Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 2

The following morning was a hectic one, with everyone rushing around getting things ready for Matt’s 17th Birthday party. The entire morning was taken up by everyone decorating the flat, sorting out music, bringing over food and more importantly drink.

“Right” Leigh announced to Zack and Brian as she grabbed Tom’s car keys off the counter. “I’m going to pick up the birthday cake.”

“Ah” Brian replied “the stuff you were on about last night” he added in a realisation tone of voice.

“Yes” Leigh replied sarcastically “see you in about an hour.” She added heading through the door. Tom’s mom worked in a bakery and had offered to do a cake for Matt after Leigh had mentioned how much of a sweet tooth he had.

When Leigh returned with the cake she could hear water running in the bathroom and guessed that her brother was taking a shower. Her guess was confirmed about five minutes later when Brian emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, showing off his muscular, well toned chest.

“Oh hey, when did you get back?” he asked upon seeing his twin.

“About five minutes ago, you finished in there now cos I need to take a shower as well, people will be arriving in just over an hour.”

“Yeah, carry on.” Brian said walking over the fridge and taking out a can of beer.

Leigh grabbed a fresh towel from her bedroom and headed for a shower. She dried and straightened her hair and got dressed. Before applying her make-up she wandered into the living room and picked out a mixed CD from the pile besides the hi-fi system. She turned the volume button up to 24 as “Sweet Child O’ mine” came blaring out of the speakers. She returned to her room to and continued to get ready.

“Wow, look at you in a dress." Leigh jumped at the sound of Matt’s voice and looked around the living area, finding him looking through the pile of CDs. She looked up at him and smiled as he stood there with his eyes wandering up and down her body.

“Do you like?” she asked giving him a twirl. “Thought I’d make an effort for your birthday.” She said watching his reaction. She smiled as he looked her up and down nodding.

“Well, thank you, it’s very much appreciated. But don’t tell Tom that.” He said as she walked over to grab a beer from the fridge, his eyes following her.

“Don’t tell Tom what?” Johnny said walking through the front door followed by Brian and Zack who were carrying another crate of beer each and Gena and Lacey who had two bottles of Jack in their hands.

“That I’m allowing him to perv on my legs as a birthday treat.” Leigh stated hitching her dress up slightly, causing Brian to frown at the sight.

“That’s not the only thing they’ll be perving on with that neck line” Gena added and again Brian frowned and glared at the comment. Leigh blushed slightly as she failed to adjust her dress to hide more of her cleavage.

The guys placed down their crates of beer and tried to get as much of it into the fridge as possible, taking out three cold ones for themselves first.

Soon the flat was full of teenagers, dancing, chatting, smoking and drinking. Leigh had been playing host since people had started to arrive and was taking jackets, cards and presents into her bedroom. She was putting another one of Matt’s cards and presents on her dresser when tom walked in behind her. She smiled over at him as he cross the room towards her.

“Hey” she smiled sweetly as he reached her and placed a small kiss on his lips.

“Hey, Now I have you to myself I can finally tell you how awesome you look.” Tom said snaking his arms around her waist. Before she could say a word his lips were on hers, his tongue aggressively trying to enter her mouth, his hands sliding up her legs, underneath her dress, grazing her underwear.

“Hey calm down, what’s got into you tonight?” Leigh said gently pushing him away.

“Sorry, but I’m incredibly turned on by you right now.” He said pushing his head into the crook of her neck and nipping at the delicate skin, causing her to groan.

“It’s not my fault you’re wearing a dress like that.”

“We’ll have plenty of time for that later, come on, back to the party. I haven’t had the chance to have a proper drink yet.” She said pushing him away for the second time causing him to groan loudly.

“Fine, I need a drink anyway.” He said turning and leaving the room. Leigh followed him out of her room and glanced around the room, finding Leana stood talking to Gena and Lacey.
She walked over to them, picking up her drink that she’d left on the coffee table on the way.

“Hey Hun, what’s the matter?” Leana asked as she approached.

