Caught in Midnight

Suck My Kiss

Brian’s house was huge. I had only been in it a good four times, and I had never been on the first floor. He had a basement that had a huge TV and an in-home studio that housed everything he needed to play around with the sounds of guitar. And there was also a bar down there. Never forget the bar.

Nevertheless, the other four members of the band and their girlfriends never felt the need to go anywhere except for the basement. What was on the other two floors was a mystery to me.

I followed Brian’s car down an unfamiliar street. Which only made sense because I only ever flew to his house. Then the times when I went over with Val and the guys, it wasn’t from Wal Mart.

We pulled into a circle driveway that circled around the house to the back where the garage was. I got out of the car while Brian was ahead at the door unlocking the house.

“Come on in,” Brian said and motioned for me to enter first. I did and I came to one of the most familiar parts of the house. It was a wide hallway with two doors, one that went down straight to the basement, the other, I’m guessing, to the home floor.

Brian chuckled. “Well, I guess it is kind of weird for you to be going into the house-house.”

“Yeah,” I answered, at much loss at saying anything else.

Brain sorted through some of the plastic bags and left a couple by the basement door. “That’s all the junk food that I keep down stairs for the guys.” He told me. “Now that that’s done, to the right.”

I opened the door to the right and there was a small flight of broad stairs going upward. I made my way into a very bright kitchen.

The white marble counters glistened cleanly and there were a ton of electrical cooking appliances. The fridge was white and huge, the stove white… and huge. Then where a small cherry wood dining table stood, there were huge floor to ceiling bay windows that stretched to be the entire length of the rest of the room. Also sporting, you guessed it, white sheer curtains.

“What do you think?” Brian asked and began putting food away into his white fridge.

“I think you’re a little racist.” I answered.

“What do you mean?” Brian asked with a furrowed brow.

I couldn’t help but smile. He looked cute when he was confused. “Everything’s so white in here.” I answered.

“Oh,” He said, finally understanding. “Well, don’t tell the guys, but I don’t think gray’s or black’s belong in the kitchen. It makes it look dirty, even when it’s not.”

“Okay, now why don’t you want me telling the others about this?”

“Because, I like to cook.” He said, sending me a boyish smile.

“Wow.” I said. I never thought of Brian as the cooking type.

Brian threw the remaining bags into the trash can. “Now that you’ve seen my kitchen, wanna see the rest?”

“Sure.” I said. If the kitchen was this surprising, then I wondered about the rest of the house.

The next room over was the living room. It had a TV and couches and easy chairs that nicely went with the color scheme of the curtains. It didn’t look like he spent much time in this room. Other than the bookshelves that took up most of the wall space. There was also a fireplace, but I doubt that was used much in California.

“I mostly just read in here… when I ever read.” Brian told me.

I smiled. “I can tell.”

“Okay, back up the stairs.”

There was a staircase between the kitchen and living room that he led me up. There was a hallway and three doors.

“There’s two bedrooms and two bathrooms up here.” Brian supplied and we went into the guest room, I knew was the guest room because the full sized bed in here just had a regular white comforter on it and not much else was in the room. Plus the bed was made.

“Then there’s my bedroom,” Brian said and we went down a bit farther to another door.

This room I recognized. The bed was a king sized with an overly stuffed black comforter with white sheets and the whole thing looked like a tornado had hit it. A computer and chair sat opposite a wide window. His guitar rested on the wall next to the closet. A basket of clean clothes sat beside the guitar also. I was guessing clean since they were folded.

“Sorry, I’m a bit messy. I never really thought I’d have a cute girl in here anytime soon.” Brian said and sat down on the unmade bed.

“You should see my room.” I told him.
Brian smirked. “Especially since Zacky was in there.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s just a bomb no matter where he goes.”

“Oh,” Brian said. “I never heard of Zack’s sex life as a ‘bomb’”. Brian said and air-quoted my words.

“Oh, no. I don’t have sex with Zacky.” I told Brain, and chuckled. “He’s my boss, that would be weird.” Not to mention him being more of an annoying little brother.

“He’s always waking up in your bedroom.” Brian said, trying to get the truth out of me that I was already telling him.

“Psh, I wish I knew why.” I really did want to know why now. He was always falling asleep in my room, or in the hallway in front of the bedroom door. One day we’ll have to switch. I sleep in his bedroom floor one day.

“Why not have sex with Zacky?” Brian asked. “He’s obviously trying to.”

That was it, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I died laughing. Just the thought of me doing the deed with dweeb called Zacky was just too much. Sure, he was adorable and it was funny how he was a chubby vampire, but eww! I couldn’t do Zack.

“Well I guess you and him aren’t really into eachother.” Brian said at my break down.

“Nope.” I said in agreement after I caught my breath.

“Well, there must be a reason why. Zacky’s reasonably attractive.” Brian said casually.

“There has to be a reason?” I asked.

“Yeah, let’s talk about it.” Brian said and patted a spot beside him on the bed. I obliged and sat down beside him.

“Now, what’s one of your propositions of why I won’t sleep with Zackary Baker?” I asked him.

“You could either be lesbian.” Brian said.

I shook my head. “Proud to be a dick lover.”

Brian laughed. “Or you like someone else.”

My stomach clenched and swerved. Wow, he could be dead on.

“Oh! That’s it! You like someone else.” Brian said in some sort of triumph.

“I guess I can’t deny it.” I told him.

“Well, who is it?” I nearly jumped.

“Why do you want to know?”

“So we could keep talking.”

“Why do you want us to keep talking?”

Brian paused and looked away from my eyes. “Because I kinda lost that form with my solo on it.”

I felt my jaw drop, all that, for this? But he wasn’t done talking.

He turned back to me and I met his dark brown eyes. And something was different, something triggered.

I could hear the plush, moist beating of his heart. The soft roar of life pulsing through him. A pounding ache echoed through my gums and my teeth began to extend. I could hear his voice, but not make out any of his words.

Then, before I could think I pressed my lips against his. There was momentary hesitation in his part, but he soon caught on. His tongue moved across my bottom lip and gained his access. But I had to make him stop. My hazy mind knew that much. I had a bad case of razor teeth at the moment. I pulled back.

“Michelle,” he murmured and his hand rose up and his fingertips grazed against the skin of my cheek. It sent fire down my spinal cord.

“I have to go.” I told Brian.

“What? Why?” He asked, bewildered.

“I have groceries to get home.” I said and got up off the bed towards the door.

“Oh, okay.” I got up too and followed me down stairs

“Wow, I think you can read minds.” Brian said as we went through the kitchen.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“I was just about to tell you that I liked you, and then you just kissed me.” Brian told me.

“Well, I heard you say it.” I lied.

Brian chuckled. “I didn’t even get the full sentence out.”

“Oh,” I said and began down the steps and through the door that led to the garage.

“Wait, Michelle.” Brian said.

I turned, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me gently towards him. “Can I kiss you this time?” he asked, he face so close to mine.

I knew that the answer should be no, but my body wasn’t listening and I felt my head nod.

We kissed again except this time it was softer, and no teeth ruined it.

“Bye.” I said as we pulled apart. I walked out into the garage and sat down in the car seat.

“Wait!” I hear Brian call.

“What?” I asked.

“Is it me? The one you like?” He asked.

I just smiled and looked at him. “I’ll let you figure that one out.” I told him and pulled out of the garage.
♠ ♠ ♠
the chapter title is the name of the song that i have stuck in my head.
its Red Hot Chili Peppers. damn them.
