A Kiss Before He Goes

Chpt. 8

[b:{Frank's P.O.V.}:
We're outside, beyond school grounds even.
We've probably been walking for about a quarter of a mile, I'm guessing?
"Here, follow me but be quick and silent, you hear?" Mikey tells me.
I nod. Where's he taking me anyways?
"Now, there are gonna be a lot of bushes and sticks and shit, but just keep silent." Gerard way assures.
"Okay, but where are we—"
I was cut off short by Gerard closing my mouth with his hand.
I nod. I have no choice.

So we close in more to this woods and I'm wondering why the brothers are taking me here. Or better yet…if there are spiders in there.
Mikey starts running, Gerard follows and I copy.
"Shh not so loud you're gonna draw attention!" Mikey warns.
I focus on my steps, then get quieter, Mikey praises me and we move on deeper into the woods.

If you were ever in the woods you've probably stumbled upon a small patch of young trees, where you have to either vandalize and cut the branches yourself or push them out of the way so that you can go through. Well this is what us 3 are coming across.

"Um Gerard…"
"Hold on, we've gotta get through this shit blocking our way."
"One minute Frankie…"
"This bunch of baby trees got bigger than last time, we don't have any time to—"
"Um.. There's a spider on that branch over there."
"Yeah, so?"
"… Shit."
Luckily, Mikey came over and killed it.
He's my hero now.
"yeah, no problem I guess? Let's get back to work."

We get through the branch-like tree trunks, then walk a little more and stop where it seems like we're lost and gonna starve.
But I trust these guys, they probably know where they are.

Gerard takes a small plastic bag out of his school bag and it's filled with shredded green things.
He takes out a few scraps of paper, too.
Mikey holds a lighter.

"Gee, what are you doing?" I ask him, gingerly.
"Promise not to tell anyone?" He checks.
"Yeah..I wouldn't tell anyone anyways."
"This stuff is good for you."

I take the joint after he rolls it up, put it in my mouth Mikey lights it up and I take a drag of it.
Gerard just stares at me.

"Ah, it's been such a long time since I've had one of these babies…feels good to do this again."
Gerard smiles, Mikey smirks, and Gerard passes the second joint to Mikey then rolls up another one and we are all smoking these joints now, feeling high as a kite after a matter of 3 minutes.