“I think I’ve just pissed Tom off.” She admitted

“How?” Gena asked.

“Well he started groping me just now and I told him that there’d be plenty of time for that later and he stormed out of the room.” She explained.

“Oh, he’ll get over it; boys can be so childish sometimes.” Lacey said before finishing off what was left of her drink.

“Yeah I guess.” Leigh shrugged her shoulders pouting.

“Hey, smile! You’ve gotta smile it’s my birthday!” Matt exclaimed, appearing from nowhere and placing an arm around her shoulders.

“Smile!” he ordered again. He was hammered already due to everyone making him do shots of vodka and Jack. Leigh couldn’t resist. A smile burst over her face as he hazily looked into her eyes.

“That’s my girl. You know you’re beautiful when you smile.” He continued, slurring his words causing Leigh to blush and smile more. He smiled back and placed a kiss on her temple.

“I love you Leigh.” He slurred and placed another kiss on her cheek.

“I love you too Mattie.” She giggled as he smiled crookedly at her before stumbling off towards the others again.

“Time for a refill I think” Leana said and the other three girls nodded in agreement.
Leigh soon forgot about pissing Tom off and continued to have a good time drinking and dancing with the girls and laughing at Matt as he defied all odds and got even more hammered.

“If anyone sees Tom in this mass of people let me know. There’s so many people in here I don’t think I’ve seen him in like four hours” Leigh stated glancing around the room trying to catch a glimpse of her boyfriend. It was difficult though due to the amount of people in her small apartment. Everybody they knew had been invited to the party and they’d all turned up.
As she glanced around she spotted her brother making out with a girl she recognised from school. She grimaced at the sight of her brother mauling the girl as he ushered her towards his bedroom door.

“Arrgh! I need more alcohol!” Leigh yelled trying to shake the image out of her head. Leana laughed and pulled her over towards the fridge to get another drink. Before Leigh could raise her fresh drink to her lips she was stopped by yelling.

“You’re fucking damn lucky I haven’t ripped your fucking dick off you motherfucking arsehole!” Leigh turned at the sound of her brother’s distinctive voice yelling over the music. As she turned her jaw dropped open at the sight before her. Brian was dragging Tom, half naked, across the room towards the front door. She froze, not knowing what to do or say.

“I’m just showing this cunt out” Brian said pushing him through the door.

“And you slut, don’t think you’re staying here any longer!” he added turning his head. Leigh followed his eyes and found a tall blonde hastily trying to re-button her shirt and straighten her skirt at the same time. She looked up at Leigh and turned a deeper shade of red before dropping her head back to her chest and running out of the front door after Brian and Tom.
Feeling all eyes on her, Leigh burst into tears and ran through them all to her bedroom.
She flung herself on her bed and began to sob into her pillow. Almost immediately she heard the door opening behind her. She guessed it was one of the girls, but was surprised as the person led on the bed behind her and placed an arm around her middle. From the weight she instantly knew her companion was too heavy to be one of the girls and glancing down at his arm she immediately recognised Matt’s tattoos.

“He’s an arsehole and you deserve so much better.” He whispered and she felt him kiss the back of her head. She smiled and gently squeezed his hand to show how much she appreciated the words of comfort. They lay in silence until the tears had stopped falling down Leigh’s cheeks and then she turned to face him.

“Thank you Mattie” she whispered and softly kissed his cheek.

“You’re welcome princess.” He whispered back placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Matt pulled her closer to him and she silently placed her head on his chest. He held her close until she was ready to return to the party. Matt kissed her forehead once more and Leigh fixed her makeup. She took a deep breath and opened her bedroom door. Thankfully the party had continued and nobody took any notice of them returning, although there were fewer people there now.

She glanced around the room and spotted the top of Jimmy’s head over by the fridge, as she began to walk over to him she also noticed that Brian and the rest of their gang of friends stood around. Brian had a half bottle of vodka in his hands and was drinking from it, gulping mouthful after mouthful at a time. He suddenly stopped as he caught a glimpse of his sister making her way over to him. He slowly placed the bottle down on the counter and met her half way, placing his safe arms around her, pulling her into a comforting hug.

