Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 5

Leigh and Matt were actually quite shocked that Jimmy had managed to help them keep their relationship a secret for three months. They were quite impressed with themselves keeping it quiet from everyone else as well. It was harder than what they thought it was going to be. Finding the time to be alone together without causing suspicions and being around each other in front of the others without being able to kiss each other and hold hands and stuff. But at least they’d been close enough friends before that they could huddle up next to each other on the sofa without raising too many eyebrows. Since the beginning of the New Year there had been some changes made, or rather developments. The band that the guys had been playing in for about a year was becoming more serious, they’d been playing more local gigs lately and had sent out a bunch of demos to every record company they could find. They were all getting close to graduating from high school so they were all working harder than usual.

Leigh had just finished her shift at Pizza Hut and was walking home with a 12” meat feast in her hands. She jumped as she felt the phone in her back pocket vibrate against her leg and reached around to take it out. She flipped it open to read the message from Matt.

“Hey babe, you on your way home? I’ve just seen Brian and Chel leaving your place, we’ll have it to ourselves ;)” she smiled and pressed reply.

“About 2 minutes away. You stalking me now? Lol see you in a sec xx.” Send.

As she got to the end of the street that her apartment was on her phone vibrated again.

“Just want to make the most of the time we get together. Xx ;)” it read.

Again Leigh smiled and stowed her phone back into her rear pocket. She looked up the street and could see a tall, well built figure standing level with her apartment building. Her smile broadened knowing it was Matt and she quickened her pace to get to him quicker. As she got closer he turned and spotted her walking towards him. He walked towards her and took the pizza off her as they met.

“Hey beautiful.” He said leaning down to kiss her as the continued to walk to the apartment’s front door.

“Hey, good day?” Leigh replied. Matt nodded, smiling.

“It’s suddenly got a lot better though.” He replied as she let them in to the lobby.

As Leigh tried to get the key into their front door she felt Matt’s arm around her waist, his head nuzzling into the crook of her neck, his lips tickling the skin on her jaw line. They almost stumbled into the apartment and Matt turned Leigh around in his arms, placing the pizza box on the unit. Leigh glanced behind her and noticed that the door was still open so she pulled away from Matt and returned to close it.

“Alone at last” she said walking back to Matt and leaning up to kiss him. She kept the kiss brief before walking over to the sofa and kicked off her shoes. Matt followed her and pulled her into his lap, placing his lips on hers. He gently nipped at her bottom lip so she would open her mouth and allow his tongue to enter. Her hands moved up his neck and rested on the back of his head, pulling him further into the kiss. She felt his hands wander up her leg slowly and sensually. As the kiss progressed the pair ended up falling back onto the sofa, Matt on top of her. She let her hands wander back down his back and play with the hem of his shirt. As she did this his lips left hers and he began to leave butterfly kisses down her jaw line, to the crook of her neck and ending on her collarbone where she let out a moan of pleasure. She felt her heart rate quicken as he slowly made his way back up towards her lips. As the kiss became more passionate, he leant into her causing her to feel his erection press against her and a moan to escape through the kiss. Without having to think what to do next she moved her hands to his belt buckle and began to tug at it to loosen it. She managed to undo the buckle and pull it out of the first loop and then Matt pulled out of the kiss.

“Leigh, you sure about this?” he asked, breathless from the kiss.

“Definitely” she said stretching back up to his lips. With the belt removed she made a start on the buttons of his jeans. She struggled with each button as she was finding it hard to concentrate with his lips doing the things they were doing to her neck and collar bone. She felt his hand move from the underneath of her skirt to the buttons of her work shirt and skilfully undo every one, kissing his way down her chest as he did so. As he made his way back up her body she gave up undoing anymore buttons. She wanted his shirt off. She wanted to see his toned chest. Her hands moved to his sides and ran them up his torso, taking his shirt with her. He pulled away from her and sat up right, and just like a scene from the movies he slowly pulled his shirt up over his head. Leigh licked her lips taking in this mouth-watering sight before her. He smiled at her and leant back down, not noticing the front door opening.

