Callicas Boarding School For Otherworld Youth

Chapter 24

*********normal p.o.v************

I didn’t feel any different when I woke up, but I also didn’t recognize anything around me for about a minute or two. Everything looked so different! Everything was so sharp and clear, that I could see the most tiniest details. I recognized my mom instantly, but then I saw the skinny boy with the limp brown hair and plain brown eyes. It took me a moment, but then I recognized the facial features and bad mess of acne he always had. “Tristian?” I had asked, and his face lit up with joy and I knew for sure it was him.

Then he told me I had fangs after I smiled at him, so naturally I had ran to a mirror to look at myself. Sure enough, I had me a nice set of pearly white fangs along with the rest of my now perfect teeth. Then I saw the rest of me. I looked so different! My hair was just a wild mass of curly milk chocolate brown strands with red tents. That and it no longer had a straw-like texture, cause now it was silky smooth. My nose was no longer to big for my face. Now it fit perfectly with the rest of my face and didn’t overshadow my now perfect full lips.

It was all so much more than anything I could hope for in my pre-changed state. Though I did notice my eyes were still Grey, except now they did this weird shimmer thing that I thought was wicked cool.

Before I could say anything more, people started rushing in the room to see me. Among them were all my roommates, and then a few of my teachers and even the school head mistress! Apparently a hybrid hadn’t survived the change in about four centuries so they were all extremely excited.

So there I was, sitting on my bed in a big old shirt that I stole from my mom years ago and a pair of shorts from Danica, that were a bit tight on me, but I couldn’t fit mine anymore so I just settled with what I could get. Finally everyone had left and it was just me and my mom.

“Well, I guess now it’s time to take you shopping for new clothes,” my mom said with a bright smile.

“Yeah,” I said and looked at what I had on. “That would be wise. Let me go put my shoes on.”

Then I found out that my feet were now about two sizes bigger. “Uh…” I started to say, but Mina walked in the room holding up a pair of flip flops. “How did you know I needed them right now?” I asked her.

All she did was tap her head and set the flip flops on the floor. “Because I saw you needing them,” she told me with a smile.

“That is way cool,” I said to her.

“I know,” she said with a laugh. Then she waved goodbye and left.

“Well, now that you’ve got shoes, lets go,” my mom said, leading the way out of the room.
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Well this one is sorta just a filler, and I'll have the next one up in a few hours. Oh, and BTW, my story is now rated 10 stars!!! Thank you everyone for reading and subscribing! You guys are just awesome!