A Kiss Before He Goes

This fanfic is written in crappy quality, idk read it but it was my first one so it's not written that well.
  1. Chpt. 1
    Frank just moved to this school, && it's mid-year
  2. Chpt. 2
    This is the part where Gerard + Frank introduce each other to each other
  3. Chpt. 3
    School. My Chemical Romance/Pencey Prep.
  4. Chpt. 4
    Some Pencey Prep/My Chemical Romance linking, Ray and Matt do something you'd never ever expect.
  5. Chpt. 5
    Apparently Frankie has A.D.D.
  6. Chpt. 6
    Revenge. (Gee puts the "laughter" in "slaughter")
  7. Chpt. 7
    Apparently Frank isn't the only person who's school life is shitty. But he's in for a surprise.
  8. Chpt. 8
    WARNING! Contains/promotes drugs.