Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You


Leigh sat on the sofa of the tour bus, her sketch book resting on her thighs as she leaned back into Matt’s embrace. She smiled as his arm coiled around her waist, his other hand coming up to play with the ring on her left hand.

“Can’t you leave them for now?” he asked quietly in her ear talking about the sketches she was working on.

“Babe, I’ve almost finished and I promised my boss I’d get them finished today. You know how hard he works me, he’s a slave driver.” She replied, a small smirk playing at her lips.

“Darn straight!” Zack called from the other side of the table, raising his bottle of beer in the air with a smirk. “But I’m feeling generous, so you can take a five minute break.”

“Oh you are so kind.” She mocked, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she placed her sketch book on the table.

“Quiet you, or I’ll have you working tomorrow as well.” He said through narrowed eyes and pursed lips as he leaned over to grab the pad to take a closer look at the designs she’d been working on.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Leigh replied narrowing her own eyes at him. Zack looked up with a smirk that quickly disappeared when he caught a glance of Matt’s expression.

“No, of course not, I kind of like my face and value my life.” He said quickly turning his attention back to the sketches.

“Just be grateful that she’s done any work for you today Vengeance, she hasn’t been feeling the best and I wanted her to rest up for tomorrow.” Matt replied his arms tightening around her waist as he kissed her temple.

“Hey, I didn’t make her pick up that sketch book, but you know how stubborn she can be.” Zack defended.

“As her boss you could have order-“

“Just because I’ve closed my eyes doesn’t mean that you can talk about me as if I’m not here.” Leigh called out over their bickering.

“Sorry babe.” Matt whispered into her ear followed by a soft kiss.

“Yeah sorry Leigh, and just so you know these are awesome.” Zack added, putting a faint smile on her lips.

“Babe why don’t you go lie down, we’ve got another hour before we arrive at the hotel.” Matt whispered.

“You know, I might just do that, this headache isn’t getting any better.” She replied with a sigh as she pushed herself off the sofa.

“Hey, not so fast.” Matt called; grabbing hold of her hand and pulling her gently back towards him with a smirk playing at his lips. “I love you.” he whispered, leaning towards her to place his lips against hers.

“Love you too babe.” She replied with a smile before she turned and headed towards the bunk area.

She felt that she’d barely had her eyes closed for five minutes when Matt came to wake her up once they’d arrived at the hotel.

“Feeling any better babe?” Matt asked as he helped her down from their bunk.

“Not really no; my headache’s only got worse, I still feel sick and dizzy and I feel I could sleep for a hundred years.” She replied as he placed his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him so he could support most of her weight.

“Maybe its best if you just rest up in the hotel tonight.” Matt suggested as they stepped off the bus where the others were collecting some of their bags.

“I was actually thinking the same thing, as long as you’re alright with me missing the show.” She replied as Jimmy passed Matt their bag.

“I think I’ll be able to cope just this once, I just want you to get better by tomorrow.” he replied with a dimpled smile before kissing her forehead.

Everyone checked in and made their way up to their rooms. There was still a few hours before the guys had to make their way to that night’s venue, giving them all the opportunity to relax.

On entering the room, Leigh immediately made her way to the large king size bed, kicking off her shoes and stripping down to her underwear before climbing in.

“Ah, Hello bed.” she said as she pulled the comforter around her, her head sinking into the pillows.

“I’m going to take a shower babe.” Matt said, leaning down to place a kiss on her cheek as she nuzzled herself closer to the bed.

“Ok.” she whispered simply in reply. “I just want to try and sleep this headache off.”
She heard Matt turn on the water in their adjoining bathroom and not too much longer she heard him return to the bedroom. She could hear him potter around for a few minutes before she felt the bed shift under his weight before she felt him wrap his arm around her waist and place a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

The next thing she knew she was waking up to the sound of bleeping which she soon realised to be Matt’s alarm.

“Is it really that time already?” she groaned, as she felt Matt turn to switch it off.

“Sorry baby, you go back to sleep.” he replied leaning over to kiss her cheek before getting out of the bed. Leigh happily obliged and drifted back off into a light sleep. She was aware of Matt moving around and gently kissing her before he set off for the venue.

It was completely dark when she woke next, finally feeling a little better. She turned and searched for a clock. Nine twenty three. The guys were still going to be an hour or two before they got back. Leigh pushed herself up on the bed and leaned across to turn on the lamp at the side of the bed, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the sudden light.

She sat in silence for a while, unsure of what to do with herself, until she decided that she should take a shower. She got out of bed and rummaged through the bag for her wash bag. She then made her way into the bathroom and turning on the shower to allow the water heat up. It was then, as she opened her wash bag to take out her shampoo that she suddenly remembered something she had wanted to do to put her mind at ease.

With a sigh she took the pregnancy test out of the bag. She held it in her hands staring at it thinking over what it would mean for her and Matt if this test was positive like she had a strong feeling it would be. He would stand by her, she had no doubt about that, six years together had not caused them any real problems with their relationship and they were forever talking about their futures together including the possibility of starting a family. Matt definitely wanted kids, there was no doubt in her mind about that, but was now the right time for them?

Deciding that there was no point in worrying about those things until she knew for sure she took one of the tests out of the box and re-read the instructions. She left the test on the counter top to work as she stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water cascade over her body.

She shut off the water and wrapped herself in a white fluffy towel before walking straight over to the counter and picking up the test. She stared in confusion at what seemed to be a blank test. She picked up the box and read over the instructions again and then looked closely at the test stick. Were they two faint pink lines she could see? Or were her eyes playing tricks?

With clenched teeth she threw the test into the trash can beside the counter. Thankfully there were two tests in the pack so she would be able to take another test in the morning when it was supposed to be the best time anyway. She put the second test back in her wash bag and headed back into the bedroom. She dried herself off and put her pyjamas on before climbing into bed and beginning to flick through the channels on the TV hanging from the wall in the corner of the room.

She hadn’t realised she’d drifted back off to sleep until her cell phone ringing woke her up. Recognising the ringtone immediately as Matt’s she answered it without looking at the screen.

“Baby, they’ve stolen my key-card, can you let me in?” he whined.

“Why have they stolen it?” she asked as she crossed the room and opened the door.

“Because they don’t think we should spend the night together.” he said still talking into his cell as he walked through the door with a glint in his eyes.

As he quickly shut the door behind him they could hear the yells of their friends, cursing loudly as someone thumped loudly on the door.

“How you feeling anyway baby?” he asked, wrapping his large muscular arms around her small waist and pulling her close to him.

“Better, still not great, but the headache’s gone.” She replied smiling up into his hazel eyes.

“Maybe you’re just nervous about tomorrow.” he replied bringing his hand up to brush some hair out of her face.

“I doubt it, now, how tired are you?” she asked with a smirk playing at her lips as she lowered her hands to his belt. Matt raised his eyebrows with a smirk before his hands slipped down her body, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I've decided to make the Epilogue two parts, the second part will be up in a few days :)

Meanwhile, comments would be great and I'd also love it if you check out my newset one shot Dirty Little Girl :) Oh and for those of you who have read it I'm working on a prequel chapter for it :D