“What the fuck?” Brian’s voice bellowed at the sight of Matt’s naked torso disappearing behind the sofa. It quickly snapped back up like an elastic band at the sound of his voice, this time bringing Leigh with him. They both looked over to the door horrified at the sight of Brian. His nostrils were flared, his eyes wide with anger, his muscles were flexed, fists clenched and the veins in his neck looked close to bursting.

“I’m going to fucking kill you Sanders!” Brian yelled almost flying over towards the sofa.
Quicker than a bullet leaving a gun Matt was up off the sofa, as was Leigh.

“Brian listen, it’s not-“ Matt began to explain, backing himself up against the wall.

“What is it then Matt? Cos to me it looks like you were about to get into my sister!” Brian said striding around the sofa to get to him.

“Brian! Calm down, let us explain.” Leigh yelled, getting between her brother and her boyfriend, placing her hands against Brian’s chest trying to stop him from getting to Matt.

“Explain what? I’m going to fucking kill him.” Brian yelled again glaring around his sister at Matt as Leigh used all her strength to push him away from him.

“Brian wait, calm down and fucking listen.” Leigh yelled pushing hard against his chest, causing him to stumble back. He glared at Matt for a long moment before glancing at his sister, who was still stood in between him and Matt, her hands still on his chest.

“Shit! Ok I’ll listen, just do me a favour. Cover yourself back up!” he said pointing at her open shirt.

Leigh glanced down and hastily began to redo the buttons of her work shirt, aware that she must have been a deep shade of red by now. Brian had turned and sat in the armchair. He brushed his hand through his hair, glaring at Matt as he put his shirt back on and did up his pants buttons. Leigh sat down on the sofa, sitting as close to the edge as she could. Matt sat down on the other end of the sofa, nervously watching Brian’s reaction.

“Explain yourselves then.” Brian said, his fists still clenched, still glaring at Matt.

“How long has this been going on? Or is it just a one off?”

“About five months.” Leigh stated watching her brother carefully.

“Five months!” he yelled, his eyes and mouth wide with shock.

“Fuck that’s before Christmas” he added.

“Yeah, we didn’t say anything cos we knew how you’d react.” Leigh said with a nervous laugh as she bit the inside of her lip.

“When exactly?” Brian said glaring at them both, his tone not softening one bit despite Leigh’s attempt at humor.

Leigh took a deep breath before answering. “When I was ill, when he came over to keep me-“

“You what? Then? When you were supposed to be taking care of her as a favour to me; you decided to make a fucking move on her instead!” Brian yelled and began to get out of the chair, but he was stopped by Leigh lifting her hands up to stop him yet again.

“Brian! Calm down! I made the move, not Matt; I liked him and made the move when I was given the opportunity.” She explained.

“And he jumped at the chance!” the words left Brian’s mouth in a deep growl.

“No, he actually told me that he couldn’t do anything cos of what you’d do to him when you find out, and to be fair he had a bit of a point!” Leigh yelled back in Matt’s defence.

“Yeah, right!” Brian mumbled rolling his eyes in disbelief as he sat back down.

“No, Brian, she’s telling the truth.” Matt said finally finding his voice. Brian glared at him again.

“I’ve liked Leigh for years, probably since I met her in what? 9th grade? I would have asked her out back then, but I was shit scared of what you’d do. Fuck I watched you beat kids up, scare the living crap out of boys, just because they looked at Leigh let alone what you did to the boys who upset her in anyway. I didn’t want to be one of those boys, so I let myself be happy being good friends with the two of you. That never stopped me enjoying helping you beat kids up when they treated her wrong or looked at her the wrong way and stuff. But when she kissed me that night, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to risk everything – but then I realised she was, so I trusted her.” he took a deep breath waiting for Brian’s reaction.

“Ok, so what does she mean to you now?” Brian asked, his tone finally softening.

“More than you can imagine, these past five months have been amazing, I’ve never felt like this about anyone. Brian. I’ve fallen for your sister in a big way. I love her more than anything in this world.” At the sound of these words Brian’s head shot up and Leigh turned sharply to face Matt.

“You what now?” she asked, smiling broadly in disbelief.

“I mean it, I love you Leigh.” Matt said edging forward and taking hold of her hand. Her smile broadened as she laced her finger’s in his. “I love you too” she whispered back and forgetting momentarily about Brian she attached her lips to his in a passionate kiss. They only broke away at the sound of Brian loudly clearing his throat.

