Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 12

Leigh moaned loudly into her pillow as the sound of her ringing cell phone interrupted her sleep. Without lifting her head off the pillow she stretched out her arm to feel around for the offensive object. Knowing who it was by the personalised ring tone she flipped the phone open to answer it without a glance at the screen.

“Happy birthday to ya, happy birthday to ya, happy birthday!” Jimmy sang down the receiver bringing an instant smile to her face.

“Thanks Jim.” She said through a tired smile.

“What? Oh yeah, it’s your birthday!” he cheered. Leigh rolled her eyes and rolled over onto her back, rubbing her eyes.

“Funny! You know you’re really lucky that I love you James.” She replied with a smile.

“Ah, I love you too Pickle.” He replied causing Leigh to chuckle. She had no idea where Jimmy’s nickname for her had come from, but it was one that he’d used since elementary school and it had recently had a revival.

“Yeah, but you know that somewhere in your vicinity are two men I love ever so slightly more than you, put one of them on.” Leigh said.

“Ah well that’s just great! I’m the one who loves you enough to call you first to wish you a happy birthday and no sooner than I can say ‘hey’ you want me to pass the phone over to one of these other douche bags!” he yelled.

“Yes please Jim, my brother or my boyfriend, I don’t really mind which one I speak to first, so long as I’m speaking to one of them in ten seconds.”

“BRI! MATT! One of you needs to be speaking to Leigh in the next ten seconds!” she heard Jimmy yell on the other end of phone.

“Five now” Leigh chuckled as she heard scrambling on the other end of the receiver.

“She’s my girlfriend!” she heard Matt yell.

“She’s my fucking sister I’ve known her longer!” Brian retaliated.

“Ow, fuck off Sanders, I’m talking to her first. Happy birthday sis.” Brian’s voice came loudly and clearly through the phone.

“Hey bro, Happy birthday.” Leigh cheered, smiling at the sound of her brother’s voice.

“Hope you haven’t injured my boyfriend?” she asked with a light chuckle.

“What? He thought he should talk to you first!” Brian defended also chuckling lightly.

“You two are idiots!” Leigh chuckled pushing herself up to a seated position.

“Yeah but you love us. So what have you got planned for the day?” Brian said cheerfully.

“Well I’ve got work in a few hours and then we’ve got the party at Val’s. Where are you guys today?”

“We’re heading to St. Louis now; we should be there in about an hour so we’re going to hit a few bars.” Brian replied.

“Cool, hey um, let me talk to Matt.” Leigh said.

“Have enough of me hey? Ok, I’ll speak to you later, have a good birthday sis, love you.” Brian replied.

“Love you too Bri, have a good one but Bri….no strip clubs!” she said with a smirk.

“Oh man, it’s my birthday!” he grumbled.

“I know but it’s not Matt’s, and I can’t see Michelle being too happy if you went to one neither.” Leigh replied.

“Yeah I guess, man we are all so whipped.” He grumbled.

“Damn right you are, now put my man on.” She demanded. Brian gave another small grumble and she heard Matt eagerly take the phone off him.

“Hey baby happy birthday.” He said quietly.

“Hey sexy, how’s things?” she replied with a wide smile on her face from hearing his voice.

“Better for talking to you. Are you having a good birthday?”

“It’s starting off pretty well yeah, but then again I’ve been awake less than ten minutes.” She chuckled.

“Oh yeah, I forget about the time difference. Are you heading off to work soon?”

“Yeah, in about an hour, oh and I’ve warned Brian, but no strip clubs later.” She replied sternly.

“Baby we weren’t planning…”

“Yes you were. I know you guys too well now. And I’m telling you this. I am the only girl who will be stripping for you.” she said seductively, sensing Matt grinning on the other end as she heard a moan.

“Baby, don’t tease.” He moaned. “I promise, no strip clubs.”

They talked for a while longer until they had to say their good-byes, promising to talk later that night again. once they’d hung up Leigh pushed herself out of bed and headed to take a shower. As she was about to head out the door she spotted an envelope on the kitchen counter, her name sprawled over the centre of it in Michelle’s handwriting. She picked it up and turned it over, stopping when she noticed a note on the back.

“Happy birthday Leigh, I’ll see you later, have a good day.” Leigh smiled as she ripped open the envelope and read the card. She placed it on the counter and left for work.

Her day passed by quickly. When she had gotten to work she had been given a card off her colleagues along with a large badge with the words “I AM 19” on it. This obviously had drawn a lot of attention her way which had resulted in extra tips.

She was glad to get home and relax for an hour before she had to get ready for the party the Val was hosting for her. It wasn’t going to be a big party, just the girls and a few of their mates and of course Val’s new boyfriend. Leigh was glad that there would be someone to take the spot light off her for a while. She’d always been used to sharing the birthday spotlight with Brian, but without him there she wasn’t looking forward to being the only centre of attention.

Leigh checked herself in the mirror in her bedroom before grabbing her purse, keys and phone from the bed.

“Huh, I didn’t hear that come through.” She said to herself as she flipped open her cell phone to read the new message.

“I’ve gotta work late again – I know – I’m sorry – but I’ve got a deadline to meet. I’ll try and finish as quickly as I can and get to the party a bit later.”

“That girl really needs a break from work.” Leigh muttered, again to herself, once she’d finished reading the message from Michelle.

She walked through the flat and out through the front door. As she walked down the stairs of the apartment building she found Val’s number in her contacts list and pressed the call button. It gave four rings before Val answered.

“Hey, what’s up? You on your way over?”

“Yeah just leaving. But I’m taking a detour first.” Leigh replied exiting the building.

“Why? Where are you going?”

“Pay your sister a visit. She’s just sent me a text saying that she’s working late again so I’m going over to her office and not taking no for an answer.”

“Damn right too – she can’t miss your birthday! She’s been working late a lot lately.” Val yelled.

“Ok, so I’ll see you in a little while.” Leigh replied before hanging up and starting the car.

It was a ten minute drive to the office block where Michelle worked. Leigh parked directly outside the front doors and quickly made her way through the lobby and to the elevators.
She pressed the button for the twelfth floor and waited patiently as the elevator made it’s way up to her destination. She left the elevator and made her way down the deserted corridor to the office where Michelle worked.

As she got closer she could hear the sound of Michelle’s distinct laughter coming from the other side of the door. At least she was having fun when she worked late.

Leigh stepped in quietly through the door and looked around. Michelle wasn’t at her desk but there was a light on in her boss’ office and that’s where the sound of Michelle’s giggles were coming from.

Leigh’s eyes narrowed as she walked slowly over to the door, which had been left ajar. She stopped, with her hand on the door handle, hoping that she was wrong about what she thought she was about to walk in on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Leigh's outfit
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