Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 10

The weeks that followed were strenuous and tiresome. They were having to work hard in school to try and graduate as well as continue with their jobs to pay the bills. On top of all this the guys were running themselves into the ground working on their first Album. Every weekend had been spent in the studio recording the album that was to be called Sounding The Seventh Trumpet.

The record company had arranged for the band to tour a few clubs around the States. They had a van and equipment set up and the guys would be leaving to do their first show in San Francisco the day after graduation.

Naturally everyone was excited but there were also some feelings of sadness floating around. Four months was a long time to be separated from the people you love and nobody was looking forward to saying good bye. Leigh was finding it harder than anyone. Not only was she best friends with every single one of the guys – Jimmy and Zack were like her brothers, but she’d never been separated from Brian for more than a weekend, and she wasn’t sure how to handle being away from her brother for such a long period of time. And as if that wasn’t bad enough her boyfriend - the man she loved, the one who had made her so happy over the past year – was leaving with them. In one go she was losing five of the most important people in her life, the people she loved the most. Of course the other girls were in a similar position, they were losing their boyfriends for four months as well and they had all promised to help each other through it. Michelle was also moving in for four months, living in Brian’s room, to help pay the rent.

The day of their graduation brought mixed emotions. In one hand they’d finished school and the guys were finally about to tour with their debut album. But in the other, it also meant that this was the last day for four months that they would all be together.

Michelle and Val’s parents were allowing them to hold a graduation party as a reward for graduating and were even supplying the alcohol. Once the formalities of the graduation ceremony was over and done with the girls all headed back to Michelle and Val’s house to get ready while the guys each went their separate ways to get ready.

Leigh was stood in front of a full-length mirror as she adjusted her bet while Gena fussed with Val’s hair. Lacey and Michelle were finishing their make up while Leana was searching through the pile of CDs that had been deemed suitable for the party.

“Oh I love this song!” Leana yelled frantically taking a CD out of its case and putting it into the player before searching for the track she wanted.

“Lea, you’re supposed to be putting on an album, not searching the collection for songs you like.” Michelle reminded her just as Epic by Faith No More started to play.

“Yeah, I love this song too!” Leigh said in a sing song voice just as the doorbell sounded throughout the house.

“That’ll be one of the guys.” Gena yelled as she still tried to get Val’s hair the way she wanted it.

“I’ll get it!” Leigh yelled walking carefully over towards the door; her heals tip-tapping noisily over the hardwood flooring.

“Wow, you look awesome!” Zack said as soon as she opened the door to him and Johnny.

“Why thank you Zachary, and I’ve got to say you and Mr Seward are both looking pretty fine yourselves.” She replied looking them both up and down.

“Sorry honey, but we already have girlfriends.” Johnny said cockily.

“In your dreams short shit” Leigh laughed, playfully slapping his arm as he walked passed her.

“Yeah whatever, we all know you love me.” Johnny replied smugly, puckering his lips.

“Why would she love you when she has me?” Matt’s voice made the two of them jump as he came up behind them, placing his arm casually around Leigh’s shoulder and kissing her temple. Johnny shrugged, defeated and went to find Lacey.

Matt turned Leigh so that they were facing each other, his arms resting on her shoulders.

“You look fucking beautiful.” He breathed quietly, a smirk playing across his lips as they lowered towards hers. As they kissed his hands trailed down her sides, coming to rest on her hips, gently pulling at the material of her dress.

“For fucks sake, can’t you put my sister down for five minutes?” Brian’s voice was joined by Jimmy’s laugh. Matt went to pull away but Leigh gently grabbed his face to hold him in position, intensifying the kiss as she flipped her brother off.

“Urgh, where’s the fucking alcohol.” Brian groaned and walked off towards the kitchen. As he passed, Jimmy was still laughing and tapped Matt on the shoulders. Once she knew Brian was out of sight, Leigh slowly pulled away from Matt.

“I wish you wouldn’t wind him up like that.” Matt said as he took hold of her hand and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink.

“But it’s fun.” Leigh replied with a menacing glint in her eyes.

The group were all congregated in the kitchen, each with a drink in their hands.

“Right, before anyone else arrives, I want us all to have shots together.” Jimmy said grabbing a bottle of sambuca.

“You guys are my best friends, and we’ve finally made it through high school together.” he said as he passed everyone a shot glass.

“We’ve got the best group of friends in the world, and I’m going to miss you guys so much when you leave tomorrow.” Leigh added as Matt’s arm tightened around her waist.

“I’m going to miss you too Pickle, but tonight we’re not going to think about that. Tonight is for having fun and celebrating graduation.” Jimmy said cheerfully raising his shot glass in a toast.

“To best friends and graduation.” Jimmy cheered before knocking back his shot. The other’s followed suit just as the doorbell rang again.

The house was soon full of partying teenagers, all celebrating the end of high school. Everyone spent some time mingling with the other guest, congratulating them and talking about their plans for the future, and saying goodbye to the ones who were moving away to college.

The night passed by quickly. All too quickly people were leaving or crashing out. For Leigh and her group of friends, the sun edging it’s way up, over the top of the horizon signified one thing. Soon the guys would be getting into the van and starting their tour. The next few hours would be the last they’d spend together for almost four months. None of them were ready to, or looking forward to saying goodbye.

