Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 1

As Leigh put her key in the door she could hear the sound of music and laughter coming from the other side and knew that Brian was home and at least two of their friends were round. The sound of laughter increased as she opened the door.

“Hey guys, food’s up!” she yelled as she placed a large pizza box on the counter and her house keys into her bag. Three guys and a girl jumped up from the sofa area and made their way to the kitchen counter.

“Tonight’s choice is chicken supreme.” Leigh stated opening the box.

“Good night in work then?” Brian said taking a slice.

“Mmmhmm, almost $20 in tips, so I thought I’d treat us to our favourite.” She said tucking into a slice. Leigh worked in pizza hut and used her tips to buy her and Brian food every night. It could be a bit boring sometimes, having pizza so often, but at least it was food and at least they could change their toppings. On good nights she would treat them to a different meal all together and whatever money was left they would get other necessities.

“So what have you guys been doing when I was busy waiting on tables?” Leigh asked.

“Just hanging out really, Shads met me after work and Jimmy and Leana came round about an hour ago.” Brian explained taking another slice from the box and turning to walk back to the sofa.

“Ok, nobody touch that last slice, it’s mine, but I really need a shower, some kid spilt their banana milkshake all over the back of my legs and I stink!” Leigh said walking over to her bedroom door.

Twenty minutes later she emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair. She walked over to the counter and picked up the last slice of pizza and a napkin and went to join the others at the sofa. She sat down next to Matt, who’d moved up to make room for her.

“We’ve got hold of some alcohol and dope; I’ll drop it round in the morning if that’s ok?” Matt said.

“Yeah, no problem dude, Leigh’s got a deal on pizza so there’ll be food here, and we’re going to have a house full, we’ve invited shitloads of people.” Brian replied.

“Cheers guys, for letting me have my birthday here, I owe you one.” Matt said

“No worries Shads, you know us, any excuse to have a party.” Leigh said before taking another bite of the slice of pizza.

“Oh, Leigh, Tom called round earlier, with his car keys?” Brian said, turning the statement into a question.

“Yeah I know, he texted me earlier, he said I could borrow his car so I could go pick some stuff up in the morning.” Leigh explained.

“What stuff?” Brian asked eyebrows furrowed.

“Just stuff.” Leigh stated finishing off her slice of pizza and licking her lips and fingers. Brian shrugged his shoulders.

She got up and walked over to her bedroom, emerging a few minutes later dressed in a pair of low-riding jeans and a tank top, her damp hair combed through and placed in a messy bun. She rejoined Matt on the sofa and joined in the conversation about the following night’s plans and took the joint off her brother.
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I know it's short, but it's only really a kind of an introduction. I wasn't even going to post this until I'd finished my other stories, but here it is?!?
Let me know what you guys think and I may give you some more :)