Status: Finally Finished

Closer to Heaven With You

Chapter 9

“Leigh! Matt’s here!” Brian yelled from the living room.

“Ok, I’ll be two minutes” Leigh yelled back placing her earring through the hole in her left ear. She was getting ready for the meal that Matt had promised to take her for once they’d officially signed their contract. She put the matching earring into her right ear and checked herself over in her full-length mirror. She grabbed her small clutch bag which held her keys and her cell phone and made her way out to the living room. At the sound of the door opening both Brian and Matt whipped their head around to look at her.

“Wow” Matt whispered staring at her in awe. Leigh blushed and made her way across to the kitchen where they were both stood. As she walked over to them, Leigh ran her eyes over Matt’s appearance and subconsciously licked her lips.

“You look awesome” he whispered as she reached him, his hands resting on her hips, his forehead resting onto hers, looking lustfully into her eyes.

“You look quiet sexy yourself.” Leigh replied returning his stare.

“Guys, save the mushy stuff for when I’m not around!” Brian said causing the two to turn to face him, Matt lacing his fingers with Leigh’s.

“Sorry dude, we’re going now.” Matt said placing a kiss onto Leigh’s temple.

“Night Bri.” Leigh said as she turned to follow Matt.

“Sis!” Brian called after her causing her to stop and turn. He walked over to her.

“You look fucking beautiful” he said and placed a kiss on her forehead. Leigh blushed at her brother’s compliment.

“Thanks bro.” She replied and he gave her a little wink before she turned back to follow Matt out of the flat.

Matt had chosen to take Leigh to a small Italian restaurant along the beach front. It was the restaurant that Leigh always said she would like to go to when she had the money. The fact that Matt had brought her here made her love him more. To her it showed that he listened to her and that meant a lot to her.

“Oh my god Matt, have you seen the prices?” Leigh whispered over her menu.

“Yes babe, but don’t you worry about that, this is my treat, and I don’t care about how much it costs.” Matt whispered back.


“But nothing, just chose whatever you want, don’t look at the prices.”

Leigh returned defeated to the menu, looking for the cheapest meal but Matt must have read her mind.

“Don’t go choosing the cheapest either or I’ll just order the most expensive.”

“Fine! You win,” she said looking over the menu again, this time looking for something she actually wanted to have.

“Anything for dessert, miss?” the waitress asked

“Um, do you do tiramisu?” Leigh asked and the waitress nodded.

“With two spoons then please.” Leigh ordered and the waitress smiled, nodded and walked away to get their dessert.

Matt smiled at Leigh and slowly moved his chair around so that he was sat next to her. He took hold of her hand and leant across and kissed her softly, letting their lips linger close to each other in contentment.

“I love you.” He whispered smiling.

“Love you too, more than anything.” She whispered back as the waitress returned with their dessert and two spoons. Leigh picked up her spoon and cut off a bit and offered it to Matt who gratefully took it. Matt then took the other spoon and spoon fed Leigh. They continued to feed each other their dessert before Matt asked for and paid the check.


“Let’s walk along the beach.” Matt suggested on leaving the restaurant to which Leigh happily agreed.

They walked along the beach, Leigh bare foot, unable to walk along the sand in heals, in the direction of Leigh’s flat, hand in hand, both of them as much in love with the other one. Suddenly Matt stopped and spun Leigh around so that they were facing each other.

“I’ve got to talk to you.” Matt said becoming serious, staring into her eyes.

“About?” Leigh questioned, feeling a little nervous.

“Us, you and me.” Matt replied taking her face in his hands. “Babe, you mean the world to me, you have no idea how much I love you, how you make me feel, what your support means to me.” Matt continued.

“I can guess, I love you so much, you mean everything to me too.” She replied.

“I know, and listen, I’ve wanted to show you how much you mean to me for months now, and with this new record deal we could end up being away on tour, away from each other for long periods at a time. And that’s why I need to show you how much I love you now. And that’s why I’ve got to give you this now.” He said taking out a small black velvet box from his pocket. Leigh gasped at the sight in front of her and dropped her shoes onto the sand.

“Leigh, I want to give you this commitment ring, as a symbol of my love for you, so you know how much you mean to me.” He said opening the box to reveal an elegant silver ring with a single purple stone set in the middle.

