Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 14

Zack, Jimmy and Johnny took it in turns to drive back to Huntington, afraid that if either Matt or Brian were allowed behind the wheel their anxiety to get back to Leigh would result in reckless driving.

It was close to eight in the evening when they arrived in the familiar streets of Huntington.

“Drop me at the entrance, then park up.” Brian ordered Zack as they pulled into the hospital. Zack obeyed and both Brian and Matt jumped out of the van and ran through the automatic doors of the ER.

“We’re looking for Leigh Haner.” Brian almost yelled at the nurse behind the desk.

“Ok? When was she brought in?” she replied calmly, obviously used to dealing with frantic, panicked people looking for their loved ones who’d been brought in.

“Um, last night, she was in a car crash.” Brian said calming slightly.

“One moment please.” She said turning to her computer screen. “Ok, I believe she’s recovering from surgery, take a seat and I’ll get a doctor to come and talk to you as soon as I can.” The nurse replied a moment later looking back at Brian.

“Thank you.” he replied turning with a sigh to head towards the waiting area.

“Excuse me sir,” the nurse called causing both him and Matt to turn around. “May I ask your relationship with Miss Haner?”

“She’s my sister.” Brian replied simply. The nurse nodded and Brian and Matt continued towards the seats.

“There they are.” Zack’s voice caught their attention just as they were sitting down.

“Where is she?” Jimmy asked as he ran over to them.

“She’s been in surgery, I’m waiting for the doctor to come and talk to me.” Brian replied as the others listened patiently.

“Surgery?” Zack said. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“I’m trying not to think about it.” Brian replied.

“Mr Haner?” Brian’s head snapped up at the sound of his name.

“That’s me.” he replied quickly, jumping to his feet as the doctor stood next to their group.

“Hi, I’m Doctor Jackson, I’ve been taking care of your sister.” He explained holding out his hand towards Brian.

“Oh, um, I’m Brian, her twin, how is she?” he asked shaking the doctor’s hand.

“Well, she was in a bad way when she came in last night. She was unconscious and lost a lot of blood. She’d suffered a head injury and had a few broken bones that needed setting.” He began as the others gathered around to listen.

“She had internal bleeding so we had to take her into theatre. Her leg has been put into a cast and the ribs that she’d broken have been set. Since coming out of surgery she’s been on a lot of pain killers, we’ve kept her sedated over night and this morning, but she’s awake now, but still in some pain.” He continued.

“Can I see her?” Brian asked quietly.

“Of course, but I’ve got to warn you, since she’s regain consciousness she’s seamed confused. She can’t remember much, very little in fact. We’re worried that she may have amnesia.” He explained causing gasps to escape some of the guys.

“So you’re saying that she might not remember me?” Brian asked slowly.

“It’s a very strong possibility. She wasn’t aware of her own name when she first woke up.” The doctor said with a sympathetic look.

“I need to see her.” Brian said after a short pause.

“Me too.” Matt said stepping forward slightly. The doctor looked up at him.

“I’m sorry, I think it’s best to keep it to her family for now.” He replied. “Which reminds me, do your mom and dad need to be informed? We were a bit shocked to find only your name down as her next of kin.”

“Um, I guess they should be told, Leigh hasn’t really spoken to mom in over a year, but I think she’d want dad to know about it.” Brian replied. “And if she does remember me, can Matt go and see her? He’s her boyfriend; we’ve all been best friends since elementary school.”

“I guess so, but only one visitor at a time.” The doctor said in a stern tone. “Now shall we go see Leigh?” he asked Brian, who nodded.

“The rest of you can follow and wait in the relatives’ room.” he said turning to talk to the other four guys who were eager to follow.

“Now remember, she may not recognise you. Don’t get angry at her, she may just need some time. Just stay calm.” The doctor warned as he stood in front of Leigh’s room. Brian took a deep breath and nodded.

The doctor turned and opened the door, slowly leading Brian into the small room. Brian gasped at the sight he found himself looking at. Motionless on the bed in front of him, her right leg bound in a cast, a bandage wrapped around her head and lower left arm, the rest of her visible body covered in bruises, was Leigh, her eyes closed.

“Oh God!” he whispered in an almost inaudible gasp.

“It looks worse than what it actually is.” The doctor whispered as he walked closer to the bed.

“Leigh.” He said quietly placing his hand gently on her arm. She stirred slightly with a murmur.

“Leigh, its Doctor Jackson. There’s someone here to see you.” he said as she stirred again, her eyes fluttering open.

“Who is it?” she asked quietly.

“Why don’t you see if you can tell me, see if you recognise him.” he replied moving slightly to the side and beckoning Brian closer. It took a moment for Brian to move, he was glued to the spot, too afraid that she might not recognise him. The doctor beckoned him again and he took a small step closer watching as her eyes met his, his heart breaking when he saw nothing in them. No recognition, none of the sparkle that was always there.

“No sorry I don’t know who he is.” She said simply turning back to face the doctor. Those simple words, said with such innocence, sent chills through Brian’s body. How could she not recognise her own twin brother?

“Could you tell me who he is now?” she asked.

“Leigh, this is Brian.” he said slowly. Leigh again turned to face him, taking in all his features.