“I’m sorry sis.” He whispered kissing the top of her head. “I didn’t realise it was him at first, I was just pissed that I’d caught someone in my room.” He began to explain. Leigh pulled out of the hug.

“I put him straight though, he won’t be fit for much for about a week.” He added with a glint in his eye. Leigh took her brothers hands and smiled at the bruises and cuts on his knuckles.

“Thanks Bri.” She said and returned to the hug. Brian turned her gently back towards the kitchen where the others were all stood watching them.

“Fucking arsehole spoiled my chance with Michelle as well.” he said passing her the vodka bottle he’d been drinking from.

“Sorry bro, I’m sure she’ll be back and you can make it up to her later.” Leigh said taking a swig out of the bottle and wincing at the harshness of the neat vodka on the back of her throat.

“Right now I just need to get hammered.” Brian said “Who’s with me?”

“Me!” Leigh yelled raising the bottle she was still holding and quickly downed the rest to cheers from her group of friends.

At 3am it was only the main group of friends left, all collapsed either on or around the sofas. Jimmy and Leana were curled up on one of the armchairs; Gena was led in Zack’s arms on the floor beside the coffee table, which had been pushed up against the TV cabinet to make more room; Lacey and Johnny laid in the opposite direction to Zack and Gena; Matt and Brian were sat on the sofa with Leigh stretched out across them; her head on her brothers’ lap and Matt hugging her legs, with his own legs tucked up on the sofa. Brian had been sulking for the past half an hour that Michelle had left and so he wouldn’t be getting laid.

“Neither will I seeing that my boyfriend is a cheating little slag!” Leigh yelled.

“I know, I’m sorry babe, he’s a fucking dick!” Brian said playing with her hair.

“Don’t worry about Michelle, she’ll be back, she’s fancied you for ages.” Leana said raising her head from Jimmy’s chest.

“Really? How do you know?” Brian said sounding cheerful.

“Her sister Val told me, she said she’s always talking about you – it drives her crazy!”

“Cool!” Brian said smiling broadly. “Didn’t realise you and Val were such good friends?”

“Yeah, she’s lovely, she was meant to be here tonight but she had to work or something.” Leana said placing her head back on Jimmy’s chest.

The room went silent for a moment and the group all raised their head at the sound of a beep.

“I think that’s my phone reminding me I have a message I haven’t read yet.” Leigh said lifting herself into a seated position.

“Someone ring it for me so I can find it.” She asked. There was movement from the floor and she noticed Zack taking out his cell and playing with the buttons. There was soon the faint sound of “Run to the hills” coming from somewhere in the flat. Leigh got up and wandered over to the kitchen where the song became louder.

“Thanks Zacky” she cheered as she picked up the phone. She flipped it open. “One missed call.” It stated and Leigh cancelled it without looking at the number knowing that it was Zack’s call. “One new message” it read next. Leigh pressed the view button to see Tom’s name. She then proceeded to read the message. She chuckled to herself as she read it, causing the others to turn and face her.

“Listen to this – ‘your brother is a psycho, I can barely walk. I guess we’re over now so could you please drop my stuff over in the car tomorrow. I’m sorry. Love Tom xx’” she read out the message.

“The cheeky fucker!” Jimmy yelled.

“I’m going to fucking kill him!” Brian yelled.

“No Brian, he’s not worth it. But Leana, would you like to help me out tomorrow? I’m not sure whether his car will have enough gas to get all the way to his place.” She said with a wicked smile on her face and a glint in her eyes.

“Sure I’ll help. What are you planning?” Leana replied with a similar smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Leigh's dress!
So tell me what you think!
Oh and just to let you know, with some of the chapters there will be time jumps; some a couple of weeks and some a few months.
Anyway, comments, subscribe.... :)