Matt had taken Leigh out to the back yard and had led down with her on the large hammock that was stretched out between two of the large trees that stood on the lawn.
His large muscular arms engulfed her, holding her as close as possible to him, keeping her warm as the early morning breeze blew gently around the garden. He gently played with the wisps of her hair that had come loose as her head gently rested on his chest.

“I give my heart to you, I give my heart cause nothing can compare in this world to you.” Matt sang softly as Leigh lay quietly listening with her eyes closed, trying her best to keep the tears away.

As Matt finished singing Warmness of the Soul he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

“I love you Leigh.” He whispered quietly, trying to pull her closer to him.

“I love you too Matt.” She replied as she entwined her fingers with his. After that they were silent, quickly falling asleep with the gentle morning sun shining on them.

They were woken some time later by Johnny jumping on them screaming at them to wake up. The air was filled with giggling and a variety of profanities.

“I’m going to fucking kill you Christ!” Leigh yelled grabbing one of her shoes and throwing it after Johnny who had quickly retreated back towards the house.

“Zack dared me to do it!” he yelled laughing as the second shoe followed as Leigh chased him.


The van was all packed up and parked outside their apartment waiting for everyone to say their good-byes. Leigh was currently stuck in Matt’s embrace, hugging him tightly, unwilling to let him go.

“Ok, Zacky needs a Leigh hug too.” Zack said tugging at Leigh’s arm, trying to get her to move away from Matt.

“No” Leigh moaned trying her best to hold onto Matt.

“Yes!” Zack said tugging harder.

“Two minutes babe. You gotta say good bye to the others.” Matt said kissing her softly on the lips. Grudgingly Leigh left Matt’s arms and was quickly taken into a hug by Zack.

“Take care of Gena for me – you girls have to look out for each other.” He whispered.

“I will. And you take care o f Matt and Brian for me – and Jimmy and yourself and even Johnny – I need you all back safe in four months.” She replied in a soft whisper. Zack pulled out of the hug with a nod and kissed her gently on the cheek.

“Love you Leigh.”

“Love you too Zacky V.” She said with a smile as Jimmy pushed him out of the way.

“My turn!” he yelled pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

“Wish you could come with us.” He said

“Me too, but I can’t.”

“Don’t worry I’ll keep Matt away from groupies.” He said with a cheeky smile.

“Shut up Jimmy.” She said playfully hitting his arm.

“I’ll miss you.” He said pulling her into another hug.

“I’ll miss you too dumbass.” She said as they left each other’s embrace and Leigh began to work her way back to Matt but she was taken into a hug by Johnny.

“I can count on you to look out for Lacey right?” he whispered into her ear.

“Of course you can short shit!” she joked with him before leaving their embrace and again she tried to find Matt again.

“Hey not so fast the big brother needs a hug too.” Brian said walking towards them.

“I’m going to miss you sis.” Brian whispered pulling her closely to him.

“Yeah, I’m going to miss you too big bro.”

“More than Mattie?” he said hopefully

“The same – but for different reasons.” She smiled back wiggling her eyebrows.

“Don’t need to know that.” He yelled.

“Know what?” Gena asked.

“Why she’s going to miss Matt!” he called back.

“You asked!” Leigh yelled laughing and Matt smiled broadly as Brian grimaced.

“As a Haner, I’m expecting you to look after the rest of the girls, keep them all out of trouble.” He said firmly, looking into her eyes. She nodded. Thanks to Brian she learned to look after herself and stuff at an early age. She took no shit from no one and Brian and the others knew that she would be the one to look out for the other girls, even if they could all hold their own.

“Come back safe Bri.” She said quietly, tears appearing in her eyes.

“Hey, of course I will, don’t be daft.” He said pulling her into a much needed hug.

“Love you sis, it’s going to be a long four months away from you.” He said sadly.

“Love you too Bri.” She whispered as he kissed her softly on the forehead.

“We’ve gotta leave guys” Jimmy yelled and everyone groaned. Brian placed another kiss on his sister’s forehead before finding Michelle. Matt quickly grabbed hold of Leigh and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

“I fucking love you Leigh Haner.” He whispered breathlessly as he left the kiss.

“I love you too Matthew Sanders.” She smiled back at him.

“Ok, that’s enough groping my sister, get in the van Sanders!” Brian yelled and Matt caught Leigh’s lips again, holding on for as long as possible.

“Bye babe” he called as Leana placed an arm around her shoulder. Seconds later Gena was on the other side with Val, Michelle and Lacey joining them.

They watched the van until it drove out of site. “Come on girls, there’s some JD in the flat.” Leigh said turning towards the flat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Leigh's outfit
Urgh, I really don't like this chapter, but it's an update right?

I need your help. :)
I've choosen three new stories but I can't decide which one I want to post first. So I've decided to post the first chapter of each one and the one I get the best response for will get priority and the others will be put on hiatus until further notice.

If you want to check them out here are the links:

Love Is A Losing Game

The Only One Who Needs To Know

We Only Have Each Other

Oh and this is my newest one shot if you haven't read it yet A Girl Called Kill