Caught in Midnight

Feeling Fangy

“Its about damned time you got home.” Val said, ambushing me as I came through the front door of the apartment, laden with white plastic bags.

“Did you get everything on the list?” She asked and picked a couple of the bags out of my hands and began to rifle through them. “Tomatoes, oranges, roast…”

“Check, check, and check.” I said and set the rest of the bags down on the kitchen counter. I could not help but notice the fake gray laminate. Brian would not approve of the lack of clean whiteness.

“You forgot carrots.” Val stated as she began putting up groceries.

“No I didn’t.”

“Yeah, you did.” she argued.

“Yes, mother.” I snorted.

“Twin, remember?”

“Yes, master!” I said over exaggerating it.

“That’s more like it. Did you get that form from Matt?” Val asked.

“Nope. Brian said he had it, but he apparently lost it.” I told her.

“What?!” Val yelled as the apartment door opened.

“What’s up, Doc?” said Johnny as he walked in with a small baggy of carrots. “Some one dropped their orange sticks.”

“Nuh-uh, John-John. Those are traffic directory lights that cops use when the lights don’t work.” Jimmy shouted coming in behind Johnny.

“Thanks.” Val snapped and snatched the carrots away from Johnny all the while sending me dirty hell-bent looks. My sister’s a good multi-tasker.

“What bit your booty, blondie?” Jimmy asked and leaned over her.

“You’re to be damned lead guitarist.” Val sneered.

Johnny opened his mouth to ask why, but there was no need. “He lost a very important, very official documents for copyright.”

“Ah, that was because darling Michelle distracted him so.” Jimmy said with an old timey drawl and patted my head.

“What do you mean?” Val asked suspiciously and her eyes darted back to me. Yep, still hell-bent.

“They had a couple of heated smooches, if you know what I mean?” Jimmy waggled his eyebrows at me.

Johnny started laughing from his spot beside me.

Val’s stare got all the much worse.

“I need to go to bed.” I said and sprinted to me room.

I really needed sleep.


Vampires were different. Especially Valary and me. She was never actually bitten. It was me who altered our destiny.

I was bitten by a blond hunk named Henry who also altered my genetics to include wings just like him.

Val had always been up during the secret hour ever since I had been turned. Henry said it was because we were identical twins and we shared a lot in common. I argued with the theory, but you couldn’t argue with some one that could be your great, great, great, great great, grandfather to the thousandth power. I think it has to do with respecting your elders or some shit.

Henry had left me when he was sure I could survive on my own, and soon after that I discovered that Zacky had been turned by a different vampire when he was in his late teens. I had been turned when I was twenty.

I think the whole vamp thing made us merge into friends.

Then the blood deal was true, but not nearly as often. We might as well have a bit more fierce form of anemia.


My eyes snapped open’ my head swam temporarily before my eyes adjusted. I normally woke up before the midnight hour was upon me. Mostly because of the twitching in my back that meant my wings were unfurling from beneath the skin.

I glanced over at my alarm clock. Never had I woken up nearly a full hour before twelve. There was also something different.

An annoying thud pounded in my head. It sent my heart whizzing with blood much faster that normal.

The pulse became specific to two twin beats in my gums. I moaned at the incredible pain of my teeth retracting fro the soft flesh.

My body thrashed and my growing fingernails ripped at my sheets. Never had I felt bloodlust to this dangerous of an extent. I had heard of it, Henry had told me. This happened when you were pulled to a certain individual person. A certain person that contained a bloodline that was just like Zacky and me.

This was how we were turned. The unfortunate cause and effect of vampirism. Some vampire some where had a very severe tooth ache.

I wanted to mump out of my bedroom window and hunt down this person. Anything to stop the throbbing and the thirst. But I couldn’t do this now. I had to wait 45 more minutes for the world to freeze. Then I could free myself.

The next 30 minutes felt like a lifetime. I couldn’t hold myself in anymore. My muscles were quivering from me trying to stop myself from breaking into full spring.

Suddenly, my control broke. Inside, I felt disappointed that I had cracked, but that feeling was drained quickly. A growl echoed down my hollow, dry throat as I jumped to my window sill and I leaped down the two stories.

I landed lightly on bent knees. It was a Saturday night and the city was alive. I dept to the shadows, and prowled. I recognized the sound of a german engine as it turned and approached down the series of apartments that I lived in. The car parked in a section near me.

The person got out, and the night wind hit and the scent of light male cologne sent a surge of memory through me. The One.

I crept forward towards him, his inky black hair glowed in a yellow halo as he started for the steps up to the section of apartments. My lip curled and my tongue ran over the extended canines.

He was a pretty good sized man. His muscles were lightly toned beneath the tight wife beater and his walk was a confident gait. He was be hard to be brought down by a 115 pound female, but I was something he wasn’t.

This would be almost too easy.

I didn’t want to kill him. Just a taste. He wasn’t meant to die, something more. Something like me.

A snarl filled my mouth and he turned. No! Don’t do this! the human voice in me screamed. I launched my self up at him as he turned, and very suddenly something hit me in my side like a missile.

No, someone hit me in my side and we both went rolling off the sidewalk to stop in the cover between two parked cars. Damn him.

The One turned, I could hear his heel scraping against the concrete. “What the fuck?” He murmured, but after a moment he began up the metal steps.

I hissed and struggled against Zacky’s strong arms.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Zacky whispered as he had to pull and push his full body weight to prevent me from getting away and going after Him.

“Hold it in Michelle.” Zacky grunted as I began throwing my body against him with all my might. He was letting Him get away. The One.

Suddenly, a perfect calm overruled me. Midnight had finally arrived. I stopped thrashing against Zacky and relaxed on the oily pavement. My teeth began their painful descent back in my gums.

“Shit.” Zacky cursed as he raised up to sitting position. “Care to explain why you tried to kill Brian?”
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sorry it took me so long to update.