Rose of the Devil's Garden


_______I looked to the voices face and wondered what he was thinking. There is only so much that could be going through his mind right now and none of it can be good. I froze instantly when he laid those dark, hurtful eyes on me. I didn’t know what to do. My body wouldn’t move at all. I wanted to look away towards my mysterious man; but something about his stare, made my body cringe.
_______“Why do you look so scared Raven?” he asked. His voice was harsh and mean. It sent shivers down my body as he spoke. I hated it when he spoke my name.
_______He moved closer towards me. “Don’t be scared Raven. It’s just me.” he said in a low voice. He was getting closer now. A very uncomfortable closeness which made me wince. He kept walking. I wanted to turn and run my body wouldn’t take me. “Stay away.” I managed to push between my lips. I came out dry and low. I almost thought he didn’t hear me.
_______“Awe poor Raven. Why? Don’t you miss me?” he hissed at me.
_______He was so close now that he reached out and stroked his fingers down my face. I looked up at him as he toward over me. His face was as solid as stone and he had no expression. His hair was just as I remembered it. Long and shaggy. I hated how much I loved him at one point. He was still as gorgeous as when I first met him.
_______“Don’t touch me you monster.” I growled at him between my clinched teeth.
_______“Awe my Raven. . . don’t be so hasty.” he said as he kept stroking my face.
_______His hand was cold and rough. I hated him touching me like this. I winced when he grabbed my shoulders. I fell limp in his hands and looked away. I didn’t know who he was anymore. I wanted to cry and scream for help but when I opened my mouth nothing came out.
_______“Raven. Your coming home with me.” he said as he picked me up.
_______“NO!” I screamed. I tried my hardest to get from his grip but he was to strong. I kicked and punched as much as I could but there was no prevail.
_______“Raven. Raven!” I felt him shaking me by my shoulders now. I looked up at him and there was my dad.
_______“Raven wake up. Your dreaming!” he said as I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Are you okay hun?” my dad asked sitting down next to me on my bed.
_______“Yeah. . .yeah I was just having a really bad nightmare. I’m okay now though. Thanks.” I said putting on a fake simile. I just wanted my dad to leave.
_______“Are you sure. ‘Cause I can stay if you want-”
_______“NO! No dad I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. I was just a dream. I’ll be fine.” I said looking down at my sheet.
_______I knew I wasn’t going to be fine. I just wanted my dad to leave now so I can cry in peace. It’s what happens after every nightmare of him.
_______“OK if you’re sure you’re fine. You know me and your mom are in the other room if you need.” he said getting up off my bed.
_______“Yes dad I know. Now go. I’ll be fine I promise.” I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.
_______“OK love you. Good-night.” he said and gave me a kiss on my forehead.
_______As soon as he shut my door I broke down. I couldn’t keep doing this. Night after night after night. My body couldn’t take the pain. I didn’t want to fall asleep again in fear of him. I glanced over at my clock which read three thirty AM. My head was spinning by now from the water that ran down my cheeks.
_______I got up and walked quietly to the bathroom. As soon as my feet hit the floor I was in the cabinet looking for aspirin. I closed the cabinet and dragged myself over to the sink. I looked into the mirror and sighed. I looked like a mess and I felt just as bad. I’ve spent two months trying to get over the monster in my dream; but every moment I spent trying to be free of him, he was there. My body shivered at the thought of him.
_______I dragged myself back to my room and flopped onto my bed. What was I going to do? I just can’t fall asleep now knowing he’s going to be there. And who was that man? I’ve never dreamt of him before. And I sure I have never seen him before. I mean my mind could be making up someone who can help me. My mind does that a lot. . . But there was something strange about him. He had no face.
_______This puzzled me for about a good hour before my brain kicked in to sleep mode. What was I going to do? Do I ignore the mysterious man or do I search for him in more dreams?

_______BUZZ was all I heard as my eyes snapped open in the morning. I looked over at my clock, which had woken me up out of a dreamless sleep, and pushed down the snooze button. It read eight-thirty, but I felt more like six. I rolled myself out of bed and headed downstairs. The kitchen was very wide and had an island in the middle. The color of it was very pleasant and calm.
_______I dragged my body to the refrigerator and grabbed the milk. I set it down on the counter and searched for the cereal. GAH! New house new cabinets. Once I found it hiding above the refrigerator I pored me a bowl. I slumped over to the island and sat at my chair and ate. My eyes roamed around the new kitchen and out the window. The back yard was very wide and had no grass. . .yet I thought as I took another spoonful. I’ll plant the grass if I have to.
_______The woods to the left were very dark and gloomy. My mind wondered to the possibility of going in. Of course today of all days, is just not the day to do that. I looked to the bottom of the stairs and sighed. The boxes that I have to carry up and unpack, sat there screaming at me to do it.
_______Once I was done eating I rinsed my bowl and walked to the stairs. I stood there and looked at the boxes for a second and huffed. I’ll do it after a shower. I trudged up the steps and made it to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I really needed the shower ASAP. I slowly took off my cloths and threw them in my hamper. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water to my liking.
_______Once out of the shower and in my room getting my cloths on, did I feel like a normal person. My head now was on getting down stairs and bringing up boxes that I missed yesterday. I flew down the steps and stopped when I almost ran into my dad.
_______“Oh hey Rave. How did you sleep after you woke up?” he asked walking into the kitchen.
_______“Eh, fine I guess. It was a dreamless sleep. So better at least.” I said.
_______“Good. What are your plans today? Going to roam around Westcliff?” he asked pouring himself a cup of coffee.
_______“Nah, not today. I’m going to finish unpacking and what not.” I said grabbing a box and heading up the stairs.
_______“Oh and Rave. . . Don’t for get you start school tomorrow.”
_______“Oh yeah.” I said sighing.
_______Great school. What every kid wants to think about on the weekends. Strange faces staring at me all day. “Look it’s the new kid. Lets make her feel uncomfortable. Yay!” I cringed at the thought. That’s all I need is to be the new kid. I set the box down and started to unpack.
_______Hello me.
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Yeah I know it's a long chapter but I hope you like it.
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