“Sorry Bri, but now do you understand, can you forgive us for keeping it from you?” Leigh pleaded, moving closer to her brother. “Please Bri! Be happy for me.” Brian slowly moved his gaze between the two of them.

“Ok, but listen” he began pointing a finger towards Matt, who gulped.

“If you hurt her in any way, upset her, anything! I will kill you, no questions asked. You know how I work when it comes to my sister – no exceptions.” Brian warned.

Matt nodded. “I understand, but trust me; I’m not letting her go. It’s taken me long enough to get with her, I’m not going to spoil it.” He said, turning his head to look Leigh in the eyes.

“Ok, oh and one other thing. If I ever catch you trying to do the business on my sofa again, I will again kill you!” Brian said this time smiling as he stood up. Leigh and Matt both stood up with him and Leigh stepped forward to hug her brother. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

“Just be happy ok, I don’t want to see you hurt.” He whispered. Leigh pulled back slightly and looked up into her brother’s eyes.

“I am Bri, for the first time in ages I’m truly happy, thanks to Matt.” She said smiling. Again Brian leant down and kissed her forehead before leaving the hug. He stepped to one side and held out his arms to welcome Matt into a man hug. Smiling Matt hugged Brian back, glad that he’d accepted things.

“Now, what pizza did you bring back today? I’m starving, so we’re not saving it for when the other’s get here.” Brian said placing an arm around his sister’s shoulders and leading her into the kitchen area.

“Meat feast!” Leigh stated and Brian opened the box and the three of them grabbed a slice each. As they ate Leigh manoeuvred herself so that she was stood between Matt’s legs as he sat on one of the bar stools that were placed around the counter. He placed one arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. Brian looked at them and gave a small chuckle.

“You actually look really good together.” He commented causing the smile on Leigh’s face to widen. Matt turned his head slightly to kiss her temple, also smiling broadly.

“So do the others know or will they get told later?” Brian asked looking at the pair.

“Um, well Jimmy knows but the others don’t yet.” Leigh explained; Brian quickly lifted his head and glared at her.

“Jimmy knows?” he questioned.

“Um, yeah, he kinda caught us kissing.” Leigh began to explain, her brother not taking his eyes off her.

“Caught you?” Brian continued to question.

“Um, yeah, at Zack’s birthday, on the beach, remember when you found the three of us?” Leigh continued, watching Brian’s eyes search his mind back to that night.

“When you said you were depressed cos of all the couples around? Yeah I remember.” He said

“Yeah, well, I kinda made that up so you wouldn’t find out about us, but Jimmy had caught us when he came out to look for me and we made him promise he wouldn’t say anything – and he kept it, for four months” Leigh explained.

“Now that I can’t believe!” Brian said, a smile appearing on his face.

“Jimmy, keep a secret like this for this long!” Matt and Leigh both laughed with Brian. It was true. They were both very impressed by how long he’d kept it a secret.

“Can I have some fun with him when he comes over?” Brian asked a wicked smile on his face. Matt nodded but Leigh shook her head.

“No guys don’t be mean. He’s been good to us keeping this secret; we owe him for his loyalty.”

“And what about your loyalty to your brother – who you’ve been lying to for five months?” Brian asked giving Leigh a twinge of guilt.

“When do I get my fun?” he pleaded. Leigh looked at him thinking, contemplating what to do. She began to laugh as Brian’s face changed, giving her his best puppy dog eyes, leaning across towards her, pouting.

“Ok! Have your fun! But don’t be too mean to him.” she ordered and a smile quickly appeared on her brother’s face.

“Thank you!” he replied with an evil glint in his eyes. Leigh shook her head and continued to eat her pizza.
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A nice long update for you, so I'm expecting lots of comments in return.
I think I've told you before that I started this story a long time ago, and now I've decided to post it there are parts that I'm not increadibly happy about and some that need some work before it gets posted.
There are curently another 3 or 4 chapters already written to this, and I do know what's going to happen later in the story, but the next couple of chapters are a bit crappy so I'm appologising in advance and hope you all stick with me and this story.