Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 20

“He is going to like all this isn’t he?” Leigh asked as she watched the girls take out the things they got for Matt’s birthday. She’d found out two days previously that it was his birthday that day. She hadn’t been too pleased when she’d found out, but Matt had said that he didn’t want to mention it so she didn’t feel bad about not remembering herself and feel the need to go out and get him something. Of course when Michelle had accidentally let slip by asking if he had any plans Leigh hadn’t been too happy. She’d gotten annoyed with herself for not remembering it and then got upset and started to panic when she realised she was left with a day and a half to to find a present for him. She’d also promised to have a small party for him, which meant that she had to do some serious shopping on the morning of his birthday.

“Leigh I promise you he’s going to love it, all of it.” Val replied taking hold of the cake they’d picked up from the bakery.

“And the gifts I bought him?” she queried again leading the way towards the apartment.

“Leigh! For the last time, seriously stop worrying. Matt loves Ed Hardy stuff, he’s going to love everything.” Leana stated as she carried some of the shopping bags that were filled with party decorations.

Leigh sighed in defeat. Again she found herself defeated by her memory and it’s inability to remember even the smallest details. Over the past couple of weeks she’d been able to recall a few minor details but nothing significant. Since the afternoon in Matt’s basement she’d remained suspicious of Michelle. She couldn’t put her finger on it but there was something bugging her about that look of worry and relief. She had decided not to confront her about it, despite Matt’s support, deciding to wait patiently to see if her memory would help her out. She was also hoping that, if Michelle was hiding anything, she would sooner or later confess.

Once in the apartment Leigh wrapped the gifts she’d bought Matt while the girls set about decorating the flat with banners and balloons. It was only going to be their usual group of friends, but Leigh still wanted to make an effort and had insisted on the decorations. She’d also insisted on a new outfit for the occasion, although there weren’t many dresses that went well with the cast that still remained around her leg.

“OK, so everything’s ready so we’re going to head off so we can get ready.” Gena said as she jumped down from the stool which she’d been stood on to pin up a group of balloons.

“Yeah, we’ll be back in a few hours, so go make yourself beautiful.” Lacey said with a smile as she picked up her purse off the counter.

“OK, Thanks for your help guys, see you all later.” Leigh replied with a smile as she watched her four best friends walk towards the front door.

“Anytime honey.” Val replied with a wink as she closed the door behind them.
Leigh sighed heavily as she pushed herself off the stool she was sitting on and crossed the room to the bathroom.

Two hours later she slipped the black and navy dress on over her head, pulling it down over her body. It fitted her perfectly, stopping just above the knee, covering the top few centimeters of her cast. She cussed lightly as she reached behind her, only able to get the zip up half way. With a huff she hobbled slowly out of her room towards Brian’s. she was about to knock to ask for his help when she was stopped by the sound of a giggle. A females giggle. A giggle that caused a flash of images to pass through her brain. The colour drained quickly from her face and her heart rate quickened as goosebumps erupted over her skin and despite feeling colder she was aware of sweat forming on her forehead.

The images that had flashed through her head were from the night of her accident. They were the images that she’d long to see but they hadn’t been what she had been expecting to see.

She took a deep breath, trying to recover from the shock of what those images had revealed. She felt nauseous, light headed and her mouth was dry. With another deep breath she hobbled passed her bedroom door and into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. She walked over to the sink and turned the cold water faucet on full. She placed her cupped hands under the cold, clear liquid, letting them fill before splashing it up into her face and repeating the procedure twice more, allowing some water to fall in her mouth. She then grabbed the towel off the rail and ran it gently over her face as she stared at herself, unbelievingly in the mirror.

This wasn’t right. those images couldn’t be right. Michelle was one of her closest friends, her brothers boyfriend, it wasn’t possible. Or was it? Had she finally found the reason for Michelle’s worried then relieved look when she’d heard about Leigh’s dream just a few weeks ago? Had she walked in to find Michelle cheating on Brian? Had Michelle followed her and run her off the road?

In Leigh’s head everything was starting to make sense for the first time in a month. All the details she had known about the accident and now the images of what had happened after she got to Michelle’s office fit together perfectly.

She suddenly noticed that she was shaking, her hands trembling in front of her. What was she supposed to do now? Should she confront Michelle? Should she tell Brian first? Or one of the others? Her mind raced with questions as she continued to stare at her reflection.

The sound of someone trying to open the bathroom door startled her, bringing her out of her thoughts.

“Oh sorry Leigh, I thought you’d finished in the bathroom.” Her voice drifted through the locked door making Leigh’s stomach lurch.

“It’s OK, I’m finished.” Leigh called back her voice sounding shaky as she crossed the bathroom to open the door.

“Great, oh hey are you OK sweetie? You look awful.” Michelle said sounding full of concern.

“Oh, um, yeah, I just got all dizzy and shit just now, I’m fine.” She replied her voice low as she walked past her, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Are you sure you’re OK, you still look a bit peaky.” Michelle asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Leigh replied turning to walk back to her room.

“Oh, hey, let me give you a hand with your zipper.” Leigh had forgotten that that was the reason she’d left her bedroom in the first place. Before she had time to turn around, she flinched as Michelle’s hands made contact with her back.

“Sorry, are my hands cold?” she asked with a smile in her voice.