“Brian?” she repeated.

“Yes, do you remember anyone called Brian?” Leigh’s face twisted slightly as she thought, studying Brian as he stood hopefully in front of her. slowly her head began to shake from side to side.

“No, I don’t think so.” She said quietly.

“Ok, Leigh, Brian is your brother, your twin.” The doctor said.

“My twin?” she questioned looking between the doctor and Brian.

“What does that mean?” she said finally, pure confusion across her face.

“You don’t understand what a twin is?” the doctor asked and Leigh shook her head. As the doctor explained what he meant by twin, Brian stared at Leigh in dismay. What hope was there for him if she couldn’t even remember what a twin was?

“Brian why don’t you come and talk to Leigh, tell her something about yourself, or her. Even tiny, insignificant details can help trigger memories.” The doctor suggested, turning again to beckon Brian closer. Brian stepped forward, his mind racing, trying to think of what to say to her, where to start.

“I’ll give you a few minutes alone.” The doctor said moving away from the bed.
Words failed Brian. There were a million things he wanted to say, wanted to ask. He wanted to know what had happened, how she’d ended up in hospital in the first place. But what use were those questions now, when she didn’t even know who he was?

“Don’t just stand there staring. Sit down, talk to me, you haven’t said a word since you got in here.” Leigh ordered, shocking Brian into chuckling to himself. She may not remember much but she still sound and acted like Leigh.

“What’s so funny?” she demanded as he pulled the chair closer to the bed.

“You couldn’t have hit the part of the head that stopped you being so bossy could you? he laughed.

“Sorry.” She replied blushing slightly.

“It’s ok, so….?” He trailed off into silence, unsure of what else to say.

“So? Am I really called Leigh?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, Leigh Florence Haner.” He replied with a smile.

“Florence?” she asked scrunching up her nose.

“Yeah, I don’t know why.” Brian replied with another chuckle.

“Have you got a middle name?” she asked.

“Elwin.” He replied mimicking her scrunched up nose.

“Elwin?” she replied laughing “Seriously?”

“Unfortunately yes, I think mom and dad were high or something when they named us.” He replied.

“Ok, so how old are we?” she asked.

“Nineteen, it was actually our birthday yesterday.” He replied with a smile.

“Really? Wow, what a fantastic way to spend my birthday!” she replied, sarcasm dripping from every word as her eyebrows knitting together in disappointment.

“I think you were on your way to Val’s for a party.” Brian said.

“Who’s Val?” Leigh asked.

“One of your best friends, she organised a party for you – just the girls and a few of your other friends.” He explained.

“Oh…wait, what about you? weren’t you going to this party? You said it was just the girls.” She asked, her eyebrows again knotting in confusion.

“Well, I was in St. Louis, you see I’m in a band and we were on tour…” Brian began to explain.

“A band?” Leigh questioned.

“Yeah, I play guitar.”

“Really? That’s pretty cool…” she began but stopped as the doctor came back into the room.

“How’s things going?” he asked with a warm smile.

“He’s in a band. Did you know that?” she asked with a wide smile.

“No I didn’t. did you remember anything?” he asked hopefully. Leigh shook her head.

“Nothing he’s told me has made me remember anything.” She said sadly.

“Ok, just remember that it may take time. It could be years before you get your full memory back…” he began.

“Years?!” Brian yelled in disbelief.

“Yes, years, but then again it could be back in weeks or even days. Any number of things could trigger the memory to recover. A picture, a song, a place or person.” He explained. “We just have to be patient. But right now, I don’t want Leigh to get tired out tonight, she needs to rest. I suggest you come back tomorrow.

“Yes, please do.” Leigh said eagerly.

“Of course I will. Rest up and I’ll see you in the morning.” Brian replied with a smile and a wink.

“Good Morning Brian.” Leigh replied, a look of confusion crossing her face as both Brian and the doctor began to giggle.

“Good night Leigh.” Brian replied with a chuckle as he turned to leave.

He walked out of the room and found the family room where the guys had been joined by the girls.

“How is she?” Jimmy yelled being the first one to notice him.

“Not to good to be honest. Her memory is fucked. She couldn’t remember anything, she had no idea who I was.” He explained.

“Oh God Brian, that’s awful!” Michelle exclaimed as she threw her arms around him.

“We’re all going to have to work hard to help her.” Brian began. “Hey, what happened?” he asked noticing the Band-Aid on Michelle’s forehead, hidden slightly by her hair.

“Oh, that’s nothing, I tripped in work and caught my head on the corner of a desk.” She said dismissively.

“Oh, ok. listen, Leigh’s getting some rest, let’s go back to the apartment and I’ll explain everything.” Brian said.

“Can’t I go and see her?” Matt asked.

“Dude, I know you want to see her, but the doctor wants her to rest, we’ll come back first thing in the morning.” Brian replied.

“But…” Matt began to argue but was stopped by Leana.

“But nothing, come on, you can see her in the morning.” Matt grumbled quietly as he followed the others out of the hospital.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh man, I've been struggling with this one. I've had very little motivation to write anything for this one lately! However, I used a boring train journey to make some notes and I promise that I will finish this slowly :)

Comments may help me get some more inspiration though ;)