Callicas Boarding School For Otherworld Youth

Chapter 7

I was at the bottom of a cliff, walking through the sand along the oceans edge. Each wave bringing the water closer to me, but never quite touching. Looking up to the top of the cliff in front of a eerie looking forest, I noticed a boy starring down at me. I couldn’t make out his features, but for some reason unknown I was drawn to him.

Spotting a way to get up the cliff, a dangerous way I might add, I started to make my way up the cliff. Using various rocks and branches that stuck out the side of the cliff. Only when I was about a foot away from the top did I look up, up into a pair of the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

Being momentarily stunned by his eyes, I didn’t notice that I my fingers had relaxed and my grip on the rocks loosened, causing me to fall backwards. Thinking I was a goner for sure I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself to scream when a pair of hands shot out of nowhere and grabbed me by my forearms and lifted me up effortlessly onto the top of the cliff.

Setting me back on my feet and slowly letting go of my arms, he looked at me and I at him. I looked at his amazing green eyes, the ones that were almost the death of me, then I looked at the way his ebony hair floated gracefully in the salty breeze. I noticed how his face looked utterly beautiful and flawless. Green eyes with gold specks set into a boyish yet still masculine face. “Hello Elizabeth.”

Once hearing him say my full name in his deep, sexy voice, my legs decided to give out on me, though he caught me before I even hit the ground. Pulling me closer, he moved a strand of my reddish-brown hair out of my face and tilted my head upward. “So lovely.” he whispered as his lips slowly descended onto my mine with the lightest of kisses that sent electric shocks all through my body. Pulling back an inch, he grinned, then he really kissed me. Slow at first, but then it started getting quite heated. At one point my arms snaked around his neck and his arms held me as close as they could.

“Ellez!” a voice coming from the bottom of the cliff yelled. And faster than I could follow the boy hissed and jumped back a good 5ft from me, while the force of him moving away caused me to fall backwards over the edge of the cliff.

Knowing for sure that this time I would die, hitting the sandy ground with enough force that would probably break every bone in my body on impact, I fell towards the ground with my hair whipping past my face and my arms flailing.

Squeezing my eyes shut I readied myself for the impact, but in stead of hitting the sandy ground, a pair of strong arms caught me. Hoping that some how the boy on the cliff managed to get here in enough time to save me, I opened my eyes. But instead of seeing green eyes, I saw the bluest, most electrifying eyes that I have ever seen.


I shot up in bed, drenched in a fine layer of sweat. What in hell was that? Still groggy from the dream, I got up and sat on the edge of my bed. Rubbing furiously at my eyes and trying to make sense of that vivid dream. It had seemed so real.

Pushing it to the back of my mind I looked at the digital alarm clock on the night stand beside my bed. It was only 4:15pm, and classes wouldn’t start until 8. Sighing, I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower.

Once I was nice and dry and changed into a black button up shirt and a pair of blue jeans (we don’t have to wear school uniforms) I flopped back on my bed and started flipping through the school handbook, until Mina came in fresh from a shower and said we were all heading down for breakfast in fifteen minutes. After pulling on my converse and pulling my long brown hair into a high pony tail, I grabbed my book bag and met the girls in the living room and we all walked down to breakfast.