pulled out of hid grip and stood up. Eli followed suit and started to walk to of my room. I bit my lip, thinking he was going to leave without saying goodbye.

“Wait.” I called as I grabbed his hand. Eli turned around and placed his free hand on my hip.

“Did you seriously think I’d leave without telling you bye? Or I love you?” I opened my mouth but quickly shut it, slowly nodding my head. “Baby, I could never do that. I love you and I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, love you too.” I mumbled as he kissed my head. I was reluctant to let go of his hand, so as he walked away, my grip slowly loosened. “Bye.” I turned around and sat crossed legged on my bed. For some reason, I felt like crying, and I had no idea what that was reason was either.

I shook my head as a pain erupted in the left side of my chest, like a knife had been taken across my rib cage. I gulped and took deep breaths, this feeling was overbearing and it was so unexpected. I had never felt that bad in my life… and it all started because I thought he’d leave and never say goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's chapter... 8/9. lol
I think this is the best chapter out of most of the story. =)

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