Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 13

Before Leigh could open the door further, her thoughts were confirmed by a loud, male moan.

“God Michelle, don’t stop.” The male voice moaned as Leigh felt her teeth and fists clenched.

“I’m going to fucking kill the bitch!” Leigh growled under her breath, her fist slamming the door wide open, causing Michelle to jump from her position of where she’d been straddling her boss on the office chair, nipping at his neck as they unbuttoned each others’ shirts.

“What the fuck? Who are you?” the man yelled angrily as Michelle stood, trying to straighten her clothes.

“Oh I’m sorry, I should introduce myself. I’m Leigh. The sister of Michelle’s boyfriend.” Leigh yelled, anger rising with each word.

“Leigh, I’m not…it’s not what…” Michelle stuttered as her boss continued to stare open mouthed at Leigh.

“What is it then Michelle? Enlighten me.” Leigh demanded, her fists clenched, knuckles white.

“I, um, I, miss Brian – I am – I mean – I just needed some affection.” She stammered, only making Leigh angrier.

“This is the first time, it doesn’t mean anything, I love Brian.” she continued quickly before Leigh could reply, her words rushed and panicked.

“You told me you loved me!” the guy, who was still sat in the chair with his shirt gaping open, said causing both girls to turn and face him. Leigh was shocked to see nothing but hurt and betrayal in his expression.

“I want your keys on the counter tomorrow morning.” Leigh stated turning her stare back to Michelle before turning on her heals and walking quickly back out through the office towards the elevator.

“Leigh Please!” Michelle called after her. “Please! You can’t tell Brian.” she pleaded.

“Fuck you Michelle! Count yourself lucky I’m not beating the crap out of you myself right now. Brian is my brother – we look out for each other – I’m not going to stand by and let some slut play him. Keys – by the morning.” Leigh said as calmly as she could as she stepped into the waiting elevator.

“Please Leigh – you can’t tell him.” Michelle called trying to get to the elevator before the doors closed.

“Try and stop me.” Leigh yelled back holding up her phone as the elevator doors closed. As the elevator made its way down to the lobby Leigh dialled Brian’s number. There was no answer so she tried Matt. There was no answer with him either, so she got into her car and decided to give Jimmy a try. She held the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she began to drive towards Val’s house.

“Fuck, doesn’t anybody want to answer their god damn phones?” Leigh yelled as she listened to Jimmy’s voice mail message.

“Jimmy get my brother to call me as soon as you get this! It’s important.” She yelled into the phone before hanging up and throwing it into the passenger seat.

Still seething with anger, she was suddenly blinded by the headlights from the car behind her in her rear view mirror.

“Fuck in Hell, what’s your problem?” Leigh yelled trying to avoid the glare and still drive safely. Before she could do anything else she heard the engine of the car behind her rev loudly and then jolted as her car was hit forcefully.

“Fuck are you crazy?” Leigh yelled as her car was hit again. The third time that her car was hit; it was done with enough force to send the small, old car jolting forward. In a blind panic Leigh lost control of the car and could only scream as it plunged into and the steal barrier before coming to a halt as it hit a street light. Everything went dark.


The guys were backstage waiting to be called on stage. Matt paced up and down humming to himself as Jimmy tapped out a beat on the table in front of him.

“Avenged you’re on in five.” The club manager yelled into the room.

“Ok guys lets do this!” Zack yelled as a loud beep came from Jimmy’s pocket. He took out his cell phone and frowned as he noticed that it was an answerphone message.

“Jimmy we don’t have time.” Brian yelled across to him, as Jimmy placed the phone to his ear to listen to the message.

“Damn reception in this place, I can barely figure out who it is let alone what they’re saying.” Jimmy said pressing the button to listen to it again.

“Hey it’s Leigh!” he cheered just as there was a loud thud as something hit the floor.
Everyone looked around in shock to see Brian unconscious on the floor.

No one moved for a moment, each of them staring at the motionless man on the floor in front of them.

“Shit Brian wake up dude!” Jimmy yelled as the four other group members fell to their knees beside him.

“What happened?” Matt yelled as Zack tried unsuccessfully to slap Brian awake.

“Dude I don’t know, he just collapsed, one min –“

“Avenged! You’re on!” the manager yelled before stopping abruptly in the door way.

“What the fuck has happened?” he yelled.

“He just collapsed – one minute he was stood there fine, the next he’s on the floor out cold!” Jimmy explained.

