Rose of the Devil's Garden


_______Have you ever had one of those nightmares where your running and running and you never get anywhere? Its like the same scenery goes past you a million times. . . kind of like a bad Flintstones show.
_______That’s all it was. A bad Flintstones show. I just kept running with the same trees going past me over and over again. I didn’t know what to do. What was I running from in the first place? I don’t know whether to stop or keep running. I was scared. I wanted to look over my shoulder and see what it was behind me but I didn’t want to risk tripping and falling flat on my face while I get attacked by what ever it was chasing after me.
_______I could hear someone yelling my name over and over again. I just couldn’t figure out who the voice belonged to, ‘cause it was so far away. I could barely make out what they were saying. I could feel my heart in my chest ready to thump out on to the ground already. It felt like it was going faster than I was at the moment.
_______I was getting to the point where my legs couldn’t carry me any further. I felt like at any moment my legs and my lungs were going to team up on me and make me collapse on the hard ground. The ground at this point didn’t seem so bad.
_______I could hear that they were getting closer every step I took. “Raven.” I could almost make out who was yelling my name. “Raven Autumn Briggs!”
_______My eyes grew big with the voice. I knew who it was. The voice made my legs take me further than I wanted to go. I wanted to keep running but the voice made me want to stop and scream.
_______By this time I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. The voice reminded me of a very far past that I didn’t want to get in to. The voice grew louder and louder. I knew he was getting closer. Yelling for me to stop.
_______Now I could see something new at the end of the path way of trees. I couldn’t exactly make out what it was. I could make out a figure, but all I could see was a dark outline of a person. They where holding their hand out towards me so that I could take it. I didn’t know whether I wanted to reach out to this mysterious person or not.
_______As I got closer and closer to the person, I still couldn’t make out who it was. What dose that mean? Were they someone I knew or who I was going to meet? I could now make out a man but I still couldn’t make out his face.
_______As I kept running I couldn’t seem to get any closer to him. It was like I was staying in one spot. This made me run faster and faster. But I was getting no where. The trees beside me kept moving past me.
Soon I realized that everything around me turned white and I stopped running. I slowly turned around and the carrier of the voice stopped as well. He kept a far pace from me. But I could see every thing about him. The mysterious man was still standing there. His face was blank but I could now see what he was wearing.
_______The man wore a black button up shirt with a nice white tie. He had an over coat on that hung loosely over his body. His pants where a black color. His hair was slightly shoulder length. His hands looked very smooth and soft. It was very tempting to reach out and take his hand.
_______I turned towards the man that I was running from. Cringing as I looked to his face. It held so much hate.
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tell me what you think and if I should keep writing!!!
please I beg you!