Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 18

Leigh woke the following morning, visions of the previous nights dream still fresh in her mind. It had been so clear in her mind, as if she was really there. She was one hundred percent sure that it had been a true memory, it had been too clear. She just wished she could remember what had happened after she ended that phone call.

With a sigh she pushed the duvet off her and manovered herself to the edge of the bed so that she could swing her cast covered leg over the edge so that she could lift herself off the bed. Slowly she hobbled out of her bedroom and across into the kitchen, hearing the water running in the bathroom. She poured herself a bowl of cereal, pouring herself a glass of milk after she’d added some milk to her bowl. Before getting a spoon, she took two of the painkillers she was still having to take twice a day.

“Morning.” She cheered before taking a spoonful of cereal into her mouth as she heard the bathroom door open. She almost choked with laughter as she saw Brian jump out of his skin, almost loosing his towel from around his waist.

“Shit Leigh, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” he yelled with a scowl as he quickly regained his composure before walking over to the kitchen and taking a seat on the stool opposite her.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” she replied still giggling. Brian quickly picked up the spoon she’d dropped into the bowl through laughter and shoveled mouthful of cereal into his mouth.

“Hey, get your own!” she yelled, trying to lean across the counter to grab the spoon back out of his hand.

“Here, I need to get dressed anyway.” He replied passing her back the spoon as he got back up from the stool.

“Hey, hurry up, I’ve got something to ask you.” Leigh called after him causing him to stop in his tracks and turn around. Before he could speak Leigh raised her hand up to stop him.

“Just get dressed.” She ordered with a smile as she returned her attention to her cereal.

Withing minutes Brian was back in the kitchen, helping himself to his own bowl of cereal before joining Leigh who had made her way over to the sofa.

“So, what do you need to ask?” he mumbled through a mouthful of Cheerios.

“It’s about the acciedent.” Leigh began. “What do you know about it?”
Brian stared at her for a moment, a look of confusion on his face as he chewed the cereal.

“Leigh, I was in St. Louis when you had the accident. I know probably as much as you do. I only know what the girls have told me.” he replied.

“I know, but I remembered something last night. Well, I dreamt something. I seemed pretty real and I’m sure it was the night I had the accident.” She began slowly, watching Brian’s face as he processed her words.

“Tell me what happened in the dream.” He asked slowly.

“I was getting ready to go out somewhere and when I picked up my cell I noticed I had a message of Michelle saying that she had to work late and would meet us all a bit later. I then called Val telling her I was on my way but that I was going to go get Michelle, and then I woke up.” She said. Brian was silent again as he took in what she’d said.

“That sounds about right from what I understand. Michelle said that she never saw you that night. You must have had the accident on your way over to her office.” Brian replied.

“Oh,” Leigh replied sullenly. “Well, it was worth a shot I guess.”

“Hey, it’s something though right? You’re still remebering stuff, you’ll get there soon.” He assured her with a encouraging smile.

“Yeah I guess so.” She agreed with a nod of her head.

“So, tell me, you had a good time with Matt yesterday?” he asked watching a smile appear on her lips as her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink.

“Yeah we did have a good time.” She replied shyly, feeling her blush deepen. “He’s a lovely guy and I really want to get to know him….again.”

“He really does love you, and I know you love him, I hope you do manage to spend time with him and get back on track, you belong together.” Brian replied. “We were planning on spending a few hours working on some music over at Matt’s today if you fancy joining us?” he added.

“Really? I mean I wouldn’t be in the way or anything would I?” she asked hopefully.

“Of course, just don’t distract Matt too much.” Brian replied teasingly, earning a playful slap across his chest.


“You don’t mind a tag a long do you?” Brian said as he walked into the basement of Matt’s parents house, holding the door open for Leigh as she insisted on walking by herself. She couldn’t hep but notice how Matt’s face lit up when he looked up to see her hobbling down the stairs and couldn’t stop the smile that took over her lips when her eyes caught his.

“Hey guys, hope you don’t mind, but it’s not as if I can do much until this cast comes off.” Leigh said as she finally reached the bottom step.

“Leigh!” Jimmy cheered. “Of course we don’t mind, just sit down there, and listen to this beat I’ve been working on.” He said excitedly, taking hold of her hand and guiding her over to the old, battered sofa before running off to sit behind his drum kit.

