Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 3

Four months had passed since Matt’s birthday and Tom still wasn’t talking to Leigh for what she did with his car. Not that she cared, she just wished she could have done more to hurt him for what he’d done to her. Brian was happy though. He’d been dating Michelle for three and a half months after he’d got Leana to get her number for him. So there were now two new members to their group of friends – Michelle and her twin sister Val. They were both huge amounts of fun and fitted in with the group perfectly. Unfortunately for Leigh the colder, winter months brought the flu and she was now bed-ridden for the third day.

“Brian, I’ll be fine! Just fuck off to work, tell him please Michelle!” Leigh yelled croakily from her bed.

“Babe, she’s right, she’s a big girl she can look after herself.” Michelle replied; Brian scowling at her, unwilling that they were both ganging up on him.

“Fine, I’ll go to fucking work – but I’m only trying to look after you like a big brother should!” he defended.

“Big brother? Bri you’re twins!”

“I’m five minutes older than her – so technically I can still be called her big brother.” He called back. Leigh rolled her eyes causing Michelle to laugh.

“And as her big brother it’s my duty to take care of her, stand up for her, back her up and kick the asses of anyone who hurts her or messes her about.” He stated walking back into Leigh’s bedroom.

“But Bri, it’s the flu! All I’m going to be going it laying right here. You are going overboard!” Leigh tried reasoning with him.

“Ok, I get the hint, but just ring me if you need anything and I’ll ask Matt to pop in to see you later.” Brian said.

“Fine, if you must, I guess I may enjoy the company later.” Leigh said giving in. She knew how persistent Brian could be as she shared the same trait. She also knew that he really was only trying to take care of her; he’d done it all their lives. There was one time she remembered when they were only six years old when Leigh was in hospital having her appendix out. She was petrified and hated hospitals. Brian begged their mum and dad, and the nurses to stay the night with her, and curled up in the hospital bed beside her, holding her tight throughout the night. He only left her side when the doctor came to examine her and when she was taken into theatre. That’s the kind of brother he was. That’s how close they were as siblings, as best friends. No one could come between them. No doctor or nurse could have stopped him staying that night. No boy or girl, friend or otherwise has ever or could ever come between them. If one was ill the other looked after them. If one was upset, the other comforted them. It’s just the way they were. Brian would protect his sister to the death if he needed to.

Once Brian and Michelle had left, Leigh quickly fell back asleep thanks to the flu tablets she’d taken on Brian’s orders.

She lay in her double bed, aware that she was awake but unwilling to open her eyes. She had no idea how long she’d been asleep for but she felt a lot better for it. She lay with her eyes closed and her duvet pulled up over her head and listened to her silent flat. The silence was broken by a small beep that came from under her pillow. She reached for her cell phone which she’d put on quiet mode. She flipped it open to a screen that read “three new messages.” She pressed the view button and the three messages appeared in her in-box. She had two from Brian and one from Matt. She opened the first one form Brian.

“Hey sis, how you feeling? Sorry if I was being so annoying but you know what I’m like. Get some rest see you later x Bri” she chuckled rolling her eyes and opened up the next message.

“Hey got hold of Matt, he said he’d pop round to see you later x Bri” again she smiled and opened the message from Matt.

“Hey Hun, Bri said you’re not too good again today and made me promise to pop round to keep you company. I’m on my way. Anything you need? Matt xx ;)” this message made her smile even more than the other two. She was looking forward to seeing Matt; she could do with the company.

Before she could reply to any of the messages she suddenly became aware of a noise coming from outside her door. She then froze as she became aware of her bedroom door opening and someone entering the room.

Slowly pulled her duvet down away from her face and peered over the top of it. Smiling she noticed Matt standing in the doorway. She pulled her duvet right the way down off her face and pushed herself up slightly.

“Hey, I’m under instruction to look after you and keep you company, so I have chocolate and some DVDs as well as some more flu tablets, tissues and lozenges.” Matt said holding up a carrier bag of goodies.

“Mattie, you are the best.” Leigh said sitting up fully, a wide smile on her face.

“Well I try; so come on then what film are we watching first?” he said turning and heading back into the living room.

“Bring the duvet!” he yelled back at her.

“So what films did you bring me?” Leigh said sitting on the sofa, pulling her duvet over her.

“Well I wasn’t sure what kind of film you’d be in the mood for, so I’ve got a selection to choose from.” He said taking out a pile of five or six films.

“We have Meet Joe Black, The little Mermaid, Dirty Dancing, Reservoir Dogs, Die Hard and American Pie.” He continued holding up each film in turn.

“Oh, quite a selection, now do I subject you to slushy chick flicks or not?” she said with an evil glint in her eyes.

