Granola Bar: A Love Story

A Problem Without A Solution


He approached me to "help" me with the problem. I could feel he felt the same thing as I did.

But, it was just so ... WRONG. today was the day. I was going to end it.

These feelings just had to stop! A co-worker relationship is not good. This could be bad. For me, for him, oh! The children!

The students are just like kids to us! Oh my god! And what will happen if we do get together? What if it doesn't work out?! What if-

"Hey? Hello??? Stacey!" he said, trying to catch my attention.

I was going off in my head! He's probably going to think I'm-


"Sorry! What was that again?" smooth stacey! *mentally slap myself*

"You were right. There is something wrong with this answer sheet." he responded.

"Yeah. So anyway I'll catch you later. I have to get ready before-"

"Jacobs! Lopez!" Taylor, Joanna, and Rosalie shouted as they walked into the room.

"Before THESE little monsters get here. Oh well, listen ladies, I gotta go make copies, I'll see you later." I said walking out the door.
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Not short, FUN SIZED! LoLz! It gets better! I promise!