“Hey.” Leigh looked up from where she had been watching Jimmy to find Matt sitting down beside her with a smile.

“Hey, you ok?” Leigh replied.

“Better for seeing you.” he said, nuding her playfully with his elbow, his smile showing off his dimples. Leigh felt herself blush, and turned her gaze back to Jimmy who was still banging hell out of the drum kit.

“Well?” he asked once he’d finished. “I thought it’d go kinda good with that new song you were working on the other day.”

“Yeah dude you’re right.” Zack said nodding his head in agreement.

“I better get on with some work or they’ll be finding a new singer.” Matt joked, turning back to Leigh with a smile.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want that, and Brian warned me not to distract you, so go.” Leigh replied, mimiking his smile.

“Talk to you in a bit.” Matt said, leaning over to kiss her cheek before getting up off the sofa and joining the other guys.

Leigh lost track of time as she sat watching the guys talk passionatly about the new songs they were working on. Most of the time she found herself watching Matt, wishing she could remember something about him. She was so lost in her thoughts it took her a second to realise that the song she could hear was infact her ring tone.


“Hey, where are you?” Val’s voice replied through the phone.

“Matts, the guys are doing music stuff so I came over too.” she replied.

“Oh, ok if I meet you there, Michelle and Leana are with me.” she asked.

“Um, hang on…guys is it ok for some of the girls to come over?” she asked turning away from her cell to ask the guys who all nodded in unison. “Yeah, come on over.”

“Great, see you in a few.” Val replied before hanging up.

“Who’s coming over?” Zack asked.

“Val, Michelle and Leana as far as I’m aware.” She replied noting the way Zack’s face dropped when she didn’t say Gena’s name.

“Sounds like a good time to take a break then.” Matt said getting up from where he’d been sat with an acoustic guitar.

The other guys agreed and moved away from their instruments and joined Leigh on the sofa. Matt sat down next to her, making her smile broadly as he took her hand in his and leant over to kiss her cheek.

“That’ll be the girls.” Brian said on hearing Matt’s mom talking to other females upstairs. He was proven correct moments later as the basement door opened and Val began to walk down the stairs followed quickly by Michelle and Leana.

“Hey guys, good day?” Val asked as she wandered across the room and grabbed one of the bean bag chairs from the corner.

“Pretty good, how about you?” Jimmy replied cheerfully as he pulled Leana into his lap.

“Same shit different day.” Val replied with a shrug.

“It’s nice to see you finishing work early for once as well.” Zack said turning to face Michelle. She quickly turned to face him, blushing slightly.

“Yeah, we made the deadline early so I can finish early for once.” She replied, sounding kind of nervous.

“Hey, that reminds me, I’ve remembered something else.” Leigh said cheerfully, getting everyone’s attention.

“Really?” there was a unified cry.

“That’s great!” Matt said turning to face her with a beaming smile.

“What did you remember?” Zack asked. Leigh opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by the bassment door opening. Everyone turned their heads to see Gena and Lacey walking down the stairs.

“Whats this? Having a party with out us?” Gena asked teasingly as she approached a smiling Zack.

“Never babe.” He replied, pulling her into his lap and placing a kiss to her lips.

“So what were you guys talking about?” Lacey asked from next to Johnny.

“Leigh’s remembered something again.” Jimmy replied with an eager smile.

“Yeah, I was just saying, it was a dream I had last night. It was from the night of the acciendent and I was one the phone to you.” she said looking over at Val.

“Yeah, you rang me to…”

“To say that I was on my way over but I was calling at Michelle’s office because she’d messaged me saying she was going to be late again.” Leigh concluded.

“Do you remember anything else?” Matt asked quietly. Leigh turned to face him and slowly shook her head.

“Nope, that was it, but it’s something at least.” Leigh replied, glancing around her friends to see them all nod in agreement. All except one. She didn’t know if anyone else had noticed, but she certainly had noticed, not only the worry that had sparked over Michelle’s face momentarily, but the relief that had quickly replaced it, as she told them of her dream.
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Looks like Leigh's making progress :)

By the way, I was reading over this story before and realised that I made a mistake a few chapters back. I put that it was their Eighteenth brithday, when it would actually be their nineteenth! :)

Anyway, comments would be a wonderful way to cheer me up after a crappy week in work :)