“Do you really think I’d have brought them over if I was bothered by chick flicks?” Matt retorted.

“The only one I was in two minds of bringing over was Meet Joe Black cos I don’t really want to spend two hours sat here watching you drool over Brad Pitt.”

“Well, when you look THAT sexy in a black suit I’ll quite happily drool over you for two hours or more.” Leigh stated giving him a seductive look.

“Ok, I’ll be nice; we’ll watch Die Hard first followed by The Little Mermaid.” She stated. Matt nodded and took Die Hard out of the case and placed it in the DVD player. He grabbed the controls and joined Leigh on the sofa. He kicked his trainers off and adjusted himself so that he was huddled under her duvet as well and pressed play.

A little over two hours later the end credits began to roll up the screen and Leigh took this opportunity to visit the bathroom. By the time she returned Matt had changed the DVD and was watching the trailers before The Little Mermaid film.

Leigh climbed back onto the sofa and pulled her duvet back around her. She grabbed the box of tissues and the lozenges and moved closer to Matt. He turned his head and welcomed her by lifting his arm, placing it around her shoulder and pulling her towards him, allowing her head to fall on his chest. She placed her arm around his waist underneath her duvet and could hear his heart beating rhythmically within his ribcage. The Little Mermaid was one of Leigh’s favourite Disney films and knew the songs word for word. She found herself laughing with each song as Matt joined in with her.

Ain’t that sad
Ain’t it shame, too bad?
You gonna miss the girl” They sang along together giggling. Leigh sat up and turned to face Matt to sing the next verse.

“Now’s your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don’t say a word
And she won’t say a word
Until you kiss the girl” Leigh stopped, looking deeply into Matt’s eyes.

“Until you kiss the girl” she repeated and without another word Matt had placed his lips against hers. He pulled away but Leigh quickly found his lips again, her hands finding the back of his head, pulling him into her as she ran her tongue across his bottom lip. But instead of allowing her to deepen the kiss Matt pulled away.

“Leigh I can’t...I-“

“Why? What’s wrong?” Leigh asked feeling stupid that she’d made a move she’d wanted to make for over a month.

“You’re Brian’s sister!”


“And he’d fucking kill me!” Matt said softly cupping her face in his hands.

“Look what he did to Tom. And the way he is with any guy who looks at you in the wrong way.” he added.

“Then we don’t tell him.” she whispered continuing to look into his eyes.

“What?” Matt replied looking puzzled.

“If you’re that worried about Brian finding out, we’ll have to keep it a secret. Won’t we?” she said leaning forward and kissing him. This time Matt welcomed the kiss and parted her lips with his. His tongue entwined with hers and she fell backwards, Matt’s fingers running through her hair.

“This could be fun.” She said as they broke the kiss.

“For you maybe?” Matt replied smiling.

“Brian’s not going to do anything to you when he finds out.” He added kissing her briefly again.

“Don’t you think I’m worth the hassle?” Leigh asked raising her eyebrows.

Matt smiled “For as long as I’ve known you.” He replied causing Leigh to look confused. He sat up pulling Leigh with him.

“Leigh, if I had more guts I probably would have asked you out back in 9th grade, but I saw the way your brother was with boys who showed an interest in you and I didn’t want to get beaten up – I enjoyed being friends with the two of you and well, I guess I kind of resided to the fact that we’d only ever be friends.” He explained.

Leigh smiled and leant over to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned so she caught him on the lips. He kissed her back briefly before she pulled away.

“We better get back to the film, Brian will be home soon.” She said and huddled back into his chest, a broad smile on her face. Before Brian came home The Little Mermaid had finished so they put American Pie on.

“Hey Matt, how’s Leigh?” Brian asked as he walked through the door.

“I’m fine thanks Bro” Leigh replied lifting her head and turning to face her brother and Michelle.

“Oh, hey, I didn’t see you there, feeling better?” he repeated.

“Much better thanks.” She replied as he and Michelle came to sit down on the armchair.

“What’s with you two curled up on the sofa?” Michelle asked sitting on Brian’s lap.

“It helps me feel better.” Leigh replied, giving Matt’s hand a squeeze under her duvet.

“Thanks for taking care of her Matt.” Brian said.

“Anytime dude, she’s good company.” Matt replied causing Leigh to smile and squeeze hold of his hand again.

“Oh, I’ve spoken to Zack as well; he’s having a house party for his birthday, on the Friday after his birthday. He wants it to be fancy dress, he’s thinking comic book theme.” Brian said.

“Cool, I’ll have a think about which one I can go as.” Leigh said.

“Yeah, we’ll have to have to talk about it so we all don’t end up getting the same costumes.” Matt said.
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