“Um, yeah.” Leigh lied quickly.

“There you go, you look beautiful by the way.” She replied with a smile. Leigh quickly glanced at her to thank her and quickly made her way back to her room.

She sat on her bed for a long while, thinking about what had happened, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do. She glanced up and caught the sight of her clock and realised that the others would be arriving soon and still needed to finish getting ready. As she applied her make up she made the decision that she would run it all past Matt first.

As she finished her make up, her phone began to ring on her dresser. Without looking at the caller id, she exchanged her lip gloss for her cell and greeted her caller.

“Hey, come let us in bitch!” Leana cheered from the other side of the receiver.

“OK, give me a sec.” Leigh replied with a smile, giving herself one last look in her mirror before walking out of her bedroom and making her way over to the front door to let her friend into the building.

“Hey sis, Mich said something about you not feeling too good?” Brian said as he walked across to the kitchen from his bedroom.

“Oh, yeah, I had a dizzy moment, I think it must have been head rush or something, stood up too quickly.” Leigh explained quickly with a forced smile.

“Are you sure? You’re OK now right?” Brian asked, coming to stand in front of her, placing his strong hands on her bare shoulders and lowering his head to look her in the eyes.

“Yeah Bri, I’m fine, really, there’s no need to worry.” She replied trying to sound convincing. It must have worked as he smiled, just as Leana and Gena burst through the open door, followed quickly by Jimmy and Zack.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Leana asked with a questioning smile as she watched Brian with his hands on Leigh’s shoulders. Leigh shot him a quick look, telling him not to say anything, and turned to smile at her friends.

“Nothing, just waiting for our guests to arrive.” She replied with another fake smile.

“Great, now what’s with the lack of music and where is the booze?” she asked skipping around the counter and picked up the bottle of Vodka she’d left after their shopping trip earlier that day.

“I’ll get some music sorted.” Leigh said slipping off the stool she had been perched on and walking over to the stereo. Lacey, Johnny, Val and her boyfriend Ben arrived pretty soon after and Leigh was thankful when the buzzer rang and Matt’s voice called out from the other end.

“Happy birthday.” Leigh greeted him as he walked through the door, a dimpled smile set firmly on his face.

“Thanks baby.” He replied, his hazel eyes sparkling as he quickly glanced around the apartment before the settled back on her. “Wow, you look amazing.” He breathed in a whisper as he leaned down to softly press his lips to hers, smiling as she blushed at his words.

He laced his fingers with hers and led them further into the apartment where everyone else was gathered.

“Happy Birthday Dude. Beer?” Brian said with a smile, offering him a cold bottle of beer he’d just taken from the fridge.

“Cheers dude.” Matt replied taking the bottle from him.

“I’ve got gifts for you, the girls assure me you’ll like them, but you can exchange them if you don’t.” Leigh said as Matt’s arm fell around her shoulders. He smiled at her and briefly kissed her temple as a small chuckle escaped his throat.

“Baby, I’m sure what ever you’ve got me is perfect.” He replied.

“OK, then come with me.” she said turning and leading him towards her bedroom.

“Hey, it’s at the end of the night that you’re supposed to disappear for birthday sex!” Jimmy yelled across the room. Leigh stopped in her tracks and felt herself blush as Matt laughed loudly, stopping next behind her.

“Shut up Jim, I’m giving him his birthday present!” Leigh defended as she turned quickly to face him.

“Yeah, I bet you are!” he replied with a wink as he laughed, poking his tongue into his cheek suggestively.

“Don’t worry, we’ll just turn the music up.” he added grabbing the stereo remote and turning the volume up loud. Leigh quickly flipped him off before turning back and proceeding to her room with Matt behind her.

They sat down on the end of her bed and she passed him the two gift wrapped parcels. Matt smiled as he opened up the first one to reveal a t-shirt.

“Thank you baby, I love it.” He said leaning across and kissing her lips.

“Really?” she asked as he pulled away and picked up the second gift.

“Yes, I promise.” He replied leaning over to peck her lips again as he pulled the wrapping paper away from the leather belt.

“The girls reminded me you love Ed Hardy stuff.” Leigh commented as he looked down at his gift.

“They were right, but thank you again baby.” He said, his dimples showing yet again as he leaned across once more to kiss her smiling lips.

“Baby, are you OK though? I don’t know, you just don’t seem yourself?” Matt asked as he pulled away from her. Leigh looked up at him and took a deep breath when she saw the sincere look of concern in his eyes.

“I’m OK, but there’s something I need to talk to you about.” She said finding herself feel lightheaded again. Matt took hold of her hands in his, looking up at her as he noticed she was shaking slightly again.

“Baby, you can tell me anything. What is it?” he questioned softly, dipping his head to find her eyes.

Slowly she raised her head and took a deep breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
- Re-post due to a few people not getting the email, hope this works -
Well, I'm pretty impressed with myself for getting this up today! Last night I only had the first paragraph written and no idea where I was going to go with the chapter! Then after being at a first aid course for most of the day I came home and decided to have another go at it and somewhere along the lines I must have been hit by inspiration and found myself writing and knowing what I was doing with the chapter :D

Anyway, as always thanks to all my readers, subscribers and for the comments :)
More are always appreciated :)