Callicas Boarding School For Otherworld Youth

Chapter 9- Arrows and Pillow Fights

After lunch, I walked alone out to the field house for archery. I don’t really know why I signed up for it, seeing as how I’ve never done it in my life. But hey, it’s always good to try new things. Walking into the field house, I joined the group of kids standing in a semi-circle around the teacher. While the teacher was talking about the basics of archery, my gaze kind of sort of wandered to my right. Low and behold, it was the hag and her little minions, again. Gwen in all her haggish glory was practically throwing herself at some guy whose face I couldn’t see.

Once the teacher, Ms. Robin (yeah, I found it ironic too) told us to get a bow and a set of arrows, I saw him turn around and caught a glimpse of the guys face. Guess who it was? Yep, it was Ronan.

With my mind stuck on him I didn’t really notice what I was doing until I found myself standing about 20ft away from the target I was supposed to shoot. After setting a arrow on my bow I was about to shoot, but got a little distracted when I saw Gwen shoot and totally and completely miss then stomp her foot and pout in what I bet she thought was a sexy way (even though I think it made her look like she was about to barf).

Letting myself smirk a little, I focused back on the target. After feeling for the center of it, as weird as that sounds, I let the arrow fly from my bow and watched it land in the exact center of the target.

Smiling to myself, I grabbed another arrow and set it on the bow. Feeling for the center again, I let the arrow go and watched once more as it hit the target dead center, splitting my first arrow. Stunned and a bit curious, I grabbed another arrow and felt for the center.

Then I, and as it seemed, the rest of the class watched as it split my second arrow. No one was shooting any arrows, now all eyes were trained on me and not a word was whispered.

“Umm…” I started fidgeting with my bow, and the teacher walked up to me.

“Young lady, I take it you’ve done archery before?” Ms. Robin asked me.

“Actually, I’ve never picked up a bow and arrow ever in my whole life, so that would be a no.” I told her.

“Amazing! You’re a natural. I think that since you are obviously at such a higher level than the rest of the class, that I should find you something a tad bit more challenging.” she told me.

“Sure, I guess.” was all I could think of saying.

“Well okay then. The rest of you get back to your targets.” she told the class.

Alone once again with my target, I grabbed one more arrow, and just out of curiosity I set the arrow on the bow and closed my eyes. Feeling once more for the target, I let it fly and heard the distinct sound of wood splitting.

Then the bell rang and we all put up the equipment. After gathering my books, Gwen walked up and shoved my left shoulder with her right shoulder, causing all my books to go flying. “Freak.” she said laughing and walking out of the room. Bending down to gather up all my books for the second time that day, a pair of hands grabbed my last book and stood up and handed it to me.

“Here you go. Again.” Ronan said with a laugh then walked off.

“Thanks. Again.” I said to the empty room. Jeez, did the guy just not know how to say good bye? Men. I will never understand them.

After checking the map of the campus I had, I made my way down to the music hall for my last class of the day, Orchestra. Seeing as how it was the first day, we all just sat in random seats in our sections. Sitting in one of the chairs in what would be the violin section. Then I proceeded to put my books and my bag on the ground beside my chair and then waved at Tristian across the room, in the cello section.

Then the director walked in the room and we all immediately got quiet. The director, Mrs. Reeves, told us about how she would be giving us a piece of music that we must all learn over the next week, and then we would have a chair test over it to determine where we would be sitting for the rest of the semester. Then we just got music and were assigned instruments for the rest of the period. After the bell rang, me and Tristian headed out towards the dorms, so that we could chill out until lunch.

Instead of going off to our separate rooms, we just went back to mine. After looking around my room, he said, “It’s very you, Elle. Got to admit though,” he said after flopping down on my bed, “I like your bed the best.” he ended with a wink and a grin.

“Oh pa-lease.” I said to him then grabbed one of my pillows and smacked him upside the head.

“Oh, really now Ellez? Do you think you can win in a pillow fight with moi? I think not.” he said with a laugh and grabbed a pillow and we just started hitting each other until he lost his pillow and was on his back on my bed with his hands up in a defeated pose. “You win! You win!” he said.

“Yep yep, as always.” I said throwing my pillow back in its place on my now destroyed bed and turned to get off the bed until a set of arms grabbed me then threw me back on the bed and then before I knew it Tristian was straddling me.

Laughing I squirmed, trying to get out from him unsuccessfully, then looked up and saw that he stopped laughing and was starring at me really intensely. Then his head slowly lowered…
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Cliff hanger! Muhaha!!!! I really like this chapter. Thanks again to subscribers and people that comment. You wicked cool people. tehe! yeah...well hope ya like this one. tell me what you think. :)