

In her room, crying, she crawled into bed. Every night she repeated this. Every night she was beaten and screamed at. Every night she was to tears by the man that was supposed to protect her. Her long black hair clung to her tear stained cheeks as she cursed the world. She didn't deserve to be put through this hell. She'd finally had enough. For sixteen long years this had been happening. She couldn't kill herself though. She honestly believed she would go to hell if she did. She prayed every night for a greater power to take her. This night her prayer was answered.

He came. A bright white light glowed in her room, and a figure clad in black walked out of it. His wings unfolded, revealing them to be battered and broken. He looked at her with big blue-green eyes, his black and red hair fell into his face. He walked to her bed, picking her up effortlessly. Bridal style he carried her into the light. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. As he carried her, she felt her imperfections melt away. Her scars and wounds, cuts and scabs all gone.

He came to a stop. In a room, he sat her down in a corner then sat across from her.

"Who are you?"

"Your guardian angel."

"I thought all my angels left me a long time ago." She said aside.

"I didn't."

She noticed his pale skin was bruised. And he was bleeding from various spots.

"What happened? You're hurt."

"This is all the pain that's been inflicted upon you throughout your life." He said gesturing to all of his wounds and marks.

"I don't understand."

"I feel all the pain that you've suffered. I've felt it each time you were beaten. Each time you fell. Each time you cried, I cried. I've felt all of your pain, sorrow, and anger. All of that stays with me. It stays until you've been rescued from everything that hurts you."

"Then you must be in horrible pain."

"I am. Which is why I came to take you away from all that."

"Thank you."

A monstrous creature came into the room. She let out a yelp and pointed at it. He turned around just in time for the creature to to swat him aside and come after her. He tackled it to the ground.

"What is that thing?" She cried out to him.

"It's the embodiment of all the evil you've been put through."

"What's it doing here?"

"It wants you. If I don't defeat it, it'll take you to hell where you'll relive all the bad in your life."

She began to cry. She didn't want to experience all that again. She rested her head on her knees, which she'd pulled up to her chest, rocking back and forth. He knocked the demon out temporarily. He went to her, lifting up her chin.

"Just stay here. Shh, it'll be okay. I promise." With that he kissed her. "I love you." He whispered and went back to the demon.

How can he love me? We just met today.

The battle between her angel and demon went on. It seemed to go on for days. Eventually the angel was struck down. She ran to him.

"Are you okay? Please get up." She pleaded, cradling him in her lap.

He didn't answer her. He looked into her eyes, caressing her face softly with his hand. A tear slipped out of the corner of his eye.

"Please, please. Get up. You have to get up." She cried, tears streaming down her face. Then she leaned down to him, kissing his full pink lips. "Please. I love you too."

He smiled at her. He seemed to strengthen with each passing second. She helped him stand. He leaned in to kiss her. A kiss filled with love, slow and quiet. They each pulled away.

The demon, which seemed to have disappeared for a time, came back. It laughed monstrously.

"You make me sick." It said in a disturbingly familiar voice.

"That's my father's voice." She whispered into his ear fearfully.

He squeezed her hand and directed her to go back to the corner. She did so and sat down. This time around the angel was too strong for the demon, defeating it swiftly. He walked back over to her and helped her up. A bright white light appeared on the other side of the room. As they walked into it he took her hand in his. They entered another room. This one being big, white and puffy like a cloud. A man in a white robe appeared before them.

"Is this her?" He asked the angel.

"Yes this is her." He looked down at her and smiled.

"You may pass. I know of your history, young one. You deserve to be here more than most." The old man smiled at her.

The angel and the girl passed the through the gates. Into a better place. They walked into a building, all dark and puffy, like a storm cloud. She passed by a full length mirror and was startled by her reflection.


"You've always been pretty."

"No, no I haven't. The first time you took me through the light, I felt myself change." She said looking at him. To her surprise all his bruises and cuts were gone as well.

"Those were just slight imperfections. Things no one should care about. You're beautiful, you always have been and you always will be."

She blushed and smiled. He turned her around and pulled her close. He leaned his forehead to hers and smiled.

"How come you love me?" She asked just above a whisper.

"Because I do."

"But we just met."

"I've known you all your life. And a part of you has known me just as long. I know everything about you. Just as you know everything about me."

"So you know why I actually had that scar on my wrist and how I feel about things?"

"Yes, I know everything."

"Oh... I don't think I know everything about you."

"You do, trust me."

They shared another kiss, and will continue to do so for the rest of eternity.