Caught in Midnight

Lonely Is The Night

Midnight had finally come and the world had frozen. The swirling mist had stopped in its inter-clock cycle. Midnight for me, midnight for a vampire, time stopped for this one, sweet hour. Where I was finally alone, and all temptations of the humans had finally been drowned.

I just wished with all my undead heart that Brian Haner somehow could spend this time with him, but he was frozen like every other living thing. I sat down on the green grass, with my knees drawn up with my chin resting on my folded arms. The water was in mid-shimmer. And I couldn't help but think of him. My eyes started to tear over. A low growl filled my throat and I jumped to feet and my hand lashed out at the calm water. The ripples and the spattered water froze also.

Why was I so alone?

Not that I minded being alone, I just wanted to be with him.

Then suddenly there was a crunching of time caught grass. I turned and saw Zacky.

"Hey," he said. He walked over stood behind me while I was still crouched over the pond. "Are you busy, by any wild chance?"

"Hmph." I got to my feet and brushed the grass from my jeans. "Wild chance." I repeated. "What do you want, Baker?"

Zacky shrugged. "I thought you might want company. It does get lonely out here."

I closed my eyes. "I like my solace. Normally." I admitted.

Zacky gave me a small smile. "I know what you mean. Come on, let's get out of the woods. And gimme a favor and fly us to the nearest gas station, I am in serious need of a Monster."

I smiled back at him. "Sure thing," I said and grabbed his hand. His feet rose of the ground a couple of inches. I smirked at him. "Are you ready?"

Zacky gulped. "Don't kill us."

"We're immortal, remember?" I chuckled.

Zacky gave me a dirty look and I looked towards the sky. It was clear, no wandering planes to worry about.

My wings stretched to either side and down towards the point where the very tips brushed the ground. "Alright," I warned. "Jump!"

We both jumped and we were in the atmosphere of the sleeping Earth.


"I think we passed it." Zacky told me.

"Where?" I asked and squinted down at the shops and buildings below. "Oh…. I see."

I began my descent and I landed neatly on the doorstep of the Circle K. "There ya go." I told him.

"Yeah, thanks." Zacky looked a little bit woozy. He had been afraid of heights when he was mortal.

"Um, I'll see you later. Do you think you can walk back?" I asked Zacky.

He smirked at me. "Just cuz I can't fly doesn't mean I don’t have the super strength."

"Psht!" I said and shook my head at him. "That sucks all the fun out it."

"Whatever, bye flygirl." Zacky said walking off into the convenient store."

"Adios." I called and kicked off the ground and let my wings flex and catch all the air and bounce off of gravity.

I flew across town, dodging the loose birds and the occasional helicopter. Then I stopped, full zoom. I started down, towards Brian's house.

I hovered outside his bedroom window. I always felt like a stalker when I did this. Ever since he was a teenager, I seemed to always do this, even when we were teenagers.

Brian lived on his own now. His own house with all the clippings of a famous 26 year old guitarist. He was sitting on a swivel chair with his guitar in his laugh. His fingers were still a blur of motion and the chord was obviously pretty hardcore. This is what he did most nights. Staying up till the a.m. playing his electric twanger.

I sighed.

I could never go into his house. I just couldn't bring myself to it. He would never know.

I finally vaulted myself again, and flew to my apartment I shared with my twin sister.


"Hey, hoe." Valary called when I flew through the my bedroom window.

"What, cunt?" I answered.

She started jogging down the hallway to my bedroom and opened the door. "Why did you leave me again? I hate being by myself during the midnight hour!"

"Sorry," I muttered, and tucked my wings in as I sat down on my bed. "I just wanted to get out for a bit."

"Yeah," Val snorted. "Sure, Michelle, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Nothing helps me sleep at night." I groaned.

"Whatever. You could have at least helped a sister out and made brownies."

"You made brownies?" I asked, immediately perking up.

Valary shot me her most mischievous smile and leaned against my door frame. "The special kind."

"What are we doing having a family meeting in my room?" I jumped off my bed and shoved past my twin sister to get to the kitchen.

Then there, stood Zacky, a brownie and a glass of milk in hand.

"Hey!" Val and I shouted at the same time.

Zacky smiled, trying to look innocent. Which worked surprisingly well with his milk mustache.

"How you girls doing this midnight?" Zacky asked.

Then, with a wave of crushing reality, time was put back into place. The clock on the stove finally saying 12:01.
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okay, not sure how this story will go...
i just wrote it off the top of my head without a plot...
comment if you like, otherwise i will delete it.