Leigh lost the ability to speak; instead she flung her arms around him and pressed her lips forcefully onto his, quickly finding a way for her tongue to entwine with his. She felt herself being lifted up off the sand and spun around. As she was placed back onto the sand they broke away from the kiss. Matt took the ring out of the box and slowly placed the ring onto her finger before kissing her again.

“I love you” she whispered leaving the kiss.

“Love you too babe.” He kissed back before picking up her shoes and beginning to walk down the beach again.


“Good morning brother!” Leigh sang the following morning as Brian emerged from his room rubbing his eyes and yawning. She was stood in the kitchen making pancakes. Why? Simply because she was in a good mood and she knew pancakes were both Matt’s and Brian’s favourite breakfast treat. Brian’s with sugar and raisins and Matt’s with yoghurt and apples.

“I smelt pancakes.” He muttered walking over to the counter and sat on one of the stools.

“I wanted to treat my two favourite men in the world with their favourite breakfasts!” Leigh smiled turning the pancake in the pan.

“And what’s all this in aid of?” Brian asked. Leigh smiled as she noticed her brother glance down at her new ring with a knowing smile.

“You know don’t you?” Leigh asked watching her brother’s reaction.

“Know what?” Brian replied acting as if he didn’t know what she was on about but Leigh knew her brother to well and knew when he was lying.

“You knew about this didn’t you?” she asked holding up her hand in front of his face. A smile began to appear in his lips as Leigh’s bedroom door opened and Matt emerged.

“Didn’t you?” Leigh asked again.

“Yeah, he did. I showed him the ring before we left last night.” Matt said as he walked across the room to join them.

“Oh and honey, you’re burning the pancake.” He added as he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

Leigh turned frantically to see a hint of smoke raise from the frying pan where the pancake had began to burn a little.

“Oh shit fuck bugger!” Leigh yelled grabbing the frying pan, lifting it off the heat and flipping the pancake out of the pan onto the waiting plate to the sound of giggles from Matt and Brian.

“Fuck!” she yelled again slamming the pan back down on the top of the stove.

“Hey, come on babe.” Matt said hugging her from behind and placing a kiss on her cheek.

“Don’t worry, that was Brian’s” Leigh muttered turning in Matt’s arms.

“How come?” Brian yelled.

“Cos you’re the one who distracted me!” Leigh said sticking her tongue out at her brother.

“Oh, that’s not fair!” Brian sulked, arms crossed, bottom lip pouting.

“Babe, be nice, surely there’s enough mixture for an extra one?” Matt whispered into her ear.

“Ok, I guess, but he can wait until you’ve had yours now.” She said turning back around and pouring some more mixture into the pan. She felt Matt kiss the back of her head before leaving her side.

“I’m so glad you’re happy sis!” Brian said as they sat on the sofa together as Matt washed the breakfast dishes. She had her head in his lap as he played with her hair.

“Me too.” She replied looking up at him with a wide smile.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.” Brian continued “and the fact that it’s with one of my best friends just makes it even better.”

“I am happy, more than I could ever imagine being, all thanks to Matt.”

“You know, he told me his plans two weeks ago.”

“You knew?”

“Yeah, he came and told me that he wanted to make a commitment to you and that he planned getting you a commitment ring and taking you out for a fancy meal, all that mushy stuff” Brian said with a hint of a laugh at the last bit.

“And you managed to keep it a secret?”

“Well, no not really, I told Michelle and Jimmy, who told Leana, who told Gena who”

“Let me guess told Zack, who told Johnny and Lacey?” Leigh asked sarcastically.

“Actually Gena told Lacey as well” Brian replied.

“Anybody else know before me?” she asked.

“Sorry babe, I think you were last to know I think.” Matt said joining them in the living room.

“Oh, great, but I guess that it explains some of the guys acting a little weird around me lately.” Leigh realised and both Matt and Brian nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Leigh's outfit for the meal
commitment ring,
Sorry guys but this might be the last update for this story for a while!
I'm struggling with this a bit as I've seamed to have lost some interest in it for the time being. I think it's mainly because I'm really enjoying writing Protect at the moment and want to concentrate on that one for the time being.
Don't worry though, I will continue with this one if you guys want me to, and if you can wait a while for the next update!