Callicas Boarding School For Otherworld Youth

Chapter 27- the Beach

It was a beach, but unlike any beach I've ever seen before in my entire existence. The sand was tan, not black like it usually was in the Otherworld. And the water was a crystal blue that shimmered and shined in the bright sunlight. Stepping away from the door way, I kicked off my flip flops and walked over to the water and lightly put my foot in the water.

It was warm and had a weird texture compared to all the beaches I have been to. Shaking my head in confusion, I turned to walk away from the water when something shiny caught my eye in the water. Bending down, I reached in the water and picked up the weird shiny object. The instant my hand made contact with the object, it felt like a rush of power slammed into me and I was knocked backwards off my feet by the force of it.

I shook my head, trying to make the world stop spinning around me, and I looked down at the mysterious object. It was a weird black crystal attached to a thin silver chain that looked bright and new.

Finding this all just to be too much weirdness for a such a short period of time, I pocketed the necklace and headed back towards the door.

Then I saw it. The cliff. It looked exactly like it did in all of my visions. The only difference between this moment and the vision was the sky. In my dreams it was always a stormy Grey, but now it was a clear blue.

"Elizabeth!" I heard a voice call out to me. Turning around, I saw Ronan running across the sand to me. "Where have you been? I was starting to get worried about you."

"Well maybe if you hadn't run off like that, I wouldn't have had to walk around aimlessly for so long", I said with a defensive tone and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to upset you," he said looking sad.

"It's okay, I'm here now so is this your 'secret' little place?" I asked.

He gave me a wicked grin and nodded his head.

" where the hell are we? And why is the sand tan?" I asked.

"Well," he started. "This is the real world."