“I’ll go get help!” the manager said, turning and running back out through the door. As Zack continued to slap and shake Brian back to consciousness, Jimmy stood up and glanced around the room. he grabbed the can of beer that was sat on the table next to him and proceeded to tip the remaining contents over Brian’s face.

“What the Fuck!” Brian yelled, his eyes snapping open, his head lifting quickly off the floor and glaring at the can in Jimmy’s hand.

“Dude you passed out!” Jimmy yelled defensively.

“What happened?” Brian asked, wiping beer off his face before getting up.

“You tell us dude! One minute you’re stood there, ready to go on stage, the next you were out cold.” Matt explained.

“Fuck, I don’t know.” Brian began rubbing his forehead and wincing at the pain that seared across it.

“I remember getting ready to go on but Jimmy getting a phone call and then a blinding white light and a car.” Brian continued with a look of confusion.

“A car?” Johnny questioned as the manager returned with another man and a first aid box.

“Oh, that phone call, was from Leigh. She wants you to call her…”

“Phone her for me Jim.” Brian began as he was checked over.

“I’m worried.” He added and Jimmy nodded as dialled Leigh’s number.

“Damn it, I’m going to have to go outside. The reception in this place is fucking crap.” He yelled waving his phone around trying to find a strong enough signal.

“You’ve got a small lump on the back of your head from the fall, but I doubt it’s anything that’s going to cause you any trouble.” The paramedic guy said standing up and the manager breathed a sigh of relief.

“Chill dude, I’m not playing a note until I’ve heard off my sister. I know her. If she’s left a message on Jimmy’s phone for me, then she’s obviously tried calling me, and probably Matt first but couldn’t get through. It’s got to be important.” Brian ranted before getting up and walking out of the room in search for Jimmy.

Matt sighed. Brian was right. Leigh wouldn’t have called unless it was important. Something had to be wrong. Taking out his cell to check it he went to find Brian and Jimmy to find out what was going on.

He found them in the parking lot, Jimmy with his phone held up to his ear shaking his head, Brian watching eagerly.

“It just keeps ringing.” Jimmy said as he turned to face Matt.

“Try it again.” Brian said anxiously. “She may not have heard it ring.” Jimmy nodded solemnly and pressed the re-call button, listening to the ringing tone. Then, about six rings in, it was answered.

“Leigh!” Jimmy yelled.

“Sorry son, this is Sergeant Cartwright of the Huntington Beach Police Department.”

“Where’s Leigh?” Jimmy asked causing Brian and Matt to take a step closer to him.

“Sir are you family?” the officer asked. Jimmy’s eyes widened.

“Family? What is going on?” Jimmy yelled as Brian took another step forward and taking the phone away from Jimmy.

“Hello, this is Brian, Leigh’s brother. Where is she?” he yelled as calmly as he could.

“Hello Brian. I’m afraid I have some bad news. Leigh has been in a car accident.” He began as Johnny and Zack joined them.

“What? How is she?” Brian said his voice lowering with shock.

“She’s sustained multiple injuries, the paramedics are with her, waiting on the air ambulance.” He explained calmly.

“How bad is she?” Brian asked as the other four guys watched him anxiously, only hearing Brian’s side of the conversation.

“She’s unconscious. She’s lost quite a bit of blood and hit her head. She’s probably got a few broken ribs as well, but I can’t really tell you much more until she get’s to the hospital.”

“Oh God Leigh!” Brian whispered as he listened to the list of injuries, dropping down to his knees.

“Brian, the air ambulance is here now. She’ll be taken Huntington General Hospital. Will it take you long to get there?”

“Yeah, I’m in St. Louis. It’s going to take us about a day to get back.” Brian explained.

“Ok, well, hopefully she’ll be able to talk to you herself when you get here.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Brian replied simply before hanging up.

“Brian? What’s happened to her?” Matt asked frantically, crouching down beside him.

“Leigh’s been in a car crash.” He began, his voice coming in a broken whisper. There was a simultaneous gasp from the others as they heard the news.

“She’s unconscious, lost a lot of blood. They’re taking her to the hospital now. I’ve got to get back to Huntington.” He said getting up and heading back towards the club. The other’s followed him in and started gathering their stuff up and packed it all into the van. Jimmy went to explain to the club manager what had happened before joining the other’s in the van, where an anxious Brian was arguing with Zack over who was driving. Zack won and ordered Brian to try and calm down in the back of the van.